[ class tree: LiveUser ] [ index: LiveUser ] [ all elements ]

Class: LiveUser_Perm_Storage_PDO

Source Location: /LiveUser-0.16.14/LiveUser/Perm/Storage/PDO.php

Class Overview


PDO container for permission handling.



  • Release: @package_version@


  • 2002-2006 Markus Wolff


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class: LiveUser_Perm_Storage_SQL

properly disconnect from resources

Class: LiveUser_Perm_Storage

properly disconnect from resources
store all properties in the session and return them as an array
Initialize the storage container
map an auth user to a perm user
read the areas in which a user is an area admin
Reads the group rights and put them in the array
Reads all the group ids in that the user is also a member of (all groups that are subgroups of these are also added recursively)
Read out the implied rights with a given level from the implied_rights table
Read out the rights from the userrights or grouprights table that imply other rights along with their level
Read the sub groups of the new groups that are not part of the group ids
Reads all rights of current user into a two-dimensional associative array, having the area names as the key of the 1st dimension.
Reinitializes properties

Class Details

[line 75]
PDO container for permission handling.

This is a PDO backend driver for the LiveUser class. A PDO connection object can be passed to the constructor to reuse an existing connection. Alternatively, a DSN can be passed to open a new one.


  • PHP5
  • File "Liveuser.php" (contains the parent class "LiveUser")
  • Array of connection options passed to the constructor. Example: array('dsn' => 'mysql:host:localhost;dbname=db_name', 'options' => array('username' => 'root', 'password' => 'secret', 'attr' => array()));

[ Top ]

Method Detail

disconnect   [line 480]

void disconnect( )

Override the disconnect method from the parent class.

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage_SQL::disconnect() (properly disconnect from resources)
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init   [line 93]

bool init( array &$storageConf)

Initialize the storage container
  • Return: true on success, false on failure.
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::init() (Initialize the storage container)


array   &$storageConf   —  Array with the storage configuration

[ Top ]

mapUser   [line 142]

array|false mapUser( int $auth_user_id, string $containerName)

map an auth user to a perm user
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::mapUser() (map an auth user to a perm user)


int   $auth_user_id   —  auth user id
string   $containerName   —  name of the container

[ Top ]

readAreaAdminAreas   [line 224]

array readAreaAdminAreas( int $perm_user_id)

read the areas in which a user is an area admin
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readAreaAdminAreas() (read the areas in which a user is an area admin)


int   $perm_user_id   —  perm user id

[ Top ]

readGroupRights   [line 312]

array readGroupRights( int $group_ids)

Reads the group rights and put them in the array

right => 1

  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readGroupRights() (Reads the group rights and put them in the array)


int   $group_ids   —  group ids

[ Top ]

readGroups   [line 267]

array readGroups( int $perm_user_id)

Reads all the group ids in that the user is also a member of (all groups that are subgroups of these are also added recursively)
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • See: readRights()
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readGroups() (Reads all the group ids in that the user is also a member of (all groups that are subgroups of these are also added recursively))


int   $perm_user_id   —  perm user id

[ Top ]

readImpliedRights   [line 445]

array readImpliedRights( array $currentRights, string $currentLevel)

Read out the implied rights with a given level from the implied_rights table
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readImpliedRights() (Read out the implied rights with a given level from the implied_rights table)


array   $currentRights   —  current right ids
string   $currentLevel   —  current level

[ Top ]

readImplyingRights   [line 400]

array readImplyingRights( array $rightIds, string $table)

Read out the rights from the userrights or grouprights table that imply other rights along with their level
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readImplyingRights() (Read out the rights from the userrights or grouprights table that imply other rights along with their level)


array   $rightIds   —  right ids
string   $table   —  name of the table

[ Top ]

readSubGroups   [line 352]

array readSubGroups( array $group_ids, array $newGroupIds)

Read the sub groups of the new groups that are not part of the group ids
  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readSubGroups() (Read the sub groups of the new groups that are not part of the group ids)


array   $group_ids   —  group ids
array   $newGroupIds   —  new group ids

[ Top ]

readUserRights   [line 187]

array readUserRights( int $perm_user_id)

Reads all rights of current user into a two-dimensional associative array, having the area names as the key of the 1st dimension.

Group rights and invididual rights are being merged in the process.

  • Return: requested data or false on failure
  • Access: public

Overrides LiveUser_Perm_Storage::readUserRights() (Reads all rights of current user into a two-dimensional associative array, having the area names as the key of the 1st dimension.)


int   $perm_user_id   —  perm user id

[ Top ]

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