[ class tree: LiveUser_Admin ] [ index: LiveUser_Admin ] [ all elements ]

File: area51.php

Source Location: /LiveUser_Admin-0.3.3/docs/examples/example3/area51.php


Page Details:


include_once('loginscreen.php') [line 58]
require_once('conf.php') [line 17]
Test for the LiveUser class ===============================

This example sets up an authorization system using the LiveUser class. You don't have to use this to use the LiveUser class(es), but this way you don't need to take care of the login-process, storing the user object in a session and more...

This example is intended to be used with the DB_Medium Perm driver.

  • Version: $Id: area51.php,v 1.2 2004/12/18 21:59:05 lsmith Exp $

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