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Class: FSM

Source Location: /FSM-1.4.0/FSM.php

Class Overview

This class implements a Finite State Machine (FSM).



  • $Revision$


Child classes:

FSM to Image_GraphViz converter

Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 48]
This class implements a Finite State Machine (FSM).

In addition to maintaining state, this FSM also maintains a user-defined payload, therefore effectively making the machine a Push-Down Automata (a finite state machine with memory).

This code is based on Noah Spurrier's Finite State Machine (FSM) submission to the Python Cookbook:


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Method Detail

FSM (Constructor)   [line 125]

FSM FSM( string $initialState, &$payload, mixed $payload)

This method constructs a new Finite State Machine (FSM) object.

In addition to defining the machine's initial state, a "payload" may also be specified. The payload represents a variable that will be passed along to each of the action functions. If the FSM is being used for parsing, the payload is often a array that is used as a stack.


string   $initialState   —  The initial state of the FSM.
mixed   $payload   —  A payload that will be passed to each action function.
   &$payload   — 

[ Top ]

addTransition   [line 182]

void addTransition( string $symbol, string $state, string $nextState, [callable $action = null])

This method adds a new transition that associates:

(symbol, currentState) --> (nextState, action)

The action may be set to NULL, in which case the processing routine will ignore the action and just set the next state.


string   $symbol   —  The input symbol.
string   $state   —  This transition's starting state.
string   $nextState   —  This transition's ending state.
callable   $action   —  The name of the function to invoke when this transition occurs.

[ Top ]

addTransitionAny   [line 239]

void addTransitionAny( string $state, string $nextState, [callable $action = null])

This method adds a new transition that associates:

(currentState) --> (nextState, action)

The processing routine checks these associations if it cannot first find a match for (symbol, currentState).


string   $state   —  This transition's starting state.
string   $nextState   —  This transition's ending state.
callable   $action   —  The name of the function to invoke when this transition occurs.

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addTransitions   [line 198]

void addTransitions( array $symbols, string $state, string $nextState, [callable $action = null])

This method adds the same transition for multiple different symbols.


array   $symbols   —  A list of input symbols.
string   $state   —  This transition's starting state.
string   $nextState   —  This transition's ending state.
callable   $action   —  The name of the function to invoke when this transition occurs.

[ Top ]

addTransitionsArray   [line 217]

void addTransitionsArray( array $transitions)

This method adds an array of transitions. Each transition is itself defined as an array of values which will be passed to addTransition() as parameters.


array   $transitions   —  An array of transitions.

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getCurrentState   [line 151]

string getCurrentState( )

This method returns the machine's current state.
  • Return: The machine's current state.
  • Since: 1.3.1

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getPreviousState   [line 139]

string getPreviousState( )

This method returns the machine's previous state.
  • Return: The machine's previous state.
  • Since: 1.3.2

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getTransition   [line 281]

mixed getTransition( string $symbol)

This method returns (nextState, action) given an input symbol and state. The FSM is not modified in any way. This method is rarely called directly (generally only for informational purposes).

If the transition cannot be found in either of the transitions lists, the default transition will be returned. Note that it is possible for the default transition to be set to NULL.

  • Return: Array representing (nextState, action), or NULL if the transition could not be found and not default transition has been defined.


string   $symbol   —  The input symbol.

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process   [line 312]

void process( string $symbol)

This method is the main processing routine. It causes the FSM to change states and execute actions.

The transition is determined by calling getTransition() with the provided symbol and the current state. If no valid transition is found, process() returns immediately.

The action callback may return the name of a new state. If one is returned, the current state will be updated to the new value.

If no action is defined for the transition, only the state will be changed.


string   $symbol   —  The input symbol.

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processList   [line 345]

void processList( array $symbols)

This method processes a list of symbols. Each symbol in the list is sent to process().


array   $symbols   —  List of input symbols to process.

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reset   [line 160]

void reset( )

This method resets the FSM by setting the current state back to the initial state (set by the constructor).

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setDefaultTransition   [line 256]

void setDefaultTransition( string $nextState, callable $action)

This method sets the default transition. This defines an action and next state that will be used if the processing routine cannot find a suitable match in either transition list. This is useful for catching errors caused by undefined states.

The default transition can be removed by setting $nextState to NULL.


string   $nextState   —  The transition's ending state.
callable   $action   —  The name of the function to invoke when this transition occurs.

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