Index of all elements
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- $alias
- in file AX.php, variable OpenID_Extension_AX::$alias
Alias string to use
- $alias
- in file OAuth.php, variable OpenID_Extension_OAuth::$alias
Alias to use
- $alias
- in file SREG10.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG10::$alias
The alias to use.
- $alias
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$alias
Namespace text, "sreg" or "ax" for example
- $alias
- in file UI.php, variable OpenID_Extension_UI::$alias
Alias to use
- $assertion
- in file Result.php, variable OpenID_Assertion_Result::$assertion
Whether the assertion was positive or negative
- $assertionMethod
- in file Result.php, variable OpenID_Assertion_Result::$assertionMethod
What assertion method was used (association, check_authentication)
- $assocHandle
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$assocHandle
assoc_handle parameter of the association.
- $assocType
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$assocType
assoc_type parameter of the association. Should be one of HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256
- addExtension
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::addExtension()
Adds an extension to the message.
- addExtension
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::addExtension()
Adds an extension to an OpenID_Message object.
- addNonce
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::addNonce()
Adds a nonce to the openid.return_to URL parameter. Only used in OpenID 1.1
- addService
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::addService()
Adds a service to the services array
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Exception::ALREADY_SIGNED
The message has already been signed
- associate
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::associate()
Sends the association request. Loops over errors and adapts to 'unsupported-type' responses.
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::ASSOC_TYPE_HMAC_SHA1
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::ASSOC_TYPE_HMAC_SHA256
- attach
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::attach()
Attaches an observer
- Assertion.php
- procedural page Assertion.php
- Association.php
- procedural page Association.php
- AX.php
- procedural page AX.php
- $cache
- in file CacheLite.php, variable OpenID_Store_CacheLite::$cache
Instance of Cache_Lite
- $cdh
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$cdh
Optional instance of Crypt_DiffieHellman
- $cdh
- in file DiffieHellman.php, variable OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::$cdh
The instance of Crypt_DiffieHellman. May be passed into the constructor if you want to use custom keys.
- $checkAuthResponse
- in file Result.php, variable OpenID_Assertion_Result::$checkAuthResponse
The check_authentication response
- $clockSkew
- in file Nonce.php, variable OpenID_Nonce::$clockSkew
Default clock skew, i.e. how long in the past we're willing to allow for.
- $clockSkew
- in file Assertion.php, variable OpenID_Assertion::$clockSkew
The clock skew limit for checking nonces.
- $clockSkew
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$clockSkew
How far off of the current time to allow for nonce checking
- $created
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$created
Unix timestamp of when this association was created.
- checkAuthentication
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::checkAuthentication()
Performs a check_authentication request.
- checkMessageSignature
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::checkMessageSignature()
Checks the signature of an OpenID_Message using this association
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Store_Exception::CONNECT_ERROR
Database connection failed
- count
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::count()
Returns the number of service endpoints
- createNonce
- in file Nonce.php, method OpenID_Nonce::createNonce()
Creates a nonce, but does not store it. You may specify the lenth of the random string, as well as the time stamp to use.
- createNonceAndStore
- in file Nonce.php, method OpenID_Nonce::createNonceAndStore()
Creates a nonce and also stores it.
- createTables
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::createTables()
Creates tables
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Store_Exception::CREATE_TABLE_ERROR
Database table could not be created
- config.php
- procedural page config.php
- Common.php
- procedural page Common.php
- CacheLite.php
- procedural page CacheLite.php
- $data
- in file Message.php, variable OpenID_Message::$data
- $db
- in file MDB2.php, variable OpenID_Store_MDB2::$db
Instance of MDB2
- $defaultOptions
- in file CacheLite.php, variable OpenID_Store_CacheLite::$defaultOptions
Default options for Cache_Lite
- $dh
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$dh
OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman instance
- $discover
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Auth_Request::$discover
The original OpenID_Discover object. Useful for detecting extension support
- $discover
- in file Result.php, variable OpenID_Assertion_Result::$discover
Discovered information as an instance of OpenID_Discover
- $discoveryOrder
- in file Discover.php, variable OpenID_Discover::$discoveryOrder
Order that discover should be performed
- delete
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::delete()
Deletes a key from a message
- deleteAssociation
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::deleteAssociation()
Deletes an association from the SQL server
- deleteAssociation
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::deleteAssociation()
Deletes an association from storage
- deleteAssociation
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::deleteAssociation()
Deletes an association from storage
- deleteDiscover
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::deleteDiscover()
Deletes a cached OpenID_Discover object
- deleteNonce
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::deleteNonce()
Deletes a nonce from storage
- deleteNonce
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::deleteNonce()
Deletes a nonce from storage
- deleteNonce
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::deleteNonce()
Deletes a nonce from the SQL server
- detach
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::detach()
Detaches the observer
- in file DiffieHellman.php, class constant OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::DH_DEFAULT_GENERATOR
- in file DiffieHellman.php, class constant OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::DH_DEFAULT_MODULUS
DiffieHellman specific constants
- directRequest
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::directRequest()
Sends a direct HTTP request.
- disableAssociations
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::disableAssociations()
Disables the use if associations
- discover
- in file HTML.php, method OpenID_Discover_HTML::discover()
Performs HTML discovery.
- discover
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Discover_Interface::discover()
Performs discovery on the user supplied identifier
- discover
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::discover()
Performs discovery
- discover
- in file Yadis.php, method OpenID_Discover_Yadis::discover()
Performs YADIS discovery
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Exception::DISCOVERY_ERROR
Discovery failed for some reason
- discover_form.php
- procedural page discover_form.php
- discovery.php
- procedural page discovery.php
- DiffieHellman.php
- procedural page DiffieHellman.php
- Discover.php
- procedural page Discover.php
- get
- in file Extension.php, method OpenID_Extension::get()
Gets a key's value
- get
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::get()
Gets the value of any key in this message.
- getAccessToken
- in file OAuth.php, method OpenID_Extension_OAuth::getAccessToken()
Fetch an OAuth access token
- getAlgorithm
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::getAlgorithm()
Gets the algo part of the assoc_type (strips 'HMAC-')
- getArrayFormat
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::getArrayFormat()
Gets the current message in ARRAY format
- getAssertionMethod
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::getAssertionMethod()
Gets the method used to verify the assertion
- getAssertionObject
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::getAssertionObject()
Gets an instance of OpenID_Assertion. Abstracted for testing purposes.
- getAssociation
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::getAssociation()
Gets an association from cache if it exists, otherwise, creates one.
- getAssociation
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::getAssociation()
Gets an association from the SQL server
- getAssociation
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::getAssociation()
Gets an OpenID_Assocation instance from storage
- getAssociation
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::getAssociation()
Gets an OpenID_Assocation instance from storage
- getAssociationRequestObject
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::getAssociationRequestObject()
Gets a new OpenID_Association_Request object. Abstracted for testing.
- getAssociationType
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getAssociationType()
Gets the current association type
- getAuthorizeURL
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::getAuthorizeURL()
Gets the auth request message in a URL format suitable for redirection. The decision about whether to use directed identity or not id done here.
- getCheckAuthResponse
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::getCheckAuthResponse()
Gets the check_authentication response
- getDH
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getDH()
Gets an instance of OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman. If one is not already instanciated, a new one is returned.
- getDiscover
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::getDiscover()
Gets discovered information from cache if it exists, otherwise performs discovery.
- getDiscover
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::getDiscover()
Gets an OpenID_Discover object from storage
- getDiscover
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::getDiscover()
Returns the discovered information about the identifer
- getDiscover
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::getDiscover()
Gets an instance of OpenID_Discover from the SQL server if it exists.
- getDiscover
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::getDiscover()
Gets an instance of OpenID_Discover. Abstracted for testing.
- getDiscover
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::getDiscover()
Static helper method for retrieving discovered information from cache if it exists, otherwise executing discovery and storing results if they are positive.
- getDiscover
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::getDiscover()
Returns the discovered information about the identifer
- getDiscover
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::getDiscover()
Gets an OpenID_Discover object from storage
- getDiscoverCacheKey
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::getDiscoverCacheKey()
Common method for creating a cache key based on the normalized identifier
- getEndpointURL
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getEndpointURL()
Gets the OP Endpoint URL
- getEvents
- in file Common.php, method OpenID_Observer_Common::getEvents()
Gets the current array of events
- getExpiresHeader
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::getExpiresHeader()
Gets the Expires header value
- getExpiresHeader
- in file HTML.php, method OpenID_Discover_HTML::getExpiresHeader()
Gets the Expires header from the response object
- getHTTPFormat
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::getHTTPFormat()
Gets the current message in HTTP (url encoded) format
- getHTTPRequest2
- in file HTML.php, method OpenID_Discover_HTML::getHTTPRequest2()
Instantiates HTTP_Request2. Abstracted for testing.
- getHTTPRequest2Instance
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::getHTTPRequest2Instance()
Instantiates HTTP_Request2. Abstracted for testing.
- getIdentifier
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::getIdentifier()
Returns the user-supplied identifier
- getIterator
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::getIterator()
Returns an ArrayIterator object to traverse the services array
- getKVFormat
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::getKVFormat()
Gets the current message in KV format
- getLastEvent
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::getLastEvent()
Gets the last event
- getLocalID
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::getLocalID()
Returns the local ID
- getMessage
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::getMessage()
Gets the message in one of three formats:
- getMessageForSigning
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::getMessageForSigning()
Returns a KV formatted message for signing based on the contents of the openid.signed key. This allows for duplicate entries, which OpenID_Message::getKVFormat() doesn't. (Yahoo! uses duplicates)
- getMode
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::getMode()
Gets the current openid.mode value
- getNamespace
- in file Extension.php, method OpenID_Extension::getNamespace()
Gets the namespace of this extension
- getNonce
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::getNonce()
Gets a nonce from storage
- getNonce
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::getNonce()
Gets a nonce from storage
- getNonce
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::getNonce()
Gets a nonce from the SQL server if it exists
- getNonce
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::getNonce()
Gets the OpenID_Nonce instance if set, otherwise instantiates one.
- getNonceCacheKey
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::getNonceCacheKey()
Common method for creating a nonce key based on both the nonce and the OP endpoint URL
- getRequestOptions
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::getRequestOptions()
Return the HTTP_Request2 options
- getRequestOptions
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getRequestOptions()
Return the HTTP_Request2 options
- getResponse
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getResponse()
Gets the last association response
- getServiceContent
- in file discovery.php, function getServiceContent()
- getServicesYadis
- in file Yadis.php, method OpenID_Discover_Yadis::getServicesYadis()
Gets the Services_Yadis instance. Abstracted for testing.
- getSessionType
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::getSessionType()
Gets the current session type
- getSharedSecret
- in file DiffieHellman.php, method OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::getSharedSecret()
Gets the shared secret out of a response
- getSharedSecretKey
- in file DiffieHellman.php, method OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::getSharedSecretKey()
Gets the shared secret key in BTWOC format. Computes the key if it has not been computed already.
- getSource
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::getSource()
Returns the discovery source
- getStore
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::getStore()
Gets the OpenID_Store_Interface instance. If none has been set, then the default store is used (CacheLite).
- getTypes
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::getTypes()
Returns the service types
- getURIs
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::getURIs()
Returns the URIs for this endpoint
- getUserSetupURL
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::getUserSetupURL()
Returns the openid.user_setup_url value from the response
- getVersion
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::getVersion()
Returns the OpenID protocol version this endpoint supports
- getXRIGlobalSymbols
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::getXRIGlobalSymbols()
Returns an array of the 5 XRI globals symbols
- $message
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$message
Contains contents of the association request
- $message
- in file Assertion.php, variable OpenID_Assertion::$message
Response message passed to the constructor
- $message
- in file DiffieHellman.php, variable OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::$message
The OpenID_Message being used in the request
- $message
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Auth_Request::$message
The request message
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Exception::MISSING_DATA
A parameter has not been provided
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_ASSOCIATE
OpenID Modes
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_CANCEL
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_CHECKID_IMMEDIATE
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_CHECKID_SETUP
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_CHECK_AUTHENTICATION
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_ERROR
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_ID_RES
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::MODE_SETUP_NEEDED
- message_form.php
- procedural page message_form.php
- message_inspector.php
- procedural page message_inspector.php
- Message.php
- procedural page Message.php
- MDB2.php
- procedural page MDB2.php
- $namespace
- in file AX.php, variable OpenID_Extension_AX::$namespace
URL for the parameter
- $namespace
- in file OAuth.php, variable OpenID_Extension_OAuth::$namespace
URI of the OAuth namespace
- $namespace
- in file SREG11.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG11::$namespace
Sets the URI of the spec for alias assignment
- $namespace
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$namespace
Namespace URI
- $namespace
- in file UI.php, variable OpenID_Extension_UI::$namespace
URI of the UI namespace
- $nonce
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Auth_Request::$nonce
Nonce class in case we are in 1.1 mode and need to embed it in the return_to
- $normalizedID
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$normalizedID
The user supplied identifier, normalized
- normalizeIdentifier
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::normalizeIdentifier()
Normalizes an identifier (URI or XRI)
- notify
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::notify()
Notifies all observers of an event
- NS_1_1
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::NS_1_1
- NS_2_0
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::NS_2_0
OP identifier constants
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::NS_2_0_ID_SELECT
- NoClaimedID.php
- procedural page NoClaimedID.php
- Nonce.php
- procedural page Nonce.php
- $observers
- in file OpenID.php, variable OpenID::$observers
Array of attached observers
- $opEndpointURL
- in file Nonce.php, variable OpenID_Nonce::$opEndpointURL
The OP Endoint URL a nonce is associated with
- $opEndpointURL
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$opEndpointURL
OpenID provider endpoint URL
- $options
- in file CacheLite.php, variable OpenID_Store_CacheLite::$options
Options currently in use
- offsetExists
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::offsetExists()
Checks to see if the offset exists in the services array
- offsetGet
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::offsetGet()
Returns the value of the services array at the specified offset
- offsetSet
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::offsetSet()
Sets a value in the services array
- offsetUnset
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::offsetUnset()
Removes a particular offset in the services array
- OpenID
- in file OpenID.php, class OpenID
- OAuth.php
- procedural page OAuth.php
- OpenID.php
- procedural page OpenID.php
- OpenID_Assertion
- in file Assertion.php, class OpenID_Assertion
Class for verifying assertions. Does basic validation (nonce, return_to, etc), as well as signature verification and check_authentication.
- OpenID_Assertion_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Assertion_Exception
- OpenID_Assertion_Exception_NoClaimedID
- in file NoClaimedID.php, class OpenID_Assertion_Exception_NoClaimedID
Identify cases where a claimed id is not present.
- OpenID_Assertion_Result
- in file Result.php, class OpenID_Assertion_Result
A class that represents the result of verifying an assertion.
- OpenID_Association
- in file Association.php, class OpenID_Association
- OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman
- in file DiffieHellman.php, class OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman
- OpenID_Association_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Association_Exception
- OpenID_Association_Request
- in file Request.php, class OpenID_Association_Request
- OpenID_Auth_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Auth_Exception
- OpenID_Auth_Request
- in file Request.php, class OpenID_Auth_Request
Creates an OpenID authorization request of type "checkid_setup" or "checkid_immediate".
- OpenID_Discover
- in file Discover.php, class OpenID_Discover
- OpenID_Discover_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Discover_Exception
- OpenID_Discover_HTML
- in file HTML.php, class OpenID_Discover_HTML
Implements HTML discovery
- OpenID_Discover_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class OpenID_Discover_Interface
Describes the discovery driver interface
- OpenID_Discover_Yadis
- in file Yadis.php, class OpenID_Discover_Yadis
Implements YADIS discovery
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Exception::OPENID_ERROR
Some OpenID error on the other side
- OpenID_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Exception
- OpenID_Extension
- in file Extension.php, class OpenID_Extension
- OpenID_Extension_AX
- in file AX.php, class OpenID_Extension_AX
Support for the AX extension
- OpenID_Extension_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Extension_Exception
- OpenID_Extension_OAuth
- in file OAuth.php, class OpenID_Extension_OAuth
Provides support for the OAuth extension
- OpenID_Extension_SREG10
- in file SREG10.php, class OpenID_Extension_SREG10
Implementation of the Simple Registration Extension version 1.0. See for more information on this extension.
- OpenID_Extension_SREG11
- in file SREG11.php, class OpenID_Extension_SREG11
Implementation of the Simple Registration Extension, version 1.1 Draft 1.
- OpenID_Extension_UI
- in file UI.php, class OpenID_Extension_UI
Provides support for the UI extension
- OpenID_Message
- in file Message.php, class OpenID_Message
- OpenID_Message_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Message_Exception
- OpenID_Nonce
- in file Nonce.php, class OpenID_Nonce
Handles nonce functionality. Requires the OP Endpoint URL nonces are to be associated with.
- OpenID_Observer_Common
- in file Common.php, class OpenID_Observer_Common
Allows for observers to listen in to key events. The most common use case is for logging. To use OpenID_Observe_Log, for example you could do this:
- OpenID_Observer_Log
- in file Log.php, class OpenID_Observer_Log
An observer based on PEAR's Log package. You may either pass in your own Log instance to the constructor, or allow the default file driver to write to /tmp/OpenID_Observer_Log.log by default.
- OpenID_RelyingParty
- in file RelyingParty.php, class OpenID_RelyingParty
- OpenID_ServiceEndpoint
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, class OpenID_ServiceEndpoint
- OpenID_ServiceEndpoints
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, class OpenID_ServiceEndpoints
- OpenID_Store
- in file Store.php, class OpenID_Store
Provides a factory for creating storage classes.
- OpenID_Store_CacheLite
- in file CacheLite.php, class OpenID_Store_CacheLite
PEAR Cache_Lite driver for storage. This is the default driver used.
- OpenID_Store_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class OpenID_Store_Exception
- OpenID_Store_Interface
- in file Interface.php, class OpenID_Store_Interface
Defines the OpenID storage interface.
- OpenID_Store_MDB2
- in file MDB2.php, class OpenID_Store_MDB2
A first pass at SQL support via MDB2. This may have some MySQL specific things so it might get refactored a bit to support other DBs.
- prepare
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::prepare()
Prepares an OpenID_Auth_Request and returns it. This process includes performing discovery and optionally creating an association before preparing the OpenID_Auth_Request object.
- prepareExecute
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::prepareExecute()
A shortcut to handle the error checking of prepare()/execute() in one place.
- $realm
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$realm
The URI used for the openid.realm paramater
- $request
- in file HTML.php, variable OpenID_Discover_HTML::$request
Local storage of the HTTP_Request2 object
- $requestedURL
- in file Assertion.php, variable OpenID_Assertion::$requestedURL
The URL of the current request (to compare with openid.return_to)
- $requestKeys
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$requestKeys
Keys appropriate for a request. Leave empty to allow any keys.
- $requestKeys
- in file SREG10.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG10::$requestKeys
Supported keys in a request
- $requestKeys
- in file OAuth.php, variable OpenID_Extension_OAuth::$requestKeys
Supported keys in a request
- $requestOptions
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$requestOptions
HTTP_Request2 options
- $requestOptions
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$requestOptions
HTTP_Request2 options
- $requestOptions
- in file Discover.php, variable OpenID_Discover::$requestOptions
HTTP_Request2 options
- $requiredParams
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$requiredParams
Required parameters for storing an association.
- $reserved
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$reserved
- $response
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$response
The association request response in array format
- $response
- in file HTML.php, variable OpenID_Discover_HTML::$response
Local storage of the HTTP_Request2_Response object
- $responseKeys
- in file OAuth.php, variable OpenID_Extension_OAuth::$responseKeys
Supported keys in a response
- $responseKeys
- in file SREG10.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG10::$responseKeys
Supported keys in a response
- $responseKeys
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$responseKeys
Keys appropriate for a response. Leave empty to allow any keys.
- $returnTo
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$returnTo
The URI used for the openid.return_to parameter
- rp_form.php
- procedural page rp_form.php
- relyingparty.php
- procedural page relyingparty.php
- Result.php
- procedural page Result.php
- Request.php
- procedural page Request.php
- Request.php
- procedural page Request.php
- RelyingParty.php
- procedural page RelyingParty.php
- removeFromCache
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::removeFromCache()
This is a warpper for Cache_Lite::remove(), since it generates strict warnings.
- in file Extension.php, class constant OpenID_Extension::REQUEST
- resetInternalData
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::resetInternalData()
Resets internal static variables.
- in file Extension.php, class constant OpenID_Extension::RESPONSE
- in file Nonce.php, class constant OpenID_Nonce::RETURN_TO_NONCE
Constant for the parameter used with OpenID 1.1 nonces in the return_to URL
- $serviceEndpoint
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Auth_Request::$serviceEndpoint
The OP Endpoint we are communicating with
- $services
- in file Discover.php, variable OpenID_Discover::$services
Instance of OpenID_ServiceEndpoints
- $sharedKeyComputed
- in file DiffieHellman.php, variable OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::$sharedKeyComputed
Whether or not the sharedSecretKey has been computed or not
- $sharedSecret
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$sharedSecret
In the association response, this is also referred to as the "mac_key", or is derived from the "enc_mac_key" if the session used encryption.
- $source
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, variable OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::$source
The source of discovery
- $store
- in file OpenID.php, variable OpenID::$store
Instance of OpenID_Store_Interface
- $storeDirectories
- in file CacheLite.php, variable OpenID_Store_CacheLite::$storeDirectories
Sub-directory storage for each type of store
- $supportedTypes
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$supportedTypes
Local list of supported association types.
- $supportedTypes
- in file Discover.php, variable OpenID_Discover::$supportedTypes
List of supported discover types
- SREG10.php
- procedural page SREG10.php
- SREG11.php
- procedural page SREG11.php
- ServiceEndpoint.php
- procedural page ServiceEndpoint.php
- ServiceEndpoints.php
- procedural page ServiceEndpoints.php
- Store.php
- procedural page Store.php
- sendAssociationRequest
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::sendAssociationRequest()
Actually sends the assocition request to the OP Endpoint URL.
- sendRequest
- in file HTML.php, method OpenID_Discover_HTML::sendRequest()
Sends the request via HTTP_Request2
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SERVICE_1_0_SIGNON
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SERVICE_1_1_SIGNON
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SERVICE_2_0_SERVER
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SERVICE_2_0_SIGNON
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SESSION_TYPE_DH_SHA1
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SESSION_TYPE_DH_SHA256
- in file OpenID.php, class constant OpenID::SESSION_TYPE_NO_ENCRYPTION
- set
- in file AX.php, method OpenID_Extension_AX::set()
Adds some validation checking when setting a key, then calls the parent set()
- set
- in file Extension.php, method OpenID_Extension::set()
Sets a key value pair
- set
- in file UI.php, method OpenID_Extension_UI::set()
Adds mode checking to set()
- set
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::set()
Sets a message key value.
- setAssertionMethod
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::setAssertionMethod()
Sets the assertion method used to verify the assertion
- setAssertionResult
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::setAssertionResult()
Sets the result of verifying the assertion.
- setAssociation
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::setAssociation()
Stores an OpenID_Association instance. Details (such as endpoint url and exiration) are retrieved from the object itself.
- setAssociation
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::setAssociation()
Sets an association in the SQL server
- setAssociation
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::setAssociation()
Stores an OpenID_Association instance. Details (such as endpoint url and expiration) are retrieved from the object itself.
- setAssociationType
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::setAssociationType()
Sets he association type for the request. Can be sha1 or sha256.
- setCheckAuthResponse
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::setCheckAuthResponse()
Sets the check_authentication response in the form of an OpenID_Message instance
- setClockSkew
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::setClockSkew()
Sets the clock skew for nonce checking
- setDiscover
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::setDiscover()
Stores an instance of OpenID_Discover
- setDiscover
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::setDiscover()
Sets the discovered information about the identifier
- setDiscover
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::setDiscover()
Adds discoverd infomation to the SQL server
- setDiscover
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::setDiscover()
Stores an instance of OpenID_Discover
- setEvents
- in file Common.php, method OpenID_Observer_Common::setEvents()
Sets a custom array of events to act upon
- setExpiresHeader
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::setExpiresHeader()
Sets the Expires header value
- setIdentifier
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::setIdentifier()
Sets the user-supplied indentifier
- setLastEvent
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::setLastEvent()
Sets the last event and notifies the observers
- setLocalID
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::setLocalID()
Sets the local ID
- setMessage
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::setMessage()
Sets message contents. Wipes out any existing message contents. Default source format is Array, but you can also use KV and HTTP formats.
- setMode
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::setMode()
Sets the openid.mode parameter. Can be either "checkid_setup" or "checkid_immediate"
- setNonce
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::setNonce()
Stores a nonce for an OP endpoint URL
- setNonce
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::setNonce()
Sets the instance of OpenID_Nonce for use with 1.1 return_to nonces
- setNonce
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::setNonce()
Sets a nonce in the SQL server
- setNonce
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Store_Interface::setNonce()
Stores a nonce for an OP endpoint URL
- setOptions
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::setOptions()
Sets options for Cache_Lite based on the needs of the current method.
- setRequestOptions
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::setRequestOptions()
Sets the HTTP_Request2 options to use
- setRequestOptions
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::setRequestOptions()
Sets the HTTP_Request2 options to use
- setRequestOptions
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Discover_Interface::setRequestOptions()
Sets the HTTP_Request2 options to use
- setRequestOptions
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::setRequestOptions()
Sets the HTTP_Request2 options to use
- setSessionType
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::setSessionType()
Sets the session type. Can be sha1, sha256, or no-encryption
- setSource
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::setSource()
Sets the source of discovery
- setStore
- in file OpenID.php, method OpenID::setStore()
Sets a custom OpenID_Store_Interface object
- setTypes
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::setTypes()
Sets the service type
- setURIs
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::setURIs()
Sets the endpoint URIs
- setUserSetupURL
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::setUserSetupURL()
Sets the openid.user_setup_url from the OP negative response
- setVersion
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::setVersion()
Sets the OpenID protocol version this endpoint supports
- signMessage
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::signMessage()
Signs an OpenID_Message instance
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Store_Exception::SQL_ERROR
SQL statement invalid
- success
- in file Result.php, method OpenID_Assertion_Result::success()
Indicates if the assertion was successful (positive) or not (negative)
- $uri
- in file Association.php, variable OpenID_Association::$uri
URI of the OP Endpoint
- $uris
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, variable OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::$uris
An array of URIs for this endpoint
- $useAssociations
- in file RelyingParty.php, variable OpenID_RelyingParty::$useAssociations
Whether or not to use associations
- $useNamespaceAlias
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$useNamespaceAlias
Whether or not to use namespace alias assignments (for SREG 1.0 mostly)
- $useNamespaceAlias
- in file SREG11.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG11::$useNamespaceAlias
Enables namespaces. The only differnce I can see in the specs.
- $useNamespaceAlias
- in file SREG10.php, variable OpenID_Extension_SREG10::$useNamespaceAlias
Disables NS use, since this extension was done before OpenID 2.0
- $userSetupURL
- in file Result.php, variable OpenID_Assertion_Result::$userSetupURL
The value of openid.user_setup_url, which is returned on a 1.1 negative response to a checkid_immediate request
- UI.php
- procedural page UI.php
- update
- in file Log.php, method OpenID_Observer_Log::update()
Logs the event
- update
- in file Common.php, method OpenID_Observer_Common::update()
Acts upon an event that just occured
- uritoArray
- in file message_inspector.php, function uritoArray()
- $validFormats
- in file Message.php, variable OpenID_Message::$validFormats
- $validModes
- in file UI.php, variable OpenID_Extension_UI::$validModes
Valid modes (only 'popup' so far)
- $validModes
- in file AX.php, variable OpenID_Extension_AX::$validModes
Valid modes for AX requests/responses
- $values
- in file Extension.php, variable OpenID_Extension::$values
- $version
- in file Request.php, variable OpenID_Association_Request::$version
Version of OpenID in use. This determines which algorithms we can use.
- $version
- in file ServiceEndpoint.php, variable OpenID_ServiceEndpoint::$version
The version of the OpenID protocol this endpoint supports
- $versionMap
- in file OpenID.php, variable OpenID::$versionMap
A map of which service types (versions) map to which protocol version. 1.0 is mapped to 1.1. This is mostly helpful to see if openid.ns is supported.
- validate
- in file Nonce.php, method OpenID_Nonce::validate()
Validates the syntax of a nonce, as well as checks to see if its timestamp is within the allowed clock skew
- validateDiscover
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::validateDiscover()
Validates and performs discovery on the openid.claimed_id paramter.
- validateNonce
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::validateNonce()
Validates the openid.response_nonce parameter.
- validateReturnTo
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::validateReturnTo()
Validates the openid.return_to parameter in the response.
- validateReturnToNonce
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::validateReturnToNonce()
Validates the nonce embedded in the openid.return_to paramater and deletes it from storage.. (For use with OpenID 1.1 only)
- in file Exception.php, class constant OpenID_Exception::VERIFICATION_ERROR
A value could not be verified; it's wrong
- verify
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::verify()
Verifies an assertion response from the OP. If the openid.mode is error, an exception is thrown.
- verifyResponseNonce
- in file Nonce.php, method OpenID_Nonce::verifyResponseNonce()
Checks to see if the response nonce has been seen before. If not, store it and then validate its syntax
- verifySignature
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::verifySignature()
Verifies the signature of this message association.
- _factory
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::_factory()
Provides the standard factory pattern for loading discovery drivers.
- __construct
- in file Message.php, method OpenID_Message::__construct()
Optionally instanciates this object with the contents of an OpenID message.
- __construct
- in file MDB2.php, method OpenID_Store_MDB2::__construct()
Calls MDB2::factory(). Connections are lazy loaded upon queries.
- __construct
- in file Log.php, method OpenID_Observer_Log::__construct()
Allows you to pass in a Log instance and an array of events to log. If no instance of Log is given, the 'file' Log driver will be used, and write to /tmp/OpenID_Observer_Log.log.
- __construct
- in file Nonce.php, method OpenID_Nonce::__construct()
Sets the OP endpoint URL, and optionally the clock skew and custom storage driver.
- __construct
- in file RelyingParty.php, method OpenID_RelyingParty::__construct()
Sets the identifier, returnTo, and realm to be used for messages. The identifier is normalized before being set.
- __construct
- in file ServiceEndpoints.php, method OpenID_ServiceEndpoints::__construct()
Sets the user-supplied identifier and adds a service if one is passed
- __construct
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Association_Request::__construct()
Sets the arguments passed in, as well as creates the request message.
- __construct
- in file Request.php, method OpenID_Auth_Request::__construct()
Sets the basic information used in the message.
- __construct
- in file Interface.php, method OpenID_Discover_Interface::__construct()
Constructor. Sets the user supplied identifier.
- __construct
- in file HTML.php, method OpenID_Discover_HTML::__construct()
Constructor. Sets the
- __construct
- in file CacheLite.php, method OpenID_Store_CacheLite::__construct()
Instantiate Cache_Lite. Allows for options to be passed to Cache_Lite.
- __construct
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::__construct()
Validates some association values before setting them as member variables.
- __construct
- in file DiffieHellman.php, method OpenID_Association_DiffieHellman::__construct()
Sets the instance of OpenID_Message being used, and also an optional instance of Crypt_DiffieHellman
- __construct
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::__construct()
Constructor. Enables libxml internal errors, normalized the identifier.
- __construct
- in file Assertion.php, method OpenID_Assertion::__construct()
Sets the request message, url, and clock skew. Then does some basic validation (return_to, nonce, discover).
- __construct
- in file Extension.php, method OpenID_Extension::__construct()
Sets the message type, request or response
- __get
- in file Discover.php, method OpenID_Discover::__get()
Gets member variables
- __get
- in file Association.php, method OpenID_Association::__get()
Allows access to association data via $assoc->name
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