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- $gtkTimeoutTag
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, variable Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::$gtkTimeoutTag
The tag returned to indicate the call to gtk timeout.
- getFullText
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getFullText()
Return all of the text that can ever be shown by this label.
- getHiddenText
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getHiddenText()
Return all of the text that is not currently visible.
- getScrollingLabel
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getScrollingLabel()
Return the GTKEventBox with the GTKLabel inside.
- getStyle
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getStyle()
Get the label's style widget.
- getVisibleLength
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleLength()
Return the visible area length in characters
- getVisibleText
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleText()
Return the portion of the label text that should be visible
- Gtk2_ScrollingLabel
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, class Gtk2_ScrollingLabel
Class for creating a label with the ability to scroll text.
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, class constant Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::GTK2_SCROLLINGLABEL_DEFAULT_ERROR
A SrollingLabel error code.
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, class constant Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::GTK2_SCROLLINGLABEL_LEFT
A constant for representing srolls that move from left to right
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, class constant Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::GTK2_SCROLLINGLABEL_RIGHT
A constant for representing srolls that move from right to left
- $speed
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, variable Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::$speed
The number of milliseconds between calls to the method passed to gtk timeout.
- ScrollingLabel.php
- procedural page ScrollingLabel.php
- setBounce
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setBounce()
Set whether or not the text should change directions when it hits an edge
- setDirection
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setDirection()
Set the diretion that the text should scroll.
- setFullText
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setFullText()
Set the full text of the label.
- setPauseSignal
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setPauseSignal()
Connect the pause method to an event.
- setSpeed
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setSpeed()
Set the speed of the scrolling text.
- setStartSignal
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setStartSignal()
Connect the start method to an event.
- setStopSignal
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setStopSignal()
Connect the stop method to an event.
- setStyle
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setStyle()
Set the style in which the text will be displayed.
- setUnPauseSignal
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setUnPauseSignal()
Connect the unpause method to an event.
- setVisibleLength
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setVisibleLength()
Change how many characters should be visible at any given time.
- show
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::show()
Show the GTK components.
- startScroll
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::startScroll()
Begin scrolling the text from the start of the string.
- stopScroll
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, method Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::stopScroll()
Stop scrolling the text and return the string to the beginning.
- $widget
- in file ScrollingLabel.php, variable Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::$widget
The event box which will contain the label and listen for events.
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