Element index for package Mail
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- $_smtp
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$_smtp
SMTP connection object.
- $_smtp
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$_smtp
SMTP connection object.
- _error
- in file smtp.php, method Mail2_smtp::_error()
Build a standardized string describing the current SMTP error.
- _getMx
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::_getMx()
Recieve mx rexords for a spciefied host
- _loadNetDns
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::_loadNetDns()
initialize PEAR:Net_DNS_Resolver
- _raiseError
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::_raiseError()
raise standardized error
- _sanitizeHeaders
- in file Mail2.php, method Mail2::_sanitizeHeaders()
Sanitize an array of mail headers by removing any additional header strings present in a legitimate header's value. The goal of this filter is to prevent mail injection attacks.
- __construct
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::__construct()
- __construct
- in file smtp.php, method Mail2_smtp::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mock.php, method Mail2_mock::__construct()
- __construct
- in file sendmail.php, method Mail2_sendmail::__construct()
- __construct
- in file mail.php, method Mail2_mail::__construct()
- __destruct
- in file smtp.php, method Mail2_smtp::__destruct()
Destructor implementation to ensure that we disconnect from any potentially-alive persistent SMTP connections.
- __destruct
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::__destruct()
Destructor implementation to ensure that we disconnect from any potentially-alive persistent SMTP connections.
- _hasUnclosedBrackets
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_hasUnclosedBrackets()
Checks if a string has an unclosed brackets or not. IMPORTANT: This function handles both angle brackets and square brackets;
- _hasUnclosedBracketsSub
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_hasUnclosedBracketsSub()
Sub function that is used only by hasUnclosedBrackets().
- _hasUnclosedQuotes
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_hasUnclosedQuotes()
Checks if a string has unclosed quotes or not.
- _isGroup
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_isGroup()
Checks for a group at the start of the string.
- _splitAddresses
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_splitAddresses()
Splits an address into separate addresses.
- _splitCheck
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_splitCheck()
A common function that will check an exploded string.
- _validateAddress
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateAddress()
Function to begin checking the address.
- _validateAddrSpec
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateAddrSpec()
Function to validate an addr-spec.
- _validateAtom
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateAtom()
Function to validate an atom which from rfc822 is: atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
- _validateDliteral
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateDliteral()
Function to validate a domain literal: domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
- _validateDomain
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateDomain()
Function to validate a domain, though this is not quite what you expect of a strict internet domain.
- _validateLocalPart
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateLocalPart()
Function to validate the local part of an address: local-part = word *("." word)
- _validatePhrase
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validatePhrase()
Function to validate a phrase.
- _validateQuotedString
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateQuotedString()
Function to validate quoted string, which is: quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">
- _validateRoute
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateRoute()
Function to validate a route, which is: route = 1#("@" domain) ":"
- _validateRouteAddr
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateRouteAddr()
This function validates a route-addr which is: route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
- _validateSubdomain
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::_validateSubdomain()
Function to validate a subdomain: subdomain = domain-ref / domain-literal
- __construct
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::__construct()
Sets up the object. The address must either be set here or when calling parseAddressList(). One or the other.
- factory
- in file Mail2.php, method Mail2::factory()
Provides an interface for generating Mail:: objects of various types
- $localhost
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$localhost
Hostname or domain that will be sent to the remote SMTP server in the HELO / EHLO message.
- $limit
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$limit
A limit after which processing stops
- $mailname
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$mailname
Hostname or domain that will be sent to the remote SMTP server in the HELO / EHLO message.
- Mail2
- in file Mail2.php, class Mail2
PEAR's Mail:: interface. Defines the interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy, and provides supporting functions useful in multiple mailer backends.
- mail.php
- procedural page mail.php
- mock.php
- procedural page mock.php
- Mail2.php
- procedural page Mail2.php
- Mail2_mail
- in file mail.php, class Mail2_mail
internal PHP-mail() implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
- Mail2_mock
- in file mock.php, class Mail2_mock
Mock implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface for testing.
- Mail2_null
- in file null.php, class Mail2_null
Null implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
- Mail2_sendmail
- in file sendmail.php, class Mail2_sendmail
Sendmail implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface.
- Mail2_smtp
- in file smtp.php, class Mail2_smtp
SMTP implementation of the PEAR Mail interface. Requires the Net_SMTP2 class.
- Mail2_smtpmx
- in file smtpmx.php, class Mail2_smtpmx
SMTP MX implementation of the PEAR Mail interface. Requires the Net_SMTP2 class.
- $mailRFC822
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$mailRFC822
A variable so that we can tell whether or not we're inside a Mail_RFC822 object.
- Mail2_RFC822
- in file RFC822.php, class Mail2_RFC822
- null.php
- procedural page null.php
- $nestGroups
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$nestGroups
Should we return a nested array showing groups, or flatten everything?
- $num_groups
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$num_groups
The number of groups that have been found in the address list.
- $password
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$password
The password to use if the SMTP server requires authentication.
- $persist
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$persist
Indicates whether or not the SMTP connection should persist over multiple calls to the send() method.
- $pipelining
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$pipelining
Use SMTP command pipelining (specified in RFC 2920) if the SMTP server supports it. This speeds up delivery over high-latency connections. By default, use the default value supplied by Net_SMTP2.
- $port
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$port
The port the SMTP server is on.
- $port
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$port
The port the SMTP server is on.
- parseRecipients
- in file Mail2.php, method Mail2::parseRecipients()
Take a set of recipients and parse them, returning an array of bare addresses (forward paths) that can be passed to sendmail or an smtp server with the rcpt to: command.
- prepareHeaders
- in file Mail2.php, method Mail2::prepareHeaders()
Take an array of mail headers and return a string containing text usable in sending a message.
- parseAddressList
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::parseAddressList()
Starts the whole process. The address must either be set here or when creating the object. One or the other.
- $sendmail_args
- in file sendmail.php, variable Mail2_sendmail::$sendmail_args
Any extra command-line parameters to pass to the sendmail or sendmail wrapper binary.
- $sendmail_path
- in file sendmail.php, variable Mail2_sendmail::$sendmail_path
The location of the sendmail or sendmail wrapper binary on the filesystem.
- $sentMessages
- in file mock.php, variable Mail2_mock::$sentMessages
Array of messages that have been sent with the mock.
- $sep
- in file Mail2.php, variable Mail2::$sep
Line terminator used for separating header lines.
- $socket_options
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$socket_options
- sendmail.php
- procedural page sendmail.php
- send
- in file smtp.php, method Mail2_smtp::send()
Implements Mail::send() function using SMTP.
- send
- in file smtpmx.php, method Mail2_smtpmx::send()
Implements Mail::send() function using SMTP direct delivery
- send
- in file mail.php, method Mail2_mail::send()
Implements Mail_mail::send() function using php's built-in mail() command.
- send
- in file sendmail.php, method Mail2_sendmail::send()
Implements Mail::send() function using the sendmail command-line binary.
- send
- in file Mail2.php, method Mail2::send()
Implements Mail::send() function using php's built-in mail() command.
- send
- in file mock.php, method Mail2_mock::send()
Implements Mail_mock::send() function. Silently discards all mail.
- send
- in file null.php, method Mail2_null::send()
Implements Mail_null::send() function. Silently discards all mail.
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_AUTH
Error: SMTP authentication failure
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_CONNECT
Error: Failed to connect to SMTP server
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_CREATE
Error: Failed to create a Net_SMTP2 object
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_DATA
Error: Failed to send data
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_FROM
Error: No From: address has been provided
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_RECIPIENT
Error: Failed to add recipient
- in file smtp.php, class constant Mail2_smtp::SMTP_ERROR_SENDER
Error: Failed to set sender
- $structure
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$structure
The final array of parsed address information that we build up.
- $test
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$test
Switch to test mode - don't send emails for real
- $timeout
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$timeout
SMTP connection timeout value. NULL indicates no timeout.
- $timeout
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$timeout
SMTP connection timeout value. NULL indicates no timeout.
- $username
- in file smtp.php, variable Mail2_smtp::$username
The username to use if the SMTP server requires authentication.
- $verp
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$verp
Whether to use VERP or not. If not a boolean, the string value will be used as the VERP separators.
- $vrfy
- in file smtpmx.php, variable Mail2_smtpmx::$vrfy
Whether to use VRFY or not.
- $validate
- in file RFC822.php, variable Mail2_RFC822::$validate
Whether or not to validate atoms for non-ascii characters.
- validateMailbox
- in file RFC822.php, method Mail2_RFC822::validateMailbox()
Function to validate a mailbox, which is: mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address / phrase route-addr ; name and route-addr
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