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Class: Services_Amazon_SQS_QueueManager

Source Location: /Services_Amazon_SQS-0.3.0/Services/Amazon/SQS/QueueManager.php

Class Overview


Class for creating, managing, and deleting Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues



  • 2008 Mike Brittain, 2008 silverorange


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class: Services_Amazon_SQS

Creates a new SQS client
Adds required authentication and version parameters to an array of parameters
Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before the next reqeust when performing exponential backoff
Gets whether or not a permission label is valid
Gets whether or not a visibility timeout is valid
Sends a HTTP request to the queue service
Sets the maximum number of retries to make when encountering internal errors on SQS
Sets the HTTP request object to use
Signs an array of request parameters using the Amazon Web Services Signature Version 2 signing method

Class Details

[line 63]
Class for creating, managing, and deleting Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues

[ Top ]

Method Detail

createQueue   [line 134]

Services_Amazon_SQS_Queue createQueue( string $name, [integer $timeout = null])

Creates a new queue for the current account
  • Return: the new queue object or false if the queue could not be created.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_InvalidQueueException if the queue name is not a valid queue name, if the queue was recently deleted or if the queue already exists and the visibility timeout value differs from the value on the existing queue.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_HttpException if the HTTP request fails.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_InvalidTimeoutException if the provided $timeout is not in the valid range.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_ErrorException if one or more errors are returned by Amazon.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  the queue name.
integer   $timeout   —  optional. Timeout for message visibility.

[ Top ]

deleteQueue   [line 207]

void deleteQueue( Services_Amazon_SQS_Queue|string $queue)

Deletes a queue

All existing messages in the queue will be lost.

  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_HttpException if the HTTP request fails.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_ErrorException if one or more errors are returned by Amazon.
  • Access: public


Services_Amazon_SQS_Queue|string   $queue   —  either a queue object or the queue URL of the queue to be deleted.

[ Top ]

isValidQueueName   [line 236]

boolean isValidQueueName( string $name)

Gets whether or not a queue name is valid for Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS queue names must conform to the following rules:

  • must be 1 to 80 ASCII characters
  • must contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), and underscores (_).

  • Return: true if the provided queue name is a valid SQS queue name, otherwise false.
  • Access: protected


string   $name   —  the queue name to check.

[ Top ]

listQueues   [line 81]

array listQueues( [string $prefix = null])

Gets a list of SQS queues for the current account
  • Return: an array of Services_Amazon_SQS_Queue objects.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_HttpException if the HTTP request fails.
  • Throws: Services_Amazon_SQS_ErrorException if one or more errors are returned by Amazon.
  • Access: public


string   $prefix   —  optional. Only list queues whose name begins with the given prefix. If not specified, all queues for the account are returned.

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