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Class: Text_Wiki_Parse_Default_Table

Source Location: /Text_Wiki-1.2.4/Text/Wiki/Parse/Default/Table.php

Class Overview


Parses for table markup.



  • Release: @package_version@



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class: Text_Wiki_Parse

Constructor for this parser rule.
Constructor for this parser rule.
Extract 'attribute="value"' portions of wiki markup.
Simple method to safely get configuration key values.
Abstrct method to parse source text for matches.
Abstract method to generate replacements for matched text.

Class Details

[line 37]
Parses for table markup.

This class implements a Text_Wiki_Parse_Default to find source text marked as a set of table rows, where a line start and ends with double-pipes (||) and uses double-pipes to separate table cells. The rows must be on sequential lines (no blank lines between them) -- a blank line indicates the beginning of a new table.

  • Author: Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
  • Version: Release: @package_version@

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$regex =  '/\n((\|\|).*)(\n)(?!(\|\|))/Us'

[line 53]

The regular expression used to parse the source text and find matches conforming to this rule. Used by the parse() method.

Type:   string
Overrides:   Array

[ Top ]

Method Detail

process   [line 87]

A process( array &$matches)

Generates a replacement for the matched text.

Token options are:

'type' => 'table_start' : the start of a bullet list 'table_end' : the end of a bullet list 'row_start' : the start of a number list 'row_end' : the end of a number list 'cell_start' : the start of item text (bullet or number) 'cell_end' : the end of item text (bullet or number)

'cols' => the number of columns in the table (for 'table_start')

'rows' => the number of rows in the table (for 'table_start')

'span' => column span (for 'cell_start')

'attr' => column attribute flag (for 'cell_start')

  • Return: series of text and delimited tokens marking the different table elements and cell text.
  • Access: public

Overrides Text_Wiki_Parse::process() (Abstract method to generate replacements for matched text.)


array   &$matches   —  The array of matches from parse().

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