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Class: File_Passwd_Authdigest

Source Location: /File_Passwd-1.1.7/Passwd/Authdigest.php

Class Overview


Manipulate AuthDigestFiles as used for HTTP Digest Authentication.



  • $Revision: 1.13 $


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class: File_Passwd_Common

Constructor (ZE2)
Delete a certain user
Get path of passwd file
List user
Loads the file
Parse the content of the file
Apply changes and rewrite passwd file
Set path to passwd file
Check if a certain user already exists
Base method for File_Passwd::staticAuth()
Closes a prior opened and locked file handle
Opens a file, locks it exclusively and returns the filehandle
Save the modified content to the passwd file

Class Details

[line 60]
Manipulate AuthDigestFiles as used for HTTP Digest Authentication.

<u> Usage Example: </u>

  1.    $htd &File_Passwd::factory('Authdigest');
  2.    $htd->setFile('/www/mike/auth/.htdigest');
  3.    $htd->load();
  4.    $htd->addUser('mike''myRealm''secret');
  5.    $htd->save();

<u> Output of listUser() </u>

       + user  => array
                   + realm => crypted_passwd
                   + realm => crypted_passwd
       + user  => array
                   + realm => crypted_passwd

  • Author: Michael Wallner <>
  • Version: $Revision: 1.13 $
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

Method Detail

File_Passwd_Authdigest (Constructor)   [line 76]

File_Passwd_Authdigest File_Passwd_Authdigest( [string $file = '.htdigest'])

  • Access: public


string   $file   —  path to AuthDigestFile

[ Top ]

addUser   [line 155]

mixed addUser( string $user, string $realm, string $pass)

Add an user

Returns a PEAR_Error if:

  • the user already exists in the supplied realm
  • the user or realm contain illegal characters
$user and $realm must start with an alphabetical charachter and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.

  • Return: true on success or a PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  the user to add
string   $realm   —  the realm the user should be in
string   $pass   —  the plaintext password

[ Top ]

changePasswd   [line 242]

mixed changePasswd( string $user, string $realm, string $pass)

Change the password of a certain user

Returns a PEAR_Error if:

  • user doesn't exist in the supplied realm
  • user or realm contains illegal characters
This method in fact adds the user whith the new password after deleting the user.

  • Return: true on success or a PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  the user whose password should be changed
string   $realm   —  the realm the user is in
string   $pass   —  the new plaintext password

[ Top ]

delUserInRealm   [line 299]

mixed delUserInRealm( string $user, string $inRealm)

Delete a certain user in a specific realm

Returns a PEAR_Error if $user doesn't exist $inRealm.

  • Return: true on success or PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  the user to remove
string   $inRealm   —  the realm the user should be in

[ Top ]

generatePasswd   [line 348]

string generatePasswd( string $user, string $realm, string $pass)

Generate Password
  • Return: The crypted password.
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  The username.
string   $realm   —  The realm the user is in.
string   $pass   —  The plaintext password.

[ Top ]

listUserInRealm   [line 208]

array listUserInRealm( [string $inRealm = ''])

List all user of (a | all) realm(s)


  • associative array of users of ONE realm if $inRealm was supplied
            + user1 => pass
            + user2 => pass
            + user3 => pass
  • associative array of all realms with all users
            + realm1 => array
                         + user1 => pass
                         + user2 => pass
                         + user3 => pass
            + realm2 => array
                         + user3 => pass
            + realm3 => array
                         + user1 => pass
                         + user2 => pass

  • Access: public


string   $inRealm   —  the realm to list users of; if omitted, you'll get all realms

[ Top ]

parse   [line 320]

mixed parse( )

Parse the AuthDigestFile

Returns a PEAR_Error if AuthDigestFile has invalid format.

  • Return: true on success or PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public

Overrides File_Passwd_Common::parse() (Parse the content of the file)
[ Top ]

save   [line 125]

mixed save( )

Apply changes and rewrite AuthDigestFile

Returns a PEAR_Error if:

  • directory in which the file should reside couldn't be created
  • file couldn't be opened in write mode
  • file couldn't be locked exclusively
  • file couldn't be unlocked
  • file couldn't be closed

  • Return: true on success or a PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public

Overrides File_Passwd_Common::save() (Apply changes and rewrite passwd file)
[ Top ]

staticAuth   [line 101]

mixed staticAuth( string $file, string $user, string $pass, string $realm)

Fast authentication of a certain user

Returns a PEAR_Error if:

  • file doesn't exist
  • file couldn't be opened in read mode
  • file couldn't be locked exclusively
  • file couldn't be unlocked (only if auth fails)
  • file couldn't be closed (only if auth fails)

  • Return: true if authenticated, false if not or PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $file   —  path to passwd file
string   $user   —  user to authenticate
string   $pass   —  plaintext password
string   $realm   —  the realm the user is in

[ Top ]

userInRealm   [line 283]

boolean userInRealm( string $user, string $realm)

Ckeck if a certain user is in a specific realm
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  the user to check
string   $realm   —  the realm the user shuold be in

[ Top ]

verifyPasswd   [line 263]

mixed verifyPasswd( string $user, string $realm, string $pass)

Verifiy password

Returns a PEAR_Error if the user doesn't exist in the supplied realm.

  • Return: true if passwords equal, false if they don't, or PEAR_Error
  • Throws: PEAR_Error
  • Access: public


string   $user   —  the user whose password should be verified
string   $realm   —  the realm the user is in
string   $pass   —  the plaintext password to verify

[ Top ]

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