Index of all elements
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ n ]
[ o ]
[ p ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ _ ]
- $castTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$castTokens
Tokens that represent casting.
- $comment
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$comment
The comment element that appears in the doc comment.
- $commentParser
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::$commentParser
The function comment parser for the current method.
- $commentParser
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::$commentParser
The header comment parser for the current file.
- $commentParser
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::$commentParser
The header comment parser for the current file.
- $commentParser
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, variable PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::$commentParser
The function comment parser for the current method.
- $commentParser
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, variable PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::$commentParser
The header comment parser for the current file.
- $commentString
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$commentString
The string content of the comment.
- $commentTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$commentTokens
Tokens that are comments.
- $comparisonTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$comparisonTokens
Tokens that represent comparison operator.
- $content
- in file SingleElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::$content
The content that exists after the tag.
- $contentWhitespace
- in file SingleElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::$contentWhitespace
The whitespace that exists before the content.
- $currentFile
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::$currentFile
The current PHP_CodeSniffer_File object we are processing.
- $currentFile
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, variable PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::$currentFile
The current PHP_CodeSniffer_File object we are processing.
- $currentFile
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, variable PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::$currentFile
The current PHP_CodeSniffer_File object we are processing.
- $currentFile
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::$currentFile
The current PHP_CodeSniffer_File object we are processing.
- $currentFile
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::$currentFile
The current PHP_CodeSniffer file that we are processing.
- $currScope
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::$currScope
The position in the tokens array that opened the current scope.
- calculateExpectedIndent
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff::calculateExpectedIndent()
Calculates the expected indent of a token.
- calculateExpectedIndent
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff::calculateExpectedIndent()
Calculates the expected indent of a token.
- ClassCommentParser.php
- procedural page ClassCommentParser.php
- CommentElement.php
- procedural page CommentElement.php
- CodingStandard.php
- procedural page CodingStandard.php
- ClassDeclarationSniff.php
- procedural page ClassDeclarationSniff.php
- ClassCommentSniff.php
- procedural page ClassCommentSniff.php
- ControlSignatureSniff.php
- procedural page ControlSignatureSniff.php
- ClassDeclarationSniff.php
- procedural page ClassDeclarationSniff.php
- ClassFileNameSniff.php
- procedural page ClassFileNameSniff.php
- ClassCommentSniff.php
- procedural page ClassCommentSniff.php
- ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff.php
- procedural page ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff.php
- ControlSignatureSniff.php
- procedural page ControlSignatureSniff.php
- ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff.php
- procedural page ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff.php
- ConcatenationSpacingSniff.php
- procedural page ConcatenationSpacingSniff.php
- CastSpacingSniff.php
- procedural page CastSpacingSniff.php
- ControlStructureSpacingSniff.php
- procedural page ControlStructureSpacingSniff.php
- CodeSniffer.php
- procedural page CodeSniffer.php
- $emptyTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens
Tokens that don't represent code.
- $eolChar
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, variable Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff::$eolChar
The valid EOL character.
- $eolChar
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff::$eolChar
The valid EOL character.
- $eolChar
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, variable PEAR_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff::$eolChar
The valid EOL character.
- $eolChar
- in file File.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_File::$eolChar
The EOL character this file uses.
- $equalityTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$equalityTokens
Tokens that represent equality comparisons.
- $error
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, variable Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff::$error
If true, an error will be thrown; otherwise a warning.
- $error
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, variable Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff::$error
If true, an error will be thrown; otherwise a warning.
- in file File.php, class constant PHP_CodeSniffer_File::ERROR
A constant to represent an error in PHP_CodeSniffer.
- Exception.php
- procedural page Exception.php
- EmptyCatchCommentSniff.php
- procedural page EmptyCatchCommentSniff.php
- ElseIfDeclarationSniff.php
- procedural page ElseIfDeclarationSniff.php
- EmbeddedPhpSniff.php
- procedural page EmbeddedPhpSniff.php
- EvalSniff.php
- procedural page EvalSniff.php
- EchoedStringsSniff.php
- procedural page EchoedStringsSniff.php
- generate
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::generate()
Generates the documentation for a standard.
- generate
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::generate()
Generates the documentation for a standard.
- generateDocs
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::generateDocs()
Generates documentation for a coding standard.
- Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- in file LineLengthSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_NoSpaceAfterCastSniff
- in file NoSpaceAfterCastSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_NoSpaceAfterCastSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_SpaceAfterCastSniff
- in file SpaceAfterCastSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_SpaceAfterCastSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_NamingConventions_UpperCaseConstantNameSniff
- in file UpperCaseConstantNameSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_NamingConventions_UpperCaseConstantNameSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowShortOpenTagSniff
- in file DisallowShortOpenTagSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowShortOpenTagSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff
- in file ForbiddenFunctionsSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff
- in file LowerCaseConstantSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_PHP_UpperCaseConstantSniff
- in file UpperCaseConstantSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_PHP_UpperCaseConstantSniff
- Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, class Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- getAllowedTags
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::getAllowedTags()
Returns the allowed tags that can exist in a function comment.
- getAllowedTags
- in file MemberCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser::getAllowedTags()
Returns the allowed tags for this parser.
- getAllowedTags
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getAllowedTags()
Returns the allowed tags withing a class comment.
- getAllowedTags
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getAllowedTags()
Returns a list of tags that this comment parser allows for it's comment.
- getAuthors
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getAuthors()
Returns the authors of this class comment.
- getCategory
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getCategory()
Returns the category of this class comment.
- getComment
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getComment()
Returns the comment of this comment for this parameter.
- getComment
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::getComment()
Returns the comment associated with the value of this tag.
- getComment
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getComment()
Returns the comment element that appears at the top of this doc comment.
- getContent
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::getContent()
Returns the content of this tag.
- getCopyright
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getCopyright()
Returns the copyright of this class comment.
- getDeclarationName
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getDeclarationName()
Returns the declaration names for T_CLASS, T_INTERFACE and T_FUNCTION tokens.
- getDeprecated
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getDeprecated()
Returns the deprecated element found in this comment.
- getErrorCount
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getErrorCount()
Returns the number of errors raised.
- getErrors
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getErrors()
Returns the errors raised from processing this file.
- getExcludedSniffs
- in file CodingStandard.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_CodingStandard::getExcludedSniffs()
Return a list of external sniffs to exclude from this standard.
- getFilename
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getFilename()
Returns the absolute filename of this file.
- getFiles
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::getFiles()
Returns the PHP_CodeSniffer file objects.
- getHighestWeightedToken
- in file Tokens.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::getHighestWeightedToken()
Returns the highest weighted token type.
- getIncludedSniffs
- in file SquizCodingStandard.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_Squiz_SquizCodingStandard::getIncludedSniffs()
Return a list of external sniffs to include with this standard.
- getIncludedSniffs
- in file PEARCodingStandard.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_PEAR_PEARCodingStandard::getIncludedSniffs()
Return a list of external sniffs to include with this standard.
- getIncludedSniffs
- in file CodingStandard.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_CodingStandard::getIncludedSniffs()
Return a list of external sniffs to include with this standard.
- getIndentation
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::getIndentation()
Get the indentation information of each tag.
- getInstalledStandards
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::getInstalledStandards()
Get a list of all coding standards installed.
- getLicense
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getLicense()
Returns the license of this class comment.
- getLine
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getLine()
Returns the line that this element started on.
- getLine
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getLine()
Returns the line that the token exists on in the doc comment.
- getLine
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getLine()
Returns the line in which this element first occured.
- getLineWithinComment
- in file ParserException.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException::getLineWithinComment()
Returns the line number within the comment where the exception occured.
- getLinks
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getLinks()
Returns the link elements found in this comment.
- getLongComment
- in file CommentElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement::getLongComment()
Returns the long comment description.
- getMemberProperties
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getMemberProperties()
Returns the visibility and implementation properies of the class member variable found at the specified position in the stack.
- getMethodParameters
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getMethodParameters()
Returns the method parameters for the specified T_FUNCTION token.
- getMethodProperties
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getMethodProperties()
Returns the visibility and implementation properies of a method.
- getNewlineAfter
- in file CommentElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement::getNewlineAfter()
Returns the newline(s) that exist before the tags.
- getNextElement
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getNextElement()
Returns the element that exists after this.
- getNextElement
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getNextElement()
Returns the element that appears after this element.
- getOrder
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getOrder()
Returns the order that this element appears in the doc comment.
- getOrder
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getOrder()
Returns the order that this element appears in the comment.
- getPackage
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getPackage()
Returns the package that this class belongs to.
- getParams
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::getParams()
Returns the parameter elements that this function comment contains.
- getPatterns
- in file ControlSignatureSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff::getPatterns()
Returns the patterns that this test wishes to verify.
- getPatterns
- in file FunctionDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationSniff::getPatterns()
Returns an array of patterns to check are correct.
- getPatterns
- in file ControlSignatureSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff::getPatterns()
Returns the patterns that this test wishes to verify.
- getPatterns
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::getPatterns()
Returns the patterns that should be checked.
- getPosition
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getPosition()
Returns the postition of this parameter are it appears in the comment.
- getPreviousElement
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getPreviousElement()
Returns the element that exists before this.
- getPreviousElement
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getPreviousElement()
Returns the element that appears before this element.
- getRawContent
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getRawContent()
Returns the raw content of this element, ommiting the tag.
- getRawContent
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getRawContent()
Returns the raw content of this element, ommiting the tag.
- getReturn
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::getReturn()
Returns the return element in this fucntion comment.
- getSees
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getSees()
Returns the see elements that appear in this doc comment.
- getShortComment
- in file CommentElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement::getShortComment()
Returns the short comment description.
- getSince
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getSince()
Returns the since element found in this comment.
- getSniffFiles
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::getSniffFiles()
Return a list of sniffs that a coding standard has defined.
- getStandard
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::getStandard()
Retrieves the name of the standard we are generating docs for.
- getStandardFiles
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::getStandardFiles()
Returns a list of paths to XML standard files for all sniffs in a standard.
- getSubElements
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getSubElements()
Returns the sub element names that make up this element in the order they appear in the element.
- getSubElements
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::getSubElements()
Returns the element names that this tag is comprised of, in the order that they appear in the tag.
- getSubElements
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getSubElements()
Returns the element names that this tag is comprised of, in the order that they appear in the tag.
- getSubElements
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::getSubElements()
Returns the element names that this tag is comprised of, in the order that they appear in the tag.
- getSubpackage
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getSubpackage()
Returns the subpackage that this class belongs to.
- getTag
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getTag()
Returns the name of the tag this element represents, omitting the @ symbol.
- getTag
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getTag()
Returns the tag that this element represents, ommiting the @ symbol.
- getTagOrders
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getTagOrders()
Returns the tag orders (index => tagName).
- getThrows
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::getThrows()
Returns the throws elements in this fucntion comment.
- getTitle
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::getTitle()
Retrieves the title of the sniff from the DOMNode supplied.
- getTokens
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getTokens()
Returns the token stack for this file.
- getTokensAsString
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getTokensAsString()
Returns the content of the tokens from the specified start position in the token stack for the specified legnth.
- getType
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getType()
Returns the variable type that this string represents.
- getUnknown
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::getUnknown()
Returns the unknown tags.
- getValidScopeOpeners
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getValidScopeOpeners()
Returns the token types that are allowed to open scopes.
- getValue
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::getValue()
Returns the value of the tag.
- getVar
- in file MemberCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser::getVar()
Returns the var tag found in the member comment.
- getVarName
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getVarName()
Returns the variable name that this parameter tag represents.
- getVersion
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::getVersion()
Returns the version of this class comment.
- getWarningCount
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getWarningCount()
Returns the number of warnings raised.
- getWarnings
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::getWarnings()
Returns the warnings raised from processing this file.
- getWhitespaceAfter
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getWhitespaceAfter()
Returns the whitespace that exists after this element.
- getWhitespaceAfter
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getWhitespaceAfter()
Returns the whitespace that exists after this element.
- getWhitespaceBefore
- in file DocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement::getWhitespaceBefore()
Returns the whitespace that exists before this element.
- getWhitespaceBefore
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::getWhitespaceBefore()
Returns the whitespace that exists before this element.
- getWhiteSpaceBeforeComment
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getWhiteSpaceBeforeComment()
Returns the whitespace before the comment.
- getWhitespaceBeforeContent
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::getWhitespaceBeforeContent()
Returns the witespace before the content of this tag.
- getWhiteSpaceBeforeType
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getWhiteSpaceBeforeType()
Returns the whitespace before the variable type.
- getWhitespaceBeforeValue
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::getWhitespaceBeforeValue()
Returns the witespace before the content of this tag.
- getWhiteSpaceBeforeVarName
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::getWhiteSpaceBeforeVarName()
Returns the whitespace before the variable name.
- getWhiteSpaceBetween
- in file CommentElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement::getWhiteSpaceBetween()
Returns the whitespace that exists between the short and the long comment description.
- Generator.php
- procedural page Generator.php
- GenericCodingStandard.php
- procedural page GenericCodingStandard.php
- GlobalFunctionSniff.php
- procedural page GlobalFunctionSniff.php
- GlobalKeywordSniff.php
- procedural page GlobalKeywordSniff.php
- $parenthesisOpeners
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$parenthesisOpeners
Token types that open parethesis.
- $phpcsFile
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$phpcsFile
The file that the comment exists in.
- $phpcsFile
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::$phpcsFile
The file this element is in.
- $previousElement
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$previousElement
The previous doc element that was processed.
- $previousElement
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::$previousElement
The element previous to this element.
- parse
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parse()
Initiates the parsing of the doc comment.
- parseAuthor
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseAuthor()
Parses the author tag of this class comment.
- parseCategory
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseCategory()
Parses the category tag of this class comment.
- parseComment
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseComment()
Parses the comment element that appears at the top of the doc comment.
- parseCopyright
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseCopyright()
Parses the copyright tag of this class comment.
- parseDeprecated
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseDeprecated()
Parses \@deprecated tags.
- parseLicense
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseLicense()
Parses the license tag of this class comment.
- parseLink
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseLink()
Parses \@link tags.
- parsePackage
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parsePackage()
Parses the package tag found in this test.
- parseParam
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::parseParam()
Parses parameter elements.
- parseReturn
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::parseReturn()
Parses return elements.
- parseSee
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseSee()
Parses see tag element within the doc comment.
- parseSince
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseSince()
Parses \@since tags.
- parseSubpackage
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseSubpackage()
Parses the package tag found in this test.
- parseTag
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::parseTag()
Parses the specified tag.
- parseThrows
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::parseThrows()
Parses throws elements.
- parseVar
- in file MemberCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser::parseVar()
Parses Var tags.
- parseVersion
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser::parseVersion()
Parses the version tag of this class comment.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff
Class Declaration Test.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the doc comments for classes.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the doc comments for files.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the doc comments for functions.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff
- in file ControlSignatureSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff
Verifies that control statements conform to their coding standards.
- PEAR_Sniffs_Files_IncludingFileSniff
- in file IncludingFileSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Files_IncludingFileSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- in file LineLengthSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff
- in file FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff
- in file FunctionCallSignatureSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_ValidDefaultValueSniff
- in file ValidDefaultValueSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_ValidDefaultValueSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidClassNameSniff
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidClassNameSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff
- PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, class PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- PHP_CodeSniffer
- in file CodeSniffer.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP code and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
- PairElement.php
- procedural page PairElement.php
- ParameterElement.php
- procedural page ParameterElement.php
- ParserException.php
- procedural page ParserException.php
- PEARCodingStandard.php
- procedural page PEARCodingStandard.php
- PostStatementCommentSniff.php
- procedural page PostStatementCommentSniff.php
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement
A class to handle most of the parsing operations of a doc comment element.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser
- in file AbstractParser.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser
Parses doc comments.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser
- in file ClassCommentParser.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser
Parses Class doc comments.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement
- in file CommentElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement
A class to represent Comments of a doc comment.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement
- in file DocElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement
A DocElement represents a logical element within a Doc Comment.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser
Parses function doc comments.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser
- in file MemberCommentParser.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser
Parses class member comments.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement
- in file PairElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement
A class to represent elements that have a value => comment format.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement
- in file ParameterElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement
A class to represent param tags within a function comment.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException
- in file ParserException.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException
An exception to be thrown when a DocCommentParser finds an anomilty in a doc comment.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement
- in file SingleElement.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement
A class to represent single element doc tags.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator
- in file Generator.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator
The base class for all PHP_CodeSniffer documentation generators.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML
- in file HTML.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML
A doc generator that outputs documentation in one big HTML file.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text
- in file Text.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text
A doc generator that outputs text-based documentation.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception
An exception thrown by PHP_CodeSniffer when it encounters an unrecoverable error.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_File
- in file File.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_File
A PHP_CodeSniffer_File object represents a PHP source file and the tokens associated with it.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff
- in file Sniff.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff
Represents a PHP_CodeSniffer sniff for sniffing coding standards.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff_Exception
- in file SniffException.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff_Exception
An exception that a sniff should throw if it encounters an unrecoverable error.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff
Processes pattern strings and checks that the code conforms to the pattern.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff
An AbstractScopeTest allows for tests that extend from this class to listen for tokens within a particluar scope.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff
A class to find T_VARIABLE tokens.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_CodingStandard
- in file CodingStandard.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_CodingStandard
Base Coding Standard class.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_Generic_GenericCodingStandard
- in file GenericCodingStandard.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_Generic_GenericCodingStandard
Generic Coding Standard.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_IncorrectPatternException
- in file IncorrectPatternException.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_IncorrectPatternException
An exception thrown if the pattern being processed is not supposed to be validating the code in question.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_PEAR_PEARCodingStandard
- in file PEARCodingStandard.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_PEAR_PEARCodingStandard
PEAR Coding Standard.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_Squiz_SquizCodingStandard
- in file SquizCodingStandard.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_Squiz_SquizCodingStandard
Squiz Coding Standard.
- PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens
- in file Tokens.php, class PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens
The Tokens class contains weightings for tokens based on their probability of occurance in a file.
- prepareError
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::prepareError()
Prepares an error for the specified patternCode.
- printCodeComparisonBlock
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::printCodeComparisonBlock()
Print a code comparison block found in a standard.
- printCodeComparisonBlock
- in file Text.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text::printCodeComparisonBlock()
Print a code comparison block found in a standard.
- printErrorReport
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::printErrorReport()
Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed.
- printErrorReportSummary
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::printErrorReportSummary()
Prints a summary of errors and warnings for each file processed.
- printFooter
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::printFooter()
Print the footer of the HTML page.
- printHeader
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::printHeader()
Print the header of the HTML page.
- printTextBlock
- in file Text.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text::printTextBlock()
Print a text block found in a standard.
- printTextBlock
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::printTextBlock()
Print a text block found in a standard.
- printTitle
- in file Text.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text::printTitle()
Prints the title area for a single sniff.
- printToc
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::printToc()
Print the table of contents for the standard.
- process
- in file PostStatementCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_PostStatementCommentSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LowercaseDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_LowercaseDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file Sniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff::process()
Called when one of the token types that this sniff is listening for is found.
- process
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file GlobalFunctionSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_GlobalFunctionSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file SwitchDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file HeredocSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_HeredocSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file GlobalKeywordSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_GlobalKeywordSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::process()
Processes a content check for single doc element.
- process
- in file OutputBufferingIndentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OutputBufferingIndentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file NoSpaceAfterCastSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_NoSpaceAfterCastSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file InnerFunctionsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_InnerFunctionsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file InlineIfDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineIfDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file InlineControlStructureSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LineLengthSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file NonExecutableCodeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_NonExecutableCodeSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LongConditionClosingCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_LongConditionClosingCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file OperatorBracketSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OperatorBracketSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file IncludingFileSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Files_IncludingFileSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file OperatorSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file LowerCaseConstantSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file SpaceAfterCastSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_SpaceAfterCastSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file IncrementDecrementUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_IncrementDecrementUsageSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ForbiddenFunctionsSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ConcatenationSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_ConcatenationSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ControlStructureSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ControlStructureSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff::process()
Process the tokens that this sniff is listening for.
- process
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::process()
Processes the files/directories that PHP_CodeSniffer was constructed with.
- process
- in file ClassFileNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassFileNameSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file DisallowObEndFlushSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowObEndFlushSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file DisallowShortOpenTagSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowShortOpenTagSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ElseIfDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file EmbeddedPhpSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EmbeddedPhpSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file DoubleQuoteUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_DoubleQuoteUsageSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file DocCommentAlignmentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_DocCommentAlignmentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ValidInterfaceNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidInterfaceNameSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ValidDefaultValueSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_ValidDefaultValueSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::process()
Processes the tokens that this test is listening for.
- process
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::process()
Processes the test.
- process
- in file ArrayDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file BlockCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_BlockCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidClassNameSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ValidClassNameSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file CastSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file EmptyCatchCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_EmptyCatchCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file EchoedStringsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_EchoedStringsSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ForLoopDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForLoopDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file EvalSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EvalSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FileExtensionSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Files_FileExtensionSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file UpperCaseConstantNameSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_NamingConventions_UpperCaseConstantNameSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionCallSignatureSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file UpperCaseConstantSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_UpperCaseConstantSniff::process()
Processes this sniff, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- process
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::process()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- processAuthors
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processAuthors()
Author tag must be 'Squiz Pty Ltd <>'.
- processAuthors
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processAuthors()
Process the author tag(s) that this header comment has.
- processCategory
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processCategory()
Process the category tag.
- processCopyright
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processCopyright()
Copyright tag must be in the form '2006-YYYY Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)'.
- processCopyright
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processCopyright()
Process the copyright tag.
- processLicense
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processLicense()
Process the license tag.
- processLicense
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processLicense()
License tag must be ' Squiz.Net Open Source Licence'.
- processMemberVar
- in file ValidVariableNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidVariableNameSniff::processMemberVar()
Processes class member variables.
- processMemberVar
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::processMemberVar()
Called to process class member vars.
- processMemberVar
- in file MemberVarSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff::processMemberVar()
Processes the function tokens within the class.
- processMemberVar
- in file MemberVarScopeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MemberVarScopeSniff::processMemberVar()
Processes the function tokens within the class.
- processMemberVar
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processMemberVar()
Called to process class member vars.
- processPackage
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processPackage()
Process the package tag.
- processPackage
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processPackage()
The package name must be 'MySource4'.
- processParams
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processParams()
Process the function parameter comments.
- processParams
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processParams()
Process the function parameter comments.
- processPattern
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::processPattern()
Processes the pattern and varifies the code at $stackPtr.
- processReturn
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processReturn()
Process the return comment of this function comment.
- processReturn
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processReturn()
Process the return comment of this function comment.
- processSees
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processSees()
Process the see tags.
- processSees
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processSees()
Process the see tags.
- processSince
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processSince()
Process the since tag.
- processSince
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processSince()
Process the since tag.
- processSince
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::processSince()
Processes the since tag.
- processSniff
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::processSniff()
Process the documentation for a single sniff.
- processSniff
- in file HTML.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_HTML::processSniff()
Process the documentation for a single sniff.
- processSniff
- in file Text.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Text::processSniff()
Process the documentation for a single sniff.
- processSubElement
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::processSubElement()
Called to process each sub element as sepcified in the return value of getSubElements().
- processSubElement
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::processSubElement()
Processes the sub element with the specified name.
- processSubElement
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::processSubElement()
Processes the sub element with the specified name.
- processSubElement
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::processSubElement()
Processes the sub element with the specified name.
- processSubpackage
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processSubpackage()
The subpackage name must be camel-cased.
- processSupplementary
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::processSupplementary()
Processes any tokens registered with registerSupplementary().
- processTags
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::processTags()
Processes each required or optional tag.
- processTags
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processTags()
Processes each required or optional tag.
- processTags
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processTags()
Processes each required or optional tag.
- processThrows
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processThrows()
Process any throw tags that this function comment has.
- processThrows
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::processThrows()
Process any throw tags that this function comment has.
- processTokenOutsideScope
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::processTokenOutsideScope()
Processes a token that is found within the scope that this test is listening to.
- processTokenOutsideScope
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff::processTokenOutsideScope()
Processes the tokens outside the scope.
- processTokenOutsideScope
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff::processTokenOutsideScope()
Processes the tokens outside the scope.
- processTokenOutsideScope
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::processTokenOutsideScope()
Processes the token outside the scope in the file.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes the tokens within the scope.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes the token in the specified PHP_CodeSniffer_File.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file SelfMemberReferenceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_SelfMemberReferenceSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes the function tokens within the class.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes the function tokens within the class.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file MethodScopeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MethodScopeSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes the function tokens within the class.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes a token that is found within the scope that this test is listening to.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file StaticThisUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_StaticThisUsageSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- processTokenWithinScope
- in file FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff::processTokenWithinScope()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- processVar
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processVar()
Process the var tag.
- processVariable
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processVariable()
Called to process a normal variable.
- processVariable
- in file MemberVarScopeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MemberVarScopeSniff::processVariable()
Processes normal variables.
- processVariable
- in file ValidVariableNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidVariableNameSniff::processVariable()
Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
- processVariable
- in file MemberVarSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff::processVariable()
Processes normal variables.
- processVariable
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::processVariable()
Called to process normal member vars.
- processVariableInString
- in file MemberVarSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff::processVariableInString()
Processes variables in double quoted strings.
- processVariableInString
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::processVariableInString()
Called to process variables found in duoble quoted strings.
- processVariableInString
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff::processVariableInString()
Called to process variables found in duoble quoted strings.
- processVariableInString
- in file MemberVarScopeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MemberVarScopeSniff::processVariableInString()
Processes variables in double quoted strings.
- processVariableInString
- in file ValidVariableNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidVariableNameSniff::processVariableInString()
Processes the variable found within a double quoted string.
- processVersion
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processVersion()
Process the version tag.
- processVersion
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::processVersion()
The version tag must have the exact keyword 'release_version'.
- processVersion
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::processVersion()
Process the version tag.
- register
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff::register()
Registers the tokens that this sniff wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file OperatorBracketSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OperatorBracketSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file OperatorSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FileExtensionSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Files_FileExtensionSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Functions_OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff::register()
Registers the tokens that this sniff wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ForLoopDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForLoopDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file NoSpaceAfterCastSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_NoSpaceAfterCastSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ForbiddenFunctionsSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file OutputBufferingIndentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OutputBufferingIndentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file EvalSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EvalSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file DocCommentAlignmentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_DocCommentAlignmentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file DisallowShortOpenTagSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowShortOpenTagSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file DisallowObEndFlushSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowObEndFlushSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file DoubleQuoteUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_DoubleQuoteUsageSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file PostStatementCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_PostStatementCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file EmbeddedPhpSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EmbeddedPhpSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ElseIfDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file EchoedStringsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_EchoedStringsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallArgumentSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file NonExecutableCodeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_NonExecutableCodeSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file IncrementDecrementUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_IncrementDecrementUsageSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file IncludingFileSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Files_IncludingFileSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LowerCaseConstantSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LongConditionClosingCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_LongConditionClosingCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LineLengthSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file InnerFunctionsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_InnerFunctionsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file InlineIfDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineIfDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file InlineControlStructureSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file HeredocSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_HeredocSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LowercaseDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_LowercaseDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionCallSignatureSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file GlobalKeywordSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_GlobalKeywordSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file GlobalFunctionSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_GlobalFunctionSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file FunctionSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ControlStructureSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ControlStructureSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file EmptyCatchCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_EmptyCatchCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file SwitchDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file UpperCaseConstantSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_PHP_UpperCaseConstantSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClassFileNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassFileNameSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file CastSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidClassNameSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::register()
Registers the tokens to listen to.
- register
- in file ValidInterfaceNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidInterfaceNameSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ValidDefaultValueSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_Functions_ValidDefaultValueSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::register()
The method that is called to register the tokens this test wishes to listen to.
- register
- in file BlockCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_BlockCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ArrayDeclarationSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ValidClassNameSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file UpperCaseConstantNameSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_NamingConventions_UpperCaseConstantNameSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ConcatenationSpacingSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_ConcatenationSpacingSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- register
- in file ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff::register()
Registers the token types that this sniff wishes to listen to.
- register
- in file Sniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff::register()
Registers the tokens that this sniff wants to listen for.
- register
- in file SpaceAfterCastSniff.php, method Generic_Sniffs_Formatting_SpaceAfterCastSniff::register()
Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
- registerSupplementary
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::registerSupplementary()
Registers any supplementary tokens that this test might wish to process.
- removeTokenListener
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::removeTokenListener()
Removes a listener from listening from the specified tokens.
- resolveSimpleToken
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::resolveSimpleToken()
Converts simple tokens into a format that conforms to complex tokens produced by token_get_all().
- resolveTstringToken
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::resolveTstringToken()
Converts T_STRING tokens into more usable token names.
- $scopeModifiers
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeModifiers
Tokens that represent scope modifiers.
- $scopeOpeners
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeOpeners
Tokens that are allowed to open scopes.
- $sees
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$sees
A list of see elements that appear in this doc comment.
- $since
- in file AbstractParser.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::$since
A element to represent \@since tags.
- $stringTokens
- in file Tokens.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$stringTokens
Tokens that represent strings.
- SingleElement.php
- procedural page SingleElement.php
- Sniff.php
- procedural page Sniff.php
- SniffException.php
- procedural page SniffException.php
- SpaceAfterCastSniff.php
- procedural page SpaceAfterCastSniff.php
- ScopeIndentSniff.php
- procedural page ScopeIndentSniff.php
- ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php
- procedural page ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php
- ScopeIndentSniff.php
- procedural page ScopeIndentSniff.php
- SelfMemberReferenceSniff.php
- procedural page SelfMemberReferenceSniff.php
- SwitchDeclarationSniff.php
- procedural page SwitchDeclarationSniff.php
- StaticThisUsageSniff.php
- procedural page StaticThisUsageSniff.php
- ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php
- procedural page ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php
- ScopeIndentSniff.php
- procedural page ScopeIndentSniff.php
- SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff.php
- procedural page SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff.php
- SquizCodingStandard.php
- procedural page SquizCodingStandard.php
- setAllowedFileExtensions
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::setAllowedFileExtensions()
Sets an array of file extensions that we will allow checking of.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationSniff
- in file ArrayDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Arrays_ArrayDeclarationSniff
A test to ensure that arrays conform to the array coding standard.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff
- in file ClassDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassDeclarationSniff
Class Declaration Test.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassFileNameSniff
- in file ClassFileNameSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ClassFileNameSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff
- in file LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_LowercaseClassKeywordsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_SelfMemberReferenceSniff
- in file SelfMemberReferenceSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_SelfMemberReferenceSniff
Tests self member references.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ValidClassNameSniff
- in file ValidClassNameSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_ValidClassNameSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_BlockCommentSniff
- in file BlockCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_BlockCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff
- in file ClassCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the class doc comment.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff
- in file ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_ClosingDeclarationCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_DocCommentAlignmentSniff
- in file DocCommentAlignmentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_DocCommentAlignmentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_EmptyCatchCommentSniff
- in file EmptyCatchCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_EmptyCatchCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff
- in file FileCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the file doc comment.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff
- in file FunctionCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the doc comments for functions.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff
- in file FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff
Verifies that a @throws tag exists for a function that throws exceptions.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff
- in file InlineCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_InlineCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_LongConditionClosingCommentSniff
- in file LongConditionClosingCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_LongConditionClosingCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_PostStatementCommentSniff
- in file PostStatementCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_PostStatementCommentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff
- in file VariableCommentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_VariableCommentSniff
Parses and verifies the variable doc comment.
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff
- in file ControlSignatureSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff
Verifies that control statements conform to their coding standards.
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff
- in file ElseIfDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff
- in file ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForEachLoopDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForLoopDeclarationSniff
- in file ForLoopDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ForLoopDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff
- in file InlineControlStructureSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineIfDeclarationSniff
- in file InlineIfDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineIfDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_LowercaseDeclarationSniff
- in file LowercaseDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_LowercaseDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff
- in file SwitchDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_SwitchDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Files_FileExtensionSniff
- in file FileExtensionSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Files_FileExtensionSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- in file LineEndingsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Files_LineEndingsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- in file LineLengthSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Files_LineLengthSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff
- in file MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_MultipleStatementAlignmentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OperatorBracketSniff
- in file OperatorBracketSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OperatorBracketSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OutputBufferingIndentSniff
- in file OutputBufferingIndentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Formatting_OutputBufferingIndentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff
- in file FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationSniff
- in file FunctionDeclarationSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_GlobalFunctionSniff
- in file GlobalFunctionSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_GlobalFunctionSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff
- in file LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Functions_LowercaseFunctionKeywordsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidInterfaceNameSniff
- in file ValidInterfaceNameSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidInterfaceNameSniff
Verifies that interface names begin with I.
- Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidVariableNameSniff
- in file ValidVariableNameSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidVariableNameSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff
- in file ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ComparisonOperatorUsageSniff
A Sniff to enforce the use of IDENTICAL type operators rather than EQUAL operators.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_IncrementDecrementUsageSniff
- in file IncrementDecrementUsageSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_IncrementDecrementUsageSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff
- in file ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Operators_ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowObEndFlushSniff
- in file DisallowObEndFlushSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_DisallowObEndFlushSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EmbeddedPhpSniff
- in file EmbeddedPhpSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EmbeddedPhpSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EvalSniff
- in file EvalSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_EvalSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff
- in file ForbiddenFunctionsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_ForbiddenFunctionsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_GlobalKeywordSniff
- in file GlobalKeywordSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_GlobalKeywordSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_HeredocSniff
- in file HeredocSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_HeredocSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_InnerFunctionsSniff
- in file InnerFunctionsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_InnerFunctionsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff
- in file LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_LowercasePHPFunctionsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_NonExecutableCodeSniff
- in file NonExecutableCodeSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_PHP_NonExecutableCodeSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MemberVarScopeSniff
- in file MemberVarScopeSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MemberVarScopeSniff
Verifies that class members have scope modifiers.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MethodScopeSniff
- in file MethodScopeSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MethodScopeSniff
Verifies that class members have scope modifiers.
- Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_StaticThisUsageSniff
- in file StaticThisUsageSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_StaticThisUsageSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_ConcatenationSpacingSniff
- in file ConcatenationSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_ConcatenationSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_DoubleQuoteUsageSniff
- in file DoubleQuoteUsageSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_DoubleQuoteUsageSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_EchoedStringsSniff
- in file EchoedStringsSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_Strings_EchoedStringsSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff
- in file CastSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ControlStructureSpacingSniff
- in file ControlStructureSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ControlStructureSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff
- in file FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionSpacingSniff
- in file FunctionSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff
- in file MemberVarSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff
Verifies that class members are spaced correctly.
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff
- in file OperatorSpacingSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff
- in file ScopeClosingBraceSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeClosingBraceSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- in file ScopeIndentSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
- Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff
- in file SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff.php, class Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff
- standardiseToken
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::standardiseToken()
Takes a token produced from
and produces a more uniform token.
- start
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::start()
Starts the stack traversal and tells listeners when tokens are found.
- suggestType
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType()
Returns a valid variable type for param/var tag.
- $tag
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::$tag
The tag that this element represents (omiting the @ symbol).
- $tokens
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, variable PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::$tokens
The tokens that comprise this element.
- Text.php
- procedural page Text.php
- Tokens.php
- procedural page Tokens.php
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_ARRAY_HINT
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_BITWISE_AND
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_BITWISE_OR
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_BOOLEAN_NOT
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_COLON
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_COMMA
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_DIVIDE
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_EQUAL
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_FALSE
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_GREATER_THAN
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_INLINE_THEN
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_LESS_THAN
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_MINUS
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_MODULUS
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_MULTIPLY
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_NONE
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_NULL
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_PARENT
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_PLUS
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_POWER
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_SELF
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_SEMICOLON
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_STRING_CONCAT
- in file Tokens.php, constant T_TRUE
- __construct
- in file ParameterElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParameterElement.
- __construct
- in file PairElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_PairElement doc tag.
- __construct
- in file MethodScopeSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MethodScopeSniff::__construct()
Constructs a Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_MethodScopeSniff.
- __construct
- in file Generator.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_Generator object.
- __construct
- in file ParserException.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException::__construct()
Constructs a DocCommentParserException.
- __construct
- in file SelfMemberReferenceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_SelfMemberReferenceSniff::__construct()
Constructs a Squiz_Sniffs_Classes_SelfMemberReferenceSniff.
- __construct
- in file ValidFunctionNameSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff::__construct()
Constructs a PEAR_Sniffs_NamingConventions_ValidFunctionNameSniff.
- __construct
- in file StaticThisUsageSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Scope_StaticThisUsageSniff::__construct()
Constructs the test with the tokens it wishes to listen for.
- __construct
- in file SingleElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement::__construct()
Constructs a SingleElement doc tag.
- __construct
- in file FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff::__construct()
Constructs a Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentThrowTagSniff.
- __construct
- in file FunctionCommentParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser.
- __construct
- in file AbstractVariableSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff::__construct()
Constructs an AbstractVariableTest.
- __construct
- in file AbstractScopeSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractScopeSniff::__construct()
Constructs a new AbstractScopeTest.
- __construct
- in file AbstractPatternSniff.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractPatternSniff.
- __construct
- in file AbstractParser.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser::__construct()
Constructs a Doc Comment Parser.
- __construct
- in file CodeSniffer.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer object.
- __construct
- in file CommentElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement.
- __construct
- in file FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff.php, method Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_FunctionClosingBraceSpaceSniff::__construct()
Constructs the test with the tokens it wishes to listen for.
- __construct
- in file File.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_File::__construct()
Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer_File.
- __construct
- in file ControlSignatureSniff.php, method PEAR_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff::__construct()
Constructs a PEAR_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff.
- __construct
- in file AbstractDocElement.php, method PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractDocElement::__construct()
Constructs a Doc Element.
Documentation generated on Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:06:33 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4. PEAR Logo Copyright © PHP Group 2004.