[line 121]
[line 127]
[line 77]
[line 83]
[line 101]
[line 89]
[line 107]
[line 95]
[line 113]
void addError( PHPUnit2_Framework_Test $test, Exception $e)
The passed in exception caused the error.
void addFailure( PHPUnit2_Framework_Test $test, PHPUnit2_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e)
The passed in exception caused the failure.
void addListener( PHPUnit2_Framework_TestListener $listener)
boolean allCompletlyImplemented( )
void collectCodeCoverageInformation( boolean $flag)
integer count( )
void endTest( PHPUnit2_Framework_Test $test)
void endTestSuite( PHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite $suite)
integer errorCount( )
array errors( )
integer failureCount( )
array failures( )
void flushListeners( )
array getCodeCoverageInformation( [boolean $filterTests = TRUE], [boolean $filterPHPUnit = TRUE])
Format of the result array:
array( array( 'test' => PHPUnit2_Framework_Test 'files' => array( "/tested/code.php" => array( linenumber => flag ) ) ) )
flag < 0: Line is executable but was not executed. flag > 0: Line was executed.
boolean noneSkipped( )
array notImplemented( )
integer notImplementedCount( )
void removeListener( PHPUnit2_Framework_TestListener $listener)
void run( PHPUnit2_Framework_Test $test)
boolean shouldStop( )
array skipped( )
integer skippedCount( )
void startTest( PHPUnit2_Framework_Test $test)
void startTestSuite( PHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite $suite)
void stop( )
PHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite topTestSuite( )
boolean wasSuccessful( )