Element index for package Date
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ l ]
[ n ]
[ p ]
[ q ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ w ]
[ _ ]
- __clone
- in file Date.php, method Date::__clone()
Copy values from another Date object
- add
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::add()
Adds a time span
- addDays
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addDays()
Returns the date the specified no of days from the given date
- addDays
- in file Date.php, method Date::addDays()
Converts the date to the specified no of days from the given date
- addHours
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addHours()
Returns the date the specified no of hours from the given date
- addHours
- in file Date.php, method Date::addHours()
Converts the date to the specified no of hours from the given date
- addMinutes
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addMinutes()
Returns the date the specified no of minutes from the given date
- addMinutes
- in file Date.php, method Date::addMinutes()
Converts the date to the specified no of minutes from the given date
- addMonths
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addMonths()
Returns the date the specified no of months from the given date
- addMonths
- in file Date.php, method Date::addMonths()
Converts the date to the specified no of months from the given date
- addMonthsToDays
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addMonthsToDays()
Returns 'Julian Day' of the date the specified no of months from the given date
- addSeconds
- in file Date.php, method Date::addSeconds()
Adds a given number of seconds to the date
- addSeconds
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addSeconds()
Returns the date the specified no of seconds from the given date
- addSpan
- in file Date.php, method Date::addSpan()
Adds a time span to the date
- addYears
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addYears()
Returns the date the specified no of years from the given date
- addYears
- in file Date.php, method Date::addYears()
Converts the date to the specified no of years from the given date
- addYearsToDays
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::addYearsToDays()
Returns 'Julian Day' of the date the specified no of years from the given date
- after
- in file Date.php, method Date::after()
Test if this date/time is after a certain date/time
- before
- in file Date.php, method Date::before()
Test if this date/time is before a certain date/time
- beginOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfMonth()
Return date of first day of month of given date
- beginOfMonthBySpan
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfMonthBySpan()
Returns date of the first day of the month in the number of months from the given date
- beginOfNextMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth()
Returns date of begin of next month of given date
- beginOfNextWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfNextWeek()
Find the month day of the beginning of week after given date, using DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY
- beginOfPrevMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth()
Returns date of the first day of previous month of given date
- beginOfPrevWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfPrevWeek()
Find the month day of the beginning of week before given date, using DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY
- beginOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::beginOfWeek()
Find the month day of the beginning of week for given date, using DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY
- buildPackageXML.php
- procedural page buildPackageXML.php
- Date
- in file Date.php, method Date::Date()
- Date
- in file Date.php, class Date
Generic date handling class for PEAR
- Date.php
- procedural page Date.php
- dateDiff
- in file Date.php, method Date::dateDiff()
Subtract supplied date and return answer in days
- dateDiff
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateDiff()
Returns number of days between two given dates
- dateFormat
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateFormat()
Formats the date in the given format, much like strftime()
- dateNow
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateNow()
Returns the current local date
- dateSeason
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateSeason()
Determines julian date of the given season
- dateToDays
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateToDays()
Converts a date in the proleptic Gregorian calendar to the no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C.
- dateToDaysJulian
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dateToDaysJulian()
Converts a date in the proleptic Julian calendar to the no of days since 1st January, 4713 B.C.
- Date_Calc
- in file Calc.php, class Date_Calc
Calculates, manipulates and retrieves dates
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_CALC_BEGIN_WEEKDAY
Defines what day starts the week
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_CALC_FORMAT
The default value for each method's $format parameter
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_CAPTURE_MICROTIME_BY_DEFAULT
Whether to capture the micro-time (in microseconds) by default in calls to Date::setNow(). Note that this makes a call to gettimeofday(), which may not work on all systems.
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_CORRECTINVALIDTIME_DEFAULT
Whether to correct, by adding the local Summer time offset, the specified time if it falls in the 'skipped hour' (encountered when the clocks go forward).
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_COUNT_LEAP_SECONDS
Whether, by default, to accept times including leap seconds (i.e. '23.59.60') when setting the date/time, and whether to count leap seconds in the following functions:
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_ERROR_INVALIDDATE
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_ERROR_INVALIDDATEFORMAT
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_ERROR_INVALIDFORMATSTRING
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_ERROR_INVALIDTIME
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_ERROR_INVALIDTIMEZONE
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_ISO
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_ISO_BASIC
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_ISO_EXTENDED
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_ISO_EXTENDED_MICROTIME
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_METHOD
Method to call when user invokes Date::format()
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_TIMESTAMP
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME
long int, seconds since the unix epoch
- Date_Human
- in file Human.php, class Date_Human
Class to convert date strings between Gregorian and Human calendar formats
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_10MINUTES
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_10SECONDS
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_DAY
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_HOUR
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_MINUTE
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_MONTH
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_SECOND
- in file Calc.php, constant DATE_PRECISION_YEAR
- Date_Span
- in file Span.php, class Date_Span
Generic time span handling class for PEAR
- Date_Span
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::Date_Span()
- in file Span.php, constant DATE_SPAN_INPUT_FORMAT_NNSV
Non Numeric Separated Values (NNSV) Input Format
- Date_TimeZone
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::Date_TimeZone()
- Date_TimeZone
- in file TimeZone.php, class Date_TimeZone
TimeZone representation class, along with time zone information data
- in file Date.php, constant DATE_VALIDATE_DATE_BY_DEFAULT
Whether to validate dates (i.e. day/month/year, ignoring the time) by disallowing invalid dates (e.g. 31st February) being set by the following functions:
- dayOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dayOfWeek()
Returns day of week for given date (0 = Sunday)
- dayOfYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::dayOfYear()
Returns number of days since 31 December of year before given date
- daysInMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysInMonth()
Returns the number of days in the given month
- daysInYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysInYear()
Returns the number of days in the given year
- daysToDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysToDate()
Converts no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C. (in the proleptic Gregorian calendar, which is year -4713 using 'Astronomical' year numbering) to Gregorian calendar date
- daysToDateJulian
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysToDateJulian()
Converts no of days since 1st January, 4713 B.C. (in the proleptic Julian calendar, which is year -4712 using 'Astronomical' year numbering) to Julian calendar date
- daysToDayOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysToDayOfWeek()
Returns day of week for specified 'Julian Day'
- daysToNextDayOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysToNextDayOfWeek()
Returns 'Julian Day' of the next specific day of the week from the given date.
- daysToPrevDayOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::daysToPrevDayOfWeek()
Returns 'Julian Day' of the previous specific day of the week from the given date.
- defaultCentury
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::defaultCentury()
Turns a two digit year into a four digit year
- firstDayOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::firstDayOfMonth()
Returns the Julian Day of the first day of the month of the specified year (i.e. the no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C.)
- firstDayOfYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::firstDayOfYear()
Returns the Julian Day of the first day of the year (i.e. the no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C.)
- firstOfMonthWeekday
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::firstOfMonthWeekday()
Find the day of the week for the first of the month of given date
- format
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::format()
Formats time span according to specified code (similar to Date::formatLikeStrftime())
- format
- in file Date.php, method Date::format()
Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string
- formatLikeDate
- in file Date.php, method Date::formatLikeDate()
Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string, based on date()
- formatLikeSQL
- in file Date.php, method Date::formatLikeSQL()
Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string, based on SQL date-formatting codes
- formatLikeStrftime
- in file Date.php, method Date::formatLikeStrftime()
Formats the date according to the specified formatting code string, based on strftime()
- in file TimeZone.php, global variable $GLOBALS['_DATE_TIMEZONE_DATA']
Time Zone Data (correct as of 15.iii.2007)
- getAvailableIDs
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getAvailableIDs()
Returns the list of valid time zone id strings
- getCalendarMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getCalendarMonth()
Return a set of arrays to construct a calendar month for the given date
- getCalendarWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getCalendarWeek()
Return an array with days in week
- getCalendarYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getCalendarYear()
Return a set of arrays to construct a calendar year for the given date
- getDate
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDate()
Gets a string (or other) representation of this date
- getDay
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getDay()
Returns the current local day in format DD
- getDay
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDay()
Returns the day field of the date object
- getDayName
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDayName()
Gets the full name or abbreviated name of this weekday
- getDayOfWeek
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDayOfWeek()
Gets the day of the week for this date (0 = Sunday)
- getDayOfYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDayOfYear()
Returns the no of days (1-366) since 31st December of the previous year
- getDaysInMonth
- in file Date.php, method Date::getDaysInMonth()
Gets number of days in the month for this date
- getDefault
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getDefault()
Returns a TimeZone object representing the system default time zone
- getDefaultFormat
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::getDefaultFormat()
Returns the default format
- getDefaultInputFormat
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::getDefaultInputFormat()
Returns the default input format
- getDSTLongName
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getDSTLongName()
Returns the DST long name for this time zone, e.g.
- getDSTSavings
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getDSTSavings()
Get the DST offset for this time zone
- getDSTShortName
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getDSTShortName()
Returns the DST short name for this time zone, e.g. 'CDT'
- getFirstDayOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getFirstDayOfMonth()
Returns first day of the specified month of specified year as integer
- getFirstMonthOfYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getFirstMonthOfYear()
Returns first month of specified year as integer
- getHour
- in file Date.php, method Date::getHour()
Returns the hour field of the date object
- getID
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getID()
Returns the time zone id for this time zone, e.g. "America/Chicago"
- getJulianDate
- in file Date.php, method Date::getJulianDate()
Returns the no of days (1-366) since 31st December of the previous year
- getLastDayOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getLastDayOfMonth()
Returns last day of the specified month of specified year as integer
- getLongName
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getLongName()
Returns the long name for this time zone
- getMinute
- in file Date.php, method Date::getMinute()
Returns the minute field of the date object
- getMonth
- in file Date.php, method Date::getMonth()
Returns the month field of the date object
- getMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonth()
Returns the current local month in format MM
- getMonthAbbrname
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonthAbbrname()
Returns the abbreviated month name for the given month
- getMonthFromFullName
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonthFromFullName()
Returns the numeric month from the month name or an abreviation
- getMonthFullname
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonthFullname()
Returns the full month name for the given month
- getMonthName
- in file Date.php, method Date::getMonthName()
Gets the full name or abbreviated name of this month
- getMonthNames
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonthNames()
Returns an array of month names
- getMonths
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getMonths()
Returns array of the month numbers, in order, for the given year
- getNextDay
- in file Date.php, method Date::getNextDay()
Get a Date object for the day after this one
- getNextWeekday
- in file Date.php, method Date::getNextWeekday()
Get a Date object for the weekday after this one
- getOffset
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getOffset()
Returns the DST-corrected offset from UTC for the given date
- getPartSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::getPartSecond()
Returns the part-second field of the date object
- getPrevDay
- in file Date.php, method Date::getPrevDay()
Get a Date object for the day before this one
- getPrevWeekday
- in file Date.php, method Date::getPrevWeekday()
Get a Date object for the weekday before this one
- getQuarterOfYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::getQuarterOfYear()
Gets the quarter of the year for this date
- getRawOffset
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getRawOffset()
Returns the raw (non-DST-corrected) offset from UTC/GMT for this time zone
- getSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::getSecond()
Returns the second field of the date object
- getSecondsInDay
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getSecondsInDay()
Returns the total number of seconds in the day of the given date
- getSecondsInHour
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getSecondsInHour()
Returns the total number of seconds in the hour of the given date
- getSecondsInMinute
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getSecondsInMinute()
Returns the total number of seconds in the minute of the given hour
- getSecondsInMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getSecondsInMonth()
Returns the total number of seconds in the given month
- getSecondsInYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getSecondsInYear()
Returns the total number of seconds in the given year
- getSecondsPastMidnight
- in file Date.php, method Date::getSecondsPastMidnight()
Returns the no of seconds since midnight (0-86400) as float
- getShortName
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getShortName()
Returns the short name for this time zone
- getStandardDay
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardDay()
Returns the day field of the local standard time
- getStandardHour
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardHour()
Returns the hour field of the local standard time
- getStandardMinute
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardMinute()
Returns the minute field of the local standard time
- getStandardMonth
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardMonth()
Returns the month field of the local standard time
- getStandardPartSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardPartSecond()
Returns the part-second field of the local standard time
- getStandardSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardSecond()
Returns the second field of the local standard time
- getStandardSecondsPastMidnight
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardSecondsPastMidnight()
Returns the no of seconds since midnight (0-86400) of the local standard time as float
- getStandardYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::getStandardYear()
Returns the year field of the local standard time
- getSummerTimeEndDay
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeEndDay()
Returns a code representing the day on which Summer time ends
- getSummerTimeEndMonth
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeEndMonth()
Returns the month number in which Summer time ends
- getSummerTimeEndTime
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeEndTime()
Returns the time of day at which which Summer time ends
- getSummerTimeStartDay
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeStartDay()
Returns a code representing the day on which Summer time starts
- getSummerTimeStartMonth
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeStartMonth()
Returns the month number in which Summer time starts
- getSummerTimeStartTime
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::getSummerTimeStartTime()
Returns the time of day at which which Summer time starts
- getTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::getTime()
Returns the date/time as Unix time-stamp (as returned for example by time())
- getTZID
- in file Date.php, method Date::getTZID()
Returns the unique ID of the time zone, e.g. 'America/Chicago'
- getTZLongName
- in file Date.php, method Date::getTZLongName()
Returns the long name of the time zone
- getTZOffset
- in file Date.php, method Date::getTZOffset()
Returns the DST-corrected offset from UTC for the given date
- getTZShortName
- in file Date.php, method Date::getTZShortName()
Returns the short name of the time zone
- getWeekdayAbbrname
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getWeekdayAbbrname()
Returns the abbreviated weekday name for the given date
- getWeekdayFullname
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getWeekdayFullname()
Returns the full weekday name for the given date
- getWeekDays
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getWeekDays()
Returns an array of week day names
- getWeekOfYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::getWeekOfYear()
Gets the week of the year for this date
- getWeeksInMonth
- in file Date.php, method Date::getWeeksInMonth()
Gets the number of weeks in the month for this date
- getYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::getYear()
Returns the current local year in format CCYY
- getYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::getYear()
Returns the year field of the date object
- greater
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::greater()
Tells if this time span is greater than $time
- greaterEqual
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::greaterEqual()
Tells if this time span is greater or equal than $time
- gregorianToHuman
- in file Human.php, method Date_Human::gregorianToHuman()
Returns an associative array containing the converted date information in 'Human Calendar' format.
- gregorianToISO
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::gregorianToISO()
Converts from Gregorian Year-Month-Day to ISO Year-WeekNumber-WeekDay
- inDaylightTime
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::inDaylightTime()
Returns whether the given date/time is in DST for this time zone
- inDaylightTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::inDaylightTime()
Tests if this date/time is in DST
- inDaylightTimeStandard
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::inDaylightTimeStandard()
Returns whether the given date/time in local standard time is in Summer time
- inEquivalentTimeZones
- in file Date.php, method Date::inEquivalentTimeZones()
Tests whether two dates are in equivalent time zones
- isEmpty
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::isEmpty()
Tells if the time span is empty (zero length)
- isEqual
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::isEqual()
Is this time zone equal to another
- isEquivalent
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::isEquivalent()
Is this time zone equivalent to another
- isFuture
- in file Date.php, method Date::isFuture()
Determine if this date is in the future
- isFutureDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isFutureDate()
Determines if given date is a future date from now
- isLeapYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::isLeapYear()
Determine if the year in this date is a leap year
- isLeapYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isLeapYear()
Returns true for a leap year, else false
- isLeapYearGregorian
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isLeapYearGregorian()
Returns true for a leap year, else false
- isLeapYearJulian
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isLeapYearJulian()
Returns true for a leap year, else false
- isNull
- in file Date.php, method Date::isNull()
Returns whether the object is null (i.e. no date has been set)
- isoWeekDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isoWeekDate()
Returns array defining the 'ISO Week Date' as defined in ISO 8601
- isoWeekToDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isoWeekToDate()
Converts the Week number and Day-of-Week to Date
- isPast
- in file Date.php, method Date::isPast()
Determine if this date is in the past
- isPastDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isPastDate()
Determines if given date is a past date from now
- isValidDate
- in file Date.php, method Date::isValidDate()
Returns whether the date (i.e. day/month/year) is valid
- isValidDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::isValidDate()
Returns true for valid date, false for invalid date
- isValidID
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::isValidID()
Tests if given time zone ID (e.g. 'London/Europe') is valid and unique
- isValidTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::isValidTime()
Returns whether the stored date/time is valid, i.e as a local time for the current time-zone.
- julianDate
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::julianDate()
Returns number of days since 31 December of year before given date
- lastDayOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::lastDayOfMonth()
Returns the Julian Day of the last day of the month of the specified year (i.e. the no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C.)
- lastDayOfYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::lastDayOfYear()
Returns the Julian Day of the last day of the year (i.e. the no of days since 24th November, 4714 B.C.)
- lower
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::lower()
Tells if this time span is lower than $time
- lowerEqual
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::lowerEqual()
Tells if this time span is lower or equal than $time
- nextDay
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nextDay()
Returns date of day after given date
- nextDayOfWeek
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nextDayOfWeek()
Returns date of the next specific day of the week from the given date
- nextDayOfWeekOnOrAfter
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nextDayOfWeekOnOrAfter()
Returns date of the next specific day of the week on or after the given date
- nextMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nextMonth()
Returns month and year of next month
- nextWeekday
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nextWeekday()
Returns date of the next weekday of given date, skipping from Friday to Monday
- nWeekDayOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::nWeekDayOfMonth()
Calculates the date of the Nth weekday of the month, such as the second Saturday of January 2000
- round
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::round()
Rounds the date according to the specified precision
- round
- in file Date.php, method Date::round()
Rounds the date according to the specified precision (defaults to nearest day)
- roundSeconds
- in file Date.php, method Date::roundSeconds()
Rounds seconds up or down to the nearest specified unit
- roundSeconds
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::roundSeconds()
Rounds seconds up or down to the nearest specified unit
- Span.php
- procedural page Span.php
- secondsPastMidnight
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnight()
Returns the no of seconds since midnight (0-86399)
- secondsPastMidnightToTime
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::secondsPastMidnightToTime()
Returns the time as an array (i.e. hour, minute, second)
- secondsPastTheHour
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::secondsPastTheHour()
Returns the no of seconds since the last hour o'clock (0-3599)
- set
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::set()
Set the time span to a new value in a 'smart' way
- setDate
- in file Date.php, method Date::setDate()
Sets the date/time of the object based on the input date and format
- setDateTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::setDateTime()
Sets all the fields of the date object (day, month, year, hour, minute and second)
- setDay
- in file Date.php, method Date::setDay()
Sets the day field of the date object
- setDayMonthYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::setDayMonthYear()
Sets the day, month and year fields of the date object
- setDefault
- in file TimeZone.php, method Date_TimeZone::setDefault()
Sets the system default time zone to the time zone in $id
- setDefaultFormat
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setDefaultFormat()
Sets the default format
- setDefaultInputFormat
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setDefaultInputFormat()
Sets the default input format
- setFromArray
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromArray()
Set the time span from an array
- setFromDateDiff
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromDateDiff()
Sets the span from the elapsed time between two dates
- setFromDays
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromDays()
Sets the time span from a total number of days
- setFromHours
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromHours()
Sets the time span from a total number of hours
- setFromMinutes
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromMinutes()
Sets the time span from a total number of minutes
- setFromSeconds
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromSeconds()
Set the time span from a total number of seconds
- setFromString
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::setFromString()
Sets the time span from a string, based on an input format
- setFromTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::setFromTime()
Sets the date/time using a Unix time-stamp
- setHour
- in file Date.php, method Date::setHour()
Sets the hour field of the date object
- setHourMinuteSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::setHourMinuteSecond()
Sets the hour, minute, second and part-second fields of the date object
- setLocalTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::setLocalTime()
Sets local time (Summer-time-adjusted) and then calculates local standard time
- setMinute
- in file Date.php, method Date::setMinute()
Sets the minute field of the date object
- setMonth
- in file Date.php, method Date::setMonth()
Sets the month field of the date object
- setNow
- in file Date.php, method Date::setNow()
Sets to local current time and time zone
- setPartSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::setPartSecond()
Sets the part-second field of the date object
- setSecond
- in file Date.php, method Date::setSecond()
Sets the second field of the date object
- setStandardTime
- in file Date.php, method Date::setStandardTime()
Sets local standard time and then calculates local time (i.e.
- setTZ
- in file Date.php, method Date::setTZ()
Sets the time zone of this Date
- setTZByID
- in file Date.php, method Date::setTZByID()
Sets the time zone of this date with the given time zone ID
- setYear
- in file Date.php, method Date::setYear()
Sets the year field of the date object
- subtract
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::subtract()
Subtracts a time span
- subtractSeconds
- in file Date.php, method Date::subtractSeconds()
Subtracts a given number of seconds from the date
- subtractSpan
- in file Date.php, method Date::subtractSpan()
Subtracts a time span from the date
- TimeZone.php
- procedural page TimeZone.php
- toDays
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::toDays()
Converts time span to days
- toHours
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::toHours()
Converts time span to hours
- toMinutes
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::toMinutes()
Converts time span to minutes
- toSeconds
- in file Span.php, method Date_Span::toSeconds()
Converts time span to seconds
- toUTC
- in file Date.php, method Date::toUTC()
Converts this date to UTC and sets this date's timezone to UTC
- trunc
- in file Date.php, method Date::trunc()
Truncates the date according to the specified precision (by default, it truncates the time part of the date)
- truncSeconds
- in file Date.php, method Date::truncSeconds()
Truncates seconds according to the specified precision
- weekOfMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfMonth()
Alias for 'weekOfMonthAbsolute()'
- weekOfMonthAbsolute
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfMonthAbsolute()
Returns week of the month counting week 1 as 1st-7th of the month, regardless of what day the 1st falls on
- weekOfYear
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfYear()
Returns week of the year, where first Sunday is first day of first week
- weekOfYear1st
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfYear1st()
Returns week of the year counting week 1 as the week that contains 1st January
- weekOfYear4th
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfYear4th()
Returns week of the year counting week 1 as the week that contains 4th January
- weekOfYear7th
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfYear7th()
Returns week of the year counting week 1 as the week that contains 7th January
- weekOfYearAbsolute
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weekOfYearAbsolute()
Returns week of the year counting week 1 as 1st-7th January, regardless of what day 1st January falls on
- weeksInMonth
- in file Calc.php, method Date_Calc::weeksInMonth()
Returns the number of rows on a calendar month
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