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Class: Image_Canvas_Color

Source Location: /Image_Canvas-0.3.5/Image/Canvas/Color.php

Class Overview


Class for color-handling



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 45]
Class for color-handling

This is used to extend the functionality of the current PEAR::Image_Color v0.4. I hope to be allowed to incorporate some of the improvements in a new Image_Color release.

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Method Detail

allocateColor   [line 61]

resource allocateColor( resource &$img, mixed $color)

Allocates a color in the given image.

Userdefined color specifications get translated into an array of rgb values.


resource   &$img   —  GD-resource
mixed   $color   —  Any color representation supported by color2RGB()

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color2RGB   [line 84]

array color2RGB( mixed $color)

Convert any color-representation into an array of 4 ints (RGBA).

Userdefined color specifications get translated into an array of rgb values.

  • Return: Array of 4 ints (RGBA-representation)
  • Access: public


mixed   $color   —  Any color representation supported by Image_Canvas_Color::color2RGB()

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getRange   [line 153]

array getRange( string $degrees)

getRange Given a degree, you can get the range of colors between one color and another color.
  • Return: Array of all the colors, one element for each color.
  • Access: public


string   $degrees   —  How much each 'step' between the colors we should take.

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