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Bug #1186 raise a notice error on PEAR::Common $_packageName
Submitted: 2004-04-12 13:14 UTC
From: farell Assigned: cellog
Status: Closed Package: PEAR
PHP Version: 4.3.4 OS: Windows XP
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2004-04-12 13:14 UTC] farell
Description: ------------ When using PEAR_PackageFileManager 1.2.0 with recent PEAR 1.3.1 i got a notice error on $_packageName. my pear 1.3.1 installation has files below : PEAR.php,v 1.80 2004/04/03 06:28:13 cellog Exp Common.php,v 1.121 2004/03/12 18:22:48 pajoye Exp and of course PackageFileManager.php,v 1.33 2004/02/07 18:03:59 cellog Exp This error raised since i upgrade from PEAR 1.2.1 to PEAR 1.3.1 Oh and BTW i've also installed PHP5 RC1 with PHP 4.3.4 both as CGI modules. But as the variable $_packageName is not defined i don't think my previous remark is important. Actual result: -------------- Notice: Undefined property: _packageName in (...)\PEAR\PEAR\Common.php on line 1238


 [2004-04-27 04:26 UTC] cellog
I suspect this is a PEAR_PackageFileManager bug, but I'll move it back if not since I maintain both packages
 [2004-04-27 04:52 UTC] cellog
this is a PEAR bug, not sure what the best fix is yet
 [2004-04-30 01:59 UTC] cellog
This bug has been fixed in CVS. In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up at the end of next Sunday (CET) on In case this was a website problem, the change will show up on the website in short time. Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PEAR better. found and did a rather measly fix but the warning is gone :)