[ class tree: Mail ] [ index: Mail ] [ all elements ]

Class: Mail_mimePart

Source Location: /Mail_Mime-1.3.0/mimePart.php

Class Overview

Raw mime encoding class



  • $Revision: 1.13 $


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 94]
Raw mime encoding class

What is it? This class enables you to manipulate and build a mime email from the ground up.

Why use this instead of mime.php? mime.php is a userfriendly api to this class for people who aren't interested in the internals of mime mail. This class however allows full control over the email.


// Since multipart/mixed has no real body, (the body is // the subpart), we set the body argument to blank.

$params['content_type'] = 'multipart/mixed'; $email = new Mail_mimePart('', $params);

// Here we add a text part to the multipart we have // already. Assume $body contains plain text.

$params['content_type'] = 'text/plain'; $params['encoding'] = '7bit'; $text = $email->addSubPart($body, $params);

// Now add an attachment. Assume $attach is the contents of the attachment

$params['content_type'] = 'application/zip'; $params['encoding'] = 'base64'; $params['disposition'] = 'attachment'; $params['dfilename'] = ''; $attach =& $email->addSubPart($body, $params);

// Now build the email. Note that the encode // function returns an associative array containing two // elements, body and headers. You will need to add extra // headers, (eg. Mime-Version) before sending.

$email = $message->encode(); $email['headers'][] = 'Mime-Version: 1.0';

Further examples are available at


  • Set encode() to return the $obj->encoded if encode() has already been run. Unless a flag is passed to specifically re-build the message.

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Method Detail

Mail_mimePart (Constructor)   [line 142]

Mail_mimePart Mail_mimePart( [$body $body = ''], [$params $params = array()])


Sets up the object.

  • Access: public


$body   $body   —  - The body of the mime part if any.
$params   $params   —  - An associative array of parameters: content_type - The content type for this part eg multipart/mixed encoding - The encoding to use, 7bit, 8bit, base64, or quoted-printable cid - Content ID to apply disposition - Content disposition, inline or attachment dfilename - Optional filename parameter for content disposition description - Content description charset - Character set to use

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addSubPart   [line 264]

A &addSubPart( $body $body, $params $params)


Adds a subpart to current mime part and returns a reference to it

  • Return: reference to the part you just added. It is crucial if using multipart/* in your subparts that you use =& in your script when calling this function, otherwise you will not be able to add further subparts.
  • Access: public


$body   $body   —  The body of the subpart, if any.
$params   $params   —  The parameters for the subpart, same as the $params argument for constructor.

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encode   [line 216]

An encode( )


Encodes and returns the email. Also stores it in the encoded member variable

  • Return: associative array containing two elements, body and headers. The headers element is itself an indexed array.
  • Access: public

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