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Package: | Services_Technorati |
Weblog: | a work on process |
Title: | Services_Technorati 0.5.5 |
Date: | 2005-04-05 |
Voting was complete on my Technorati package a couple of weeks back, but I've been waiting to announce it until I was able to upload an initial version to PEAR. The package was approved today, and you can now find version 0.5.5 at the PEAR website. ... | |
Package: | Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer |
Weblog: | Php y otras yerbas, por Clbustos |
Title: | Curso de PHP V |
Date: | 2005-04-05 |
1.- Desarrollo PHP en aplicaciones de mediana y gran envergadura | |
Package: | Net_DNSBL |
Weblog: | nohn.net/blog |
Title: | Net_DNSBL 0.5.1 |
Date: | 2005-04-04 |
Net_DNSBL ist fertig. | |
Package: | XML_FastCreate |
Weblog: | p0t |
Title: | XML_FastCreate |
Date: | 2005-04-04 |
PEAR :: Package :: XML_FastCreate Descri... | |
Package: | Text_CAPTCHA |
Weblog: | Absyntholog |
Title: | So funktionieren CAPTCHAs... NICHT! |
Date: | 2005-04-02 |
Ein netter Herr auf einer Mailingliste hat in seinen Mailformularen mit Botspam zu kämpfen und möchte das unterbinden. Da man ja allerorten diese lustigen Bildchen mit den verdrehten Buchstaben sieht, dachte er sich "mache ich sowas auch mal". Allerdi | |
Package: | XML_RSS |
Weblog: | Nikmati Saja! ™ |
Title: | Memproses Dokumen RSS dengan XML_RSS |
Date: | 2005-04-02 |
Belakangan ini banyak situs di internet yang menawarkan fasilitas sindikasi data dengan mpenggunakan RSS. Dengan menggunakan RSS ini, kita dapat dengan mudah mengambil data dari situs lain dan menampilkannya di situs kita sendiri. Namun pembacaan dan p | |
Package: | Mail_Mime |
Weblog: | PeeaycHPee |
Title: | Mail_Mime 1.3.0-stable released |
Date: | 2005-04-01 |
Very quick note to say that I just found a few minutes to release PEAR::Mail_Mime 1.3.0-stable. I'm at Conference PHP Quebec (sitting beside Toby, actually), more on that later. S | |
Package: | SOAP |
Weblog: | Nikmati Saja! ™ |
Title: | Membuat Web Service dengan PHP |
Date: | 2005-03-31 |
Dalam tutorial kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat server dan client web service dengan PHP. Web service yang akan kita buat adalah web service yang menyediakan layanan operasi-operasi dasa | |
Package: | Net_Monitor |
Weblog: | Jacques Marneweck's Blog |
Title: | Net_Monitor is out |
Date: | 2005-03-30 |
Noticed that Net_Monitor 0.2.0 has is out and has support for sending SMS messages using Net_SMS. I'll release my patches for sending using SMS_Clickatell in a little bit.... | |
Package: | Net_SMS |
Weblog: | Robert Peake |
Title: | Net_Monitor 0.2.0 Released |
Date: | 2005-03-27 |
Net_Monitor 0.2.0 has just been released with support for SMS messaging to the clickatell and sms2email gateways. Many thanks to Bertrand Gugger for making this a reality. For those of you with SMS devices compatible with these networks, we would love to | |
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