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Bug #13762 failed litmus 0.11 test "lock_collection"
Submitted: 2008-04-24 01:51 UTC
From: hholzgra Assigned: hholzgra
Status: Assigned Package: HTTP_WebDAV_Server (version CVS)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: linux
Roadmaps: 1.2    

 [2008-04-24 01:51 UTC] hholzgra (Hartmut Holzgraefe)
Description: ------------ -> running `locks': [...] 32. lock_collection....... FAIL (LOCK on `/file.php/litmus/lockcoll/': 409 Conflict) 33. owner_modify.......... SKIPPED 34. notowner_modify....... SKIPPED 35. refresh............... SKIPPED 36. indirect_refresh...... SKIPPED 37. unlock................ SKIPPED [...]


 [2008-04-24 01:52 UTC] hholzgra (Hartmut Holzgraefe)
lock tests 33-37 might be skipped due to failure of test 32
 [2008-04-24 01:53 UTC] hholzgra (Hartmut Holzgraefe)
litmus log file 4_32_lock_collection.log for failed test: ******* Running test 32: lock_collection ******** req: Closing connection for non-idempotent request. Closing connection. Connection closed. Running pre_send hooks Sending request headers: LOCK /file.php/litmus/lockcoll/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost User-Agent: litmus/0.11 neon/0.26.3 Connection: TE TE: trailers Content-Length: 174 Content-Type: application/xml Depth: infinity Timeout: Second-3600 X-Litmus: locks: 32 (lock_collection) Sending request-line and headers: Connecting to Sending request body: Body block (174 bytes): [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <lockinfo xmlns='DAV:'> <lockscope><exclusive/></lockscope> <locktype><write/></locktype><owner>litmus test suite</owner> </lockinfo> ] Request sent; retry is 0. [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict [hdr] Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 00:50:57 GMT Header Name: [date], Value: [Thu, 24 Apr 2008 00:50:57 GMT] [hdr] Server: Apache/1.3.36 (Unix) PHP/5.2.6-dev Header Name: [server], Value: [Apache/1.3.36 (Unix) PHP/5.2.6-dev] [hdr] X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6-dev Header Name: [x-powered-by], Value: [PHP/5.2.6-dev] [hdr] X-Litmus-reply: locks: 32 (lock_collection) Header Name: [x-litmus-reply], Value: [locks: 32 (lock_collection)] [hdr] X-Dav-Powered-By: PHP class: HTTP_WebDAV_Server_Filesystem Header Name: [x-dav-powered-by], Value: [PHP class: HTTP_WebDAV_Server_Filesystem] [hdr] X-WebDAV-Status: 409 Conflict Header Name: [x-webdav-status], Value: [409 Conflict] [hdr] Transfer-Encoding: chunked Header Name: [transfer-encoding], Value: [chunked] [hdr] Content-Type: text/html Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html] [hdr] End of headers. [chunk] < 0 Got chunk size: 0 [hdr] End of headers. Running post_send hooks Running destroy hooks. Request ends.