[ class tree: Text_Wiki ] [ index: Text_Wiki ] [ all elements ]

Class: Text_Wiki

Source Location: /Text_Wiki-1.2.4/Text/Wiki.php

Class Overview

Parse structured wiki text and render into arbitrary formats such as XHTML.



  • Release: 1.2.4



Child classes:

This is the parser for the Default ruleset. For now, this simply extends Text_Wiki.

Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 39]
Parse structured wiki text and render into arbitrary formats such as XHTML.

This is the "master" class for handling the management and convenience functions to transform Wiki-formatted text.

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$delim =  "\31"

[line 197]

The delimiter for token numbers of parsed elements in source text.
  • Access: public

Type:   string

[ Top ]

$disable = array(

[line 99]

The list of rules to not-apply to the source text.
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$formatConf = array(
        'Docbook' => array(),'Latex'=>array(),'Pdf'=>array(),'Plain'=>array(),'Rtf'=>array(),'Xhtml'=>array())

[line 179]

Custom configuration for the output format itself.

Even though Text_Wiki will render the tokens from parsed text, the format itself may require some configuration. For example, RTF needs to know font names and sizes, PDF requires page layout information, and DocBook needs a section hierarchy. This array matches the $conf property of the the format-level renderer (e.g., Text_Wiki_Render_Xhtml).

In this array, the key is the rendering format name, and the value is an array of key-value configuration pairs corresponding to the $conf property in the rendering format rule.

  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$output =  ''

[line 249]

The output text

Type:   string

[ Top ]

$parseConf = array()

[line 130]

Custom configuration for rules at the parsing stage.

In this array, the key is the parsing rule name, and the value is an array of key-value configuration pairs corresponding to the $conf property in the target parsing rule.

For example:

  1.  $parseConf = array(
  2.      'Include' => array(
  3.          'base' => '/path/to/scripts/'
  4.      )
  5.  );

Note that most default rules do not need any parsing configuration.

  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$renderConf = array(
        'Docbook' => array(),'Latex'=>array(),'Pdf'=>array(),'Plain'=>array(),'Rtf'=>array(),'Xhtml'=>array())

[line 150]

Custom configuration for rules at the rendering stage.

Because rendering may be different for each target format, the first-level element in this array is always a format name (e.g., 'Xhtml').

Within that first level element, the subsequent elements match the $parseConf format. That is, the sub-key is the rendering rule name, and the sub-value is an array of key-value configuration pairs corresponding to the $conf property in the target rendering rule.

  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$renderingType =  'normal'

[line 325]

Temporary configuration variable

Type:   string

[ Top ]

$rules = array(

[line 50]

The default list of rules, in order, to apply to the source text.
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

Method Detail

Text_Wiki (Constructor)   [line 390]

$this Text_Wiki( [array $rules = null])


**DEPRECATED** Please use the singleton() or factory() methods.

  • See: self::__construct()
  • Access: public


array   $rules   —  The set of rules to load for this object. Defaults to null which will load the default ruleset for this parser.

[ Top ]

__construct (Constructor)   [line 359]

$this __construct( [mixed $rules = null])

A fix for PHP5.

**DEPRECATED** Please use the singleton() or factory() methods.

  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::Text_Wiki()


mixed   $rules   —  null or an array.

[ Top ]

addPath   [line 1327]

void addPath( string $type, string $dir)

Add a path to a path array.
  • Access: public


string   $type   —  The path-type to add (parse or render).
string   $dir   —  The directory to add to the path-type.

[ Top ]

addToken   [line 1141]

string|int addToken( string $rule, [array $options = array()], [boolean $id_only = false])

Add a token to the Text_Wiki tokens array, and return a delimited token number.
  • Return: By default, return the number of the newly-created token array element with a delimiter prefix and suffix; however, if $id_only is set to true, return only the token number (no delimiters).
  • Access: public


string   $rule   —  Rule
array   $options   —  An associative array of options for the new token array element. The keys and values are specific to the rule, and may or may not be common to other rule options. Typical options keys are 'text' and 'type' but may include others.
boolean   $id_only   —  If true, return only the token number, not a delimited token string.

[ Top ]

changeRule   [line 766]

void changeRule( string $old, string $new)

Change from one rule to another in-place.
  • Access: public


string   $old   —  The name of the rule to change from.
string   $new   —  The name of the rule to change to.

[ Top ]

deleteRule   [line 748]

void deleteRule( string $name)

Delete (remove or unset) a rule from the $rules property.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  The name of the rule to remove.

[ Top ]

disableRule   [line 802]

void disableRule( string $name)

Disables a rule so that it is not applied when parsing.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  The name of the rule to disable.

[ Top ]

enableRule   [line 786]

void enableRule( string $name)

Enables a rule so that it is applied when parsing.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  The name of the rule to enable.

[ Top ]

error   [line 1412]

object PEAR_Error error( string $message)

Simple error-object generator.
  • Access: public


string   $message   —  The error message.

[ Top ]

factory   [line 459]

Text_Wiki factory( [string $parser = 'Default'], [array $rules = null])

Returns a Text_Wiki Parser class for the specified parser.
  • Return: a Parser object extended from Text_Wiki
  • Access: public


string   $parser   —  The name of the parse to instantiate you need to have Text_Wiki_XXX installed to use $parser = 'XXX', it's E_FATAL
array   $rules   —  The rules to pass into the constructor {@see Text_Wiki::singleton} for a list of rules

[ Top ]

findFile   [line 1368]

string|bool findFile( array $type, string $file)

Searches a series of paths for a given file.
  • Return: The full path and file name for the target file, or boolean false if the file is not found in any of the paths.
  • Access: public


array   $type   —  The type of paths to search (template, plugin, or filter).
string   $file   —  The file name to look for.

[ Top ]

fixPath   [line 1393]

string fixPath( string $path)

Append a trailing '/' to paths, unless the path is empty.
  • Return: The fixed file path
  • Access: public


string   $path   —  The file path to fix

[ Top ]

getFormatConf   [line 652]

mixed getFormatConf( string $format, [mixed $key = null])

Get configuration for a specific format and key.
  • Return: The whole conf array if no key is specified, or the specific conf key value.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  The format to get config for.
mixed   $key   —  A key in the conf array; if null, returns the entire conf array.

[ Top ]

getParseConf   [line 515]

mixed getParseConf( string $rule, [string $key = null])

Get parser configuration for a specific rule and key.
  • Return: The whole conf array if no key is specified, or the specific conf key value.
  • Access: public


string   $rule   —  The parse rule to get config for.
string   $key   —  A key in the conf array; if null, returns the entire conf array.

[ Top ]

getPath   [line 1346]

array getPath( [string $type = null])

Get the current path array for a path-type.
  • Return: The array of paths for the requested type.
  • Access: public


string   $type   —  The path-type to look up (plugin, filter, or template). If not set, returns all path types.

[ Top ]

getRenderConf   [line 586]

mixed getRenderConf( string $format, string $rule, [string $key = null])

Get renderer configuration for a specific format, rule, and key.
  • Return: The whole conf array if no key is specified, or the specific conf key value.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  The render format to get config for.
string   $rule   —  The render format rule to get config for.
string   $key   —  A key in the conf array; if null, returns the entire conf array.

[ Top ]

getSource   [line 1090]

string getSource( )

Returns the parsed source text with delimited token placeholders.
  • Return: The parsed source text.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getTokens   [line 1105]

array getTokens( [array $rules = null])

Returns tokens that have been parsed out of the source text.
  • Return: An array of tokens.
  • Access: public


array   $rules   —  If an array of rule names is passed, only return tokens matching these rule names. If no array is passed, return all tokens.

[ Top ]

insertRule   [line 686]

void insertRule( string $name, [string $tgt = null])

Inserts a rule into to the rule set.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  The name of the rule. Should be different from all other keys in the rule set.
string   $tgt   —  The rule after which to insert this new rule. By default (null) the rule is inserted at the end; if set to '', inserts at the beginning.

[ Top ]

isError   [line 1429]

bool isError( &$obj, mixed $obj)

Simple error checker.
  • Return: True if a PEAR_Error, false if not.
  • Access: public


mixed   $obj   —  Check if this is a PEAR_Error object or not.
   &$obj   — 

[ Top ]

loadFormatObj   [line 1296]

bool loadFormatObj( string $format)

Load a format-render class file.
  • Return: True if loaded, false if not.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  format

[ Top ]

loadParseObj   [line 1218]

bool loadParseObj( string $rule)

Load a rule parser class file.
  • Return: True if loaded, false if not.
  • Access: public


string   $rule   —  name of rule to load

[ Top ]

loadRenderObj   [line 1266]

bool loadRenderObj( string $format, string $rule)

Load a rule-render class file.
  • Return: True if loaded, false if not.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  format
string   $rule   —  rule

[ Top ]

parse   [line 849]

void parse( string $text)

Sets the $_source text property, then parses it in place and retains tokens in the $_tokens array property.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The source text to which wiki rules should be applied, both for parsing and for rendering.

[ Top ]

popRenderCallback   [line 1065]

void popRenderCallback( )

Pop a render callback off the stack.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

registerRenderCallback   [line 1053]

void registerRenderCallback( mixed $callback)

Register render callback
  • Access: public


mixed   $callback   —  Callback

[ Top ]

render   [line 886]

string render( [string $format = 'Xhtml'])

Renders tokens back into the source text, based on the requested format.
  • Return: The transformed wiki text.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  The target output format, typically 'xhtml'. If a rule does not support a given format, the output from that rule is rule-specific.

[ Top ]

setFormatConf   [line 622]

void setFormatConf( string $format, string $key, [string $val = null])

Set format configuration for a specific rule and key.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  The format to set config for.
string   $key   —  The config key within the format.
string   $val   —  The config value for the key.

[ Top ]

setParseConf   [line 486]

void setParseConf( string $rule, array|string $arg1, [string $arg2 = null])

Set parser configuration for a specific rule and key.
  • Access: public


string   $rule   —  The parse rule to set config for.
array|string   $arg1   —  The full config array to use for the parse rule, or a conf key in that array.
string   $arg2   —  The config value for the key.

[ Top ]

setRenderConf   [line 551]

void setRenderConf( string $format, string $rule, array|string $arg1, [string $arg2 = null])

Set renderer configuration for a specific format, rule, and key.
  • Access: public


string   $format   —  The render format to set config for.
string   $rule   —  The render rule to set config for in the format.
array|string   $arg1   —  The config array, or the config key within the render rule.
string   $arg2   —  The config value for the key.

[ Top ]

setToken   [line 1191]

void setToken( int $id, int $rule, [array $options = array()])

Set or re-set a token with specific information, overwriting any previous rule name and rule options.
  • Access: public


int   $id   —  The token number to reset.
int   $rule   —  The rule name to use.
array   $options   —  An associative array of options for the token array element. The keys and values are specific to the rule, and may or may not be common to other rule options. Typical options keys are 'text' and 'type' but may include others.

[ Top ]

singleton   [line 434]

&object singleton( [string $parser = 'Default'], [array $rules = null])


This avoids instantiating multiple Text_Wiki instances where a number of objects are required in one call, e.g. to save memory in a CMS invironment where several parsers are required in a single page.

$single = singleton();


$single = singleton('Parser', array('Prefilter', 'Delimiter', 'Code', 'Function', 'Html', 'Raw', 'Include', 'Embed', 'Anchor', 'Heading', 'Toc', 'Horiz', 'Break', 'Blockquote', 'List', 'Deflist', 'Table', 'Image', 'Phplookup', * 'Center', 'Newline', 'Paragraph', 'Url', 'Freelink', 'Interwiki', 'Wikilink', * 'Colortext', 'Strong', 'Bold', 'Emphasis', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Tt', * 'Superscript', 'Subscript', 'Revise', 'Tighten'));

Call using a subset of this list. The order of passing rulesets in the $rules array is important!

After calling this, call $single->setParseConf(), setRenderConf(), or setFormatConf() as usual for a constructed object of this class.

The internal static array of singleton objects has no index on the parser rules, the only index is on the parser name. So if you call this multiple times with different rules but the same parser name, you will get the same static parser object each time.

  • Return: a reference to the Text_Wiki unique instantiation.
  • Since: Method available since Release 1.1.0
  • Access: public


string   $parser   —  The parser to be used (defaults to 'Default').
array   $rules   —  The set of rules to instantiate the object. This will only be used when the first call to singleton is made, if included in further calls it will be effectively ignored.

[ Top ]

transform   [line 834]

string transform( string $text, [string $format = 'Xhtml'])

Parses and renders the text passed to it, and returns the results.

First, the method parses the source text, applying rules to the text as it goes. These rules will modify the source text in-place, replacing some text with delimited tokens (and populating the $this->tokens array as it goes).

Next, the method renders the in-place tokens into the requested output format.

Finally, the method returns the transformed text. Note that the source text is transformed in place; once it is transformed, it is no longer the same as the original source text.

  • Return: The transformed wiki text.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The source text to which wiki rules should be applied, both for parsing and for rendering.
string   $format   —  The target output format, typically 'xhtml'. If a rule does not support a given format, the output from that rule is rule-specific.

[ Top ]

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