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Class: File_IMC_Build

Source Location: /File_IMC-0.5.0/File/IMC/Build.php

Class Overview

This class helps build files in the vCard and vCalendar formats.



  • Release: 0.5.0



Child classes:

This class builds a single vCard (version 3.0 or 2.1).

Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 69]
This class helps build files in the vCard and vCalendar formats.

General note: we use the terms "set" "add" and "get" as function prefixes.

"Set" means there is only one iteration of a property, and it has only one value repetition, so you set the whole thing at once.

"Add" means either multiple iterations of a property are allowed, or that there is only one iteration allowed but there can be multiple value repetitions, so you add iterations or repetitions to the current stack.

"Get" returns the full vCard line for a single iteration.

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$group = array()

[line 90]

Groups for vCard properties
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$lastIter =  null

[line 108]

Tracks which iteration was last used Used so that iteration need not be specified when adding parameters or groups
  • Access: protected

Type:   int

[ Top ]

$lastProp =  null

[line 99]

Tracks which property (N, ADR, TEL, etc) value was last set or added.

Used so that property need not be specified when adding parameters or groups

  • Access: protected

Type:   string

[ Top ]

$param = array()

[line 83]

Parameters for vCard properties
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$value = array()

[line 76]

Values for vCard properties
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

Method Detail

addParam   [line 304]

void addParam( string $param_name, string $param_value, [string $prop = null], [mixed $iter = null])

Adds a parameter value for a given property and parameter name.

Note that although vCard 2.1 and vCalendar allow you to specify a parameter value without a name (e.g., "HOME" instead of "TYPE=HOME") this class is not so lenient. ;-) You must specify a parameter name (TYPE, ENCODING, etc) when adding a parameter. Call multiple times if you want to add multiple values to the same parameter. E.g.:

$vcard = File_IMC::build('vCard');

// set "TYPE=HOME,PREF" for the first TEL property $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'HOME', 'TEL', 0); $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'PREF', 'TEL', 0);

  • Throws: File_IMC_Excpetion on failure.
  • Access: public


string   $param_name   —  The parameter name, such as TYPE, VALUE, or ENCODING.
string   $param_value   —  The parameter value.
string   $prop   —  The vCard property for which this is a paramter (ADR, TEL, etc). If null, will be the property that was last set or added-to.
mixed   $iter   —  An integer vCard property iteration that this is a param for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR property, 0 refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR, and so on. If null, the parameter will be added to the last property iteration available.

[ Top ]

addValue   [line 464]

void addValue( string $prop, int $iter, int $part, $vals, mixed $value)

Generic, all-purpose method to add a repetition of a string or array in $this->value, in a way suitable for later output as a vCard element. This appends the value to be the passed text or array value, leaving any prior values in place.
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to set the value for ('N', 'ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The property-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the property-iteration to set the value for.
mixed   $value   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this property-iteration part.
   $vals   — 

[ Top ]

encode   [line 199]

void encode( string $prop, int $iter)

Check if encoding parameter has been set for this property/iteration If so... it is assumed that the value has already been encoded as such Otherwide, encode the value if necessary and sets the encoding parameter
  • Access: public


string   $prop   — 
int   $iter   — 

[ Top ]

escape   [line 241]

void escape( &$text, mixed $text)

Prepares a string so it may be safely used as vCard values. DO NOT use this with binary encodings. Operates on text in-place; does not return a value. Recursively descends into arrays.

Escapes a string so that... ; => \; , => \, newline => literal \n

  • Throws: File_IMC_Exception on failure.
  • Access: public


mixed   $text   —  The string or array or strings to escape.
   &$text   — 

[ Top ]

fetch   [line 144]

string fetch( )

Fetches a full vCard/vCal text block based on $this->value and $this->param.
  • Return: A properly formatted vCard/vCalendar text block.
  • Abstract:

Overridden in child classes as:

Fetches a full vCard text block based on $this->value and

[ Top ]

getGroup   [line 347]

string getGroup( [string $prop = null], [int $iter = null])

Gets back the group for a given property.
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to get parameters for (ADR, TEL, etc).
int   $iter   —  The vCard property iteration to get the param list for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR property, 0 refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR, and so on.

[ Top ]

getMeta   [line 399]

string getMeta( string $prop, [int $iter = 0])

Gets the left-side/prefix/before-the-colon (metadata) part of a vCard line, including the property identifier, the parameter list, and a colon.
  • Return: The line prefix metadata.
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to get metadata for (ADR, TEL, etc).
int   $iter   —  The vCard property iteration to get the metadata for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR property, 0 refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR, and so on.

[ Top ]

getParam   [line 522]

string getParam( string $prop, [int $iter = 0])

Gets back the parameter string for a given property.
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to get parameters for (ADR, TEL, etc).
int   $iter   —  The vCard property iteration to get the param list for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR property, 0 refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR, and so on.

[ Top ]

getValue   [line 491]

string getValue( string $prop, [int $iter = 0], [int $part = 0], [mixed $rept = null])

Generic, all-purpose method to get back the data stored in $this->value.
  • Return: The value, escaped and delimited, of all repetitions in the property-iteration part (or specific repetition within the part).
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to set the value for ('N','ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The property-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the property-iteration to get the value for.
mixed   $rept   —  The repetition number within the part to get; if null, get all repetitions of the part within the iteration.

[ Top ]

getVersion   [line 185]

string getVersion( )

Gets back the version of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Return: The data-source of the vCard.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

reset   [line 165]

void reset( [string $version = null])

Resets the vCard values and params to be blank.


string   $version   —  The vCard version to reset to ('2.1' or '3.0' -- default is the same version as previously set).

[ Top ]

setFromArray   [line 587]

void setFromArray( array $src)

Builds a vCard/vCal from a parser result array. Only send one vCard from the parse-results.

Usage (to build from first vCard in parsed results):

$parse = File_IMC::parse('vCard'); // new parser $info = $parse->fromFile('sample.vcf'); // parse file

$vcard = File_IMC::build('vCard'); // new builder $vcard->setFromArray($info);


array   $src   —  One vCard entry as parsed using File_IMC::parse()

[ Top ]

setGroup   [line 374]

void setGroup( $groupName, [string $prop = null], [int $iter = null], string $groupNAme)

Sets the group for a given property.
  • Access: public


string   $groupNAme   —  The group to assign to the property
string   $prop   —  The property (ADR, TEL, etc). If null, will be the property that was last set or added-to.
int   $iter   —  An integer vCard property iteration that this is a param for If null, will be the iteration that was last set or added-to.
   $groupName   — 

[ Top ]

setValue   [line 431]

void setValue( string $prop, int $iter, int $part, mixed $value)

Generic, all-purpose method to store a string or array in $this->value, in a way suitable for later output as a vCard element. This forces the value to be the passed text or array value, overriding any prior values.
  • Access: public


string   $prop   —  The property to set the value for ('N','ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The property-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the property-iteration to set the value for.
mixed   $value   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this property-iteration part.

[ Top ]

setVersion   [line 118]

mixed setVersion( [string $text = '3.0'])

Sets the version of the specification to use. Only one iteration.

Overload this function in the driver to validate and set the version

  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Abstract:

Overridden in child classes as:



string   $text   —  The text value of the verson text (e.g. '3.0' or '2.1').

[ Top ]

validateParam   [line 136]

void validateParam( string $name, string $text, [string $prop = null], [string $iter = null])

Validates parameter names and values
  • Abstract:
  • Throws: File_IMC_Exception if not.

Overridden in child classes as:

Validates parameter names and values based on the vCard version (2.1 or 3.0).


string   $name   —  The parameter name (e.g., TYPE or ENCODING).
string   $text   —  The parameter value (e.g., HOME or BASE64).
string   $prop   —  Optional, the property name (e.g., ADR or PHOTO). Only used for error messaging.
string   $iter   —  Optional, the iteration of the property. Only used for error messaging.

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_setLast   [line 151]

void _setLast( string $prop, in $iter)

  • Access: protected


string   $prop   —  property
in   $iter   —  iteration

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__toString   [line 643]

string __toString( )

Magic method to display the vCard/vCal.

  1.  $vcard File_IMC::build('vCard');
  3.  // set "TYPE=HOME,PREF" for the first TEL property
  4.  $vcard->addParam('TYPE''HOME''TEL'0);
  5.  $vcard->addParam('TYPE''PREF''TEL'0);
  7.  echo $vcard;

  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::fetch()

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