[ class tree: Calendar ] [ index: Calendar ] [ all elements ]

Class: Calendar_Engine_Interface

Source Location: /Calendar-0.5.5/Engine/Interface.php

Class Overview

The methods the classes implementing the Calendar_Engine must implement.



  • 2003-2007 Harry Fuecks, Lorenzo Alberton


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 53]
The methods the classes implementing the Calendar_Engine must implement.

Note this class is not used but simply to help development

[ Top ]

Method Detail

dateToStamp   [line 157]

int dateToStamp( int $y, int $m, int $d, int $h, int $i, int $s)

Returns a timestamp. Can be worth "caching" generated timestamps in a static variable, identified by the params this method accepts, to timestamp will only be calculated once.
  • Return: (depends on implementation)
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (e.g. 2003)
int   $m   —  month (e.g. 9)
int   $d   —  day (e.g. 13)
int   $h   —  hour (e.g. 13)
int   $i   —  minute (e.g. 34)
int   $s   —  second (e.g. 53)

[ Top ]

getDayOfWeek   [line 286]

int getDayOfWeek( int $y, int $m, int $d)

Returns the number of the day of the week (0=sunday, 1=monday...)
  • Return: weekday number
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getDaysInMonth   [line 202]

int getDaysInMonth( int $y, int $m)

Returns the number of days in a month, given year and month
  • Return: days in month
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (e.g. 2003)
int   $m   —  month (e.g. 9)

[ Top ]

getDaysInWeek   [line 230]

int getDaysInWeek( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null])

Returns the number of days in a week
  • Return: (e.g. 7)
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getFirstDayInMonth   [line 216]

int getFirstDayInMonth( int $y, int $m)

Returns numeric representation of the day of the week in a month, given year and month
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (e.g. 2003)
int   $m   —  month (e.g. 9)

[ Top ]

getFirstDayOfWeek   [line 316]

int getFirstDayOfWeek( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null])

Returns the default first day of the week as an integer. Must be a member of the array returned from getWeekDays


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getHoursInDay   [line 330]

int getHoursInDay( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null])

Returns the number of hours in a day
  • Return: (e.g. 24)
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getMaxYears   [line 167]

int getMaxYears( )

The upper limit on years that the Calendar Engine can work with
  • Return: (e.g. 2037)
  • Access: protected

[ Top ]

getMinutesInHour   [line 345]

int getMinutesInHour( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null], [int $h = null])

Returns the number of minutes in an hour
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)
int   $h   —  hour

[ Top ]

getMinYears   [line 177]

int getMinYears( )

The lower limit on years that the Calendar Engine can work with
  • Return: (e.g 1902)
  • Access: protected

[ Top ]

getMonthsInYear   [line 189]

int getMonthsInYear( [int $y = null])

Returns the number of months in a year
  • Return: (e.g. 12)
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  (optional) year to get months for

[ Top ]

getSecondsInMinute   [line 361]

int getSecondsInMinute( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null], [int $h = null], [int $i = null])

Returns the number of seconds in a minutes
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)
int   $h   —  hour
int   $i   —  minute

[ Top ]

getWeekDays   [line 300]

array getWeekDays( [int $y = null], [int $m = null], [int $d = null])

Returns the numeric values of the days of the week.
  • Return: list of numeric values of days in week, beginning 0
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getWeekNInMonth   [line 259]

int getWeekNInMonth( int $y, int $m, int $d, [int $firstDay = 1])

Returns the number of the week in the month, given a date
  • Return: week number
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)
int   $firstDay   —  first day of the week (default: 1 - monday)

[ Top ]

getWeekNInYear   [line 244]

int getWeekNInYear( int $y, int $m, int $d)

Returns the number of the week in the year (ISO-8601), given a date
  • Return: week number
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)
int   $d   —  day (4)

[ Top ]

getWeeksInMonth   [line 272]

int getWeeksInMonth( int $y, int $m)

Returns the number of weeks in the month
  • Return: weeks number
  • Access: protected


int   $y   —  year (2003)
int   $m   —  month (9)

[ Top ]

isToday   [line 373]

boolean isToday( int $stamp)

Checks if the given day is the current day
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampCollection   [line 66]

mixed stampCollection( int $stamp)

Provides a mechansim to make sure parsing of timestamps into human dates is only performed once per timestamp.

Typically called "internally" by methods like stampToYear. Return value can vary, depending on the specific implementation

  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToDay   [line 102]

int stampToDay( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric day given a timestamp
  • Return: day (e.g. 15)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToHour   [line 114]

int stampToHour( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric hour given a timestamp
  • Return: hour (e.g. 13)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToMinute   [line 126]

int stampToMinute( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric minute given a timestamp
  • Return: minute (e.g. 34)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToMonth   [line 90]

int stampToMonth( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric month given a timestamp
  • Return: month (e.g. 9)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToSecond   [line 138]

int stampToSecond( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric second given a timestamp
  • Return: second (e.g. 51)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

stampToYear   [line 78]

int stampToYear( int $stamp)

Returns a numeric year given a timestamp
  • Return: year (e.g. 2003)
  • Access: protected


int   $stamp   —  timestamp (depending on implementation)

[ Top ]

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