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Class: Net_LDAP_Filter

Source Location: /Net_LDAP-1.1.5/LDAP/Filter.php

Class Overview


Object representation of a part of a LDAP filter.



  • CVS: $Id: Filter.php,v 1.27 2008/06/04 06:12:04 beni Exp $


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 44]
Object representation of a part of a LDAP filter.

This Class is not completely compatible to the PERL interface!

The purpose of this class is, that users can easily build LDAP filters without having to worry about right escaping etc. A Filter is built using several independent filter objects which are combined afterwards. This object works in two modes, depending how the object is created. If the object is created using the create() method, then this is a leaf-object. If the object is created using the combine() method, then this is a container object.

LDAP filters are defined in RFC-2254 and can be found under

Here a quick copy&paste example:

  1.  $filter0 Net_LDAP_Filter::create('stars''equals''***');
  2.  $filter_not0 Net_LDAP_Filter::combine('not'$filter0);
  4.  $filter1 Net_LDAP_Filter::create('gn''begins''bar');
  5.  $filter2 Net_LDAP_Filter::create('gn''ends''baz');
  6.  $filter_comp Net_LDAP_Filter::combine('or',array($filter_not0$filter1$filter2));
  8.  echo $filter_comp->asString();
  9.  // This will output: (|(!(stars=\0x5c0x2a\0x5c0x2a\0x5c0x2a))(gn=bar*)(gn=*baz))
  10.  // The stars in $filter0 are treaten as real stars unless you disable escaping.

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Method Detail

Net_LDAP_Filter (Constructor)   [line 92]

Net_LDAP_Filter Net_LDAP_Filter( [string $filter = false])

Create a new Net_LDAP_Filter object and parse $filter.

This is for PERL Net::LDAP interface. Construction of Net_LDAP_Filter objects should happen through either create() or combine() which give you more control. However, you may use the perl iterface if you already have generated filters.


string   $filter   —  LDAP filter string

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asString   [line 337]

string|Net_LDAP_Error asString( )

Get the string representation of this filter

This method runs through all filter objects and creates the string representation of the filter. If this filter object is a leaf filter, then it will return the string representation of this filter.

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as_string   [line 356]

void as_string( )

Alias for perl interface as_string()

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combine   [line 199]

Net_LDAP_Filter|Net_LDAP_Error &combine( string $log_op, array|Net_LDAP_Filter $filters)

Combine two or more filter objects using a logical operator

This static method combines two or more filter objects and returns one single filter object that contains all the others. Call this method statically: $filter =& Net_LDAP_Filter('or', array($filter1, $filter2)) If the array contains filter strings instead of filter objects, we will try to parse them.


string   $log_op   —  The locicall operator. May be "and", "or", "not" or the subsequent logical equivalents "&", "|", "!"
array|Net_LDAP_Filter   $filters   —  array with Net_LDAP_Filter objects

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create   [line 141]

Net_LDAP_Filter|Net_LDAP_Error &create( string $attr_name, string $match, [string $value = ''], [boolean $escape = true])

Constructor of a new part of a LDAP filter.

The following matching rules exists:

  • equals: One of the attributes values is exactly $value Please note that case sensitiviness is depends on the attributes syntax configured in the server.
  • begins: One of the attributes values must begin with $value
  • ends: One of the attributes values must end with $value
  • contains: One of the attributes values must contain $value
  • any: The attribute can contain any value but must be existent
  • greater: The attributes value is greater than $value
  • less: The attributes value is less than $value
  • greaterOrEqual: The attributes value is greater or equal than $value
  • lessOrEqual: The attributes value is less or equal than $value
  • approx: One of the attributes values is similar to $value
If $escape is set to true (default) then $value will be escaped properly. If it is set to false then $value will be treaten as raw value.


  1.    // This will find entries that contain an attribute "sn" that ends with "foobar":
  2.    $filter = new Net_LDAP_Filter('sn''ends''foobar');
  4.    // This will find entries that contain an attribute "sn" that has any value set:
  5.    $filter = new Net_LDAP_Filter('sn''any');


string   $attr_name   —  Name of the attribute the filter should apply to
string   $match   —  Matching rule (equals, begins, ends, contains, greater, less, greaterOrEqual, lessOrEqual, approx, any)
string   $value   —  (optional) if given, then this is used as a filter
boolean   $escape   —  Should $value be escaped? (default: yes, see Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value() for detailed information)

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escape   [line 417]

string escape( string $value)

This can be used to escape a string to provide a valid LDAP-Filter.

LDAP will only recognise certain characters as the character istself if they are properly escaped. This is what this method does. The method can be called statically, so you can use it outside for your own purposes (eg for escaping only parts of strings)

In fact, this is just a shorthand to Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value(). For upward compatibiliy reasons you are strongly encouraged to use the escape methods provided by the Net_LDAP_Util class.

  • Return: The string $string, but escaped
  • Deprecated: Do not use this method anymore, instead use Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value() directly


string   $value   —  Any string who should be escaped

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parse   [line 271]

Net_LDAP_Filter|Net_LDAP_Error parse( string $FILTER)

Parse FILTER into a Net_LDAP_Filter object

This parses an filter string into Net_LDAP_Filter objects.

  • Todo: Leaf-mode: Do we need to escape at all? what about *-chars?check for the need of encoding values, tackle problems (see code comments)


string   $FILTER   —  The filter string

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printMe   [line 372]

true|Net_LDAP_Error printMe( [resource $FH = false])

Print the text representation of the filter to FH, or the currently selected output handle if FH is not given

This method is only for compatibility to the perl interface. However, the original method was called "print" but due to PHP language restrictions, we can't have a print() method.


resource   $FH   —  (optional) A filehandle resource

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