Index of all elements
[ a ]
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- $cachedata
- in file Container.php, variable Cache_Container::$cachedata
Value of a preloaded dataset.
- $cache_dir
- in file Graphics.php, variable Cache_Graphics::$cache_dir
Directory where cached files get stored.
- $cache_dir
- in file file.php, variable Cache_Container_file::$cache_dir
Directory where to put the cache files.
- $cache_file_prefix
- in file Graphics.php, variable Cache_Graphics::$cache_file_prefix
Nameprefix of cached files.
- $cache_group
- in file Graphics.php, variable Cache_Graphics::$cache_group
Cache container group.
- $cache_table
- in file phplib.php, variable Cache_Container_phplib::$cache_table
Name of the DB table to store caching data
- $cache_table
- in file db.php, variable Cache_Container_db::$cache_table
Name of the DB table to store caching data
- $cache_table
- in file mdb.php, variable Cache_Container_mdb::$cache_table
Name of the MDB table to store caching data
- $cache_table
- in file dbx.php, variable Cache_Container_dbx::$cache_table
Name of the DB table to store caching data
- $cache_url
- in file Graphics.php, variable Cache_Graphics::$cache_url
Cache URL prefix.
- $compression
- in file OutputCompression.php, variable Cache_OutputCompression::$compression
Method used for compression
- $connect
- in file msession.php, variable Cache_Container_msession::$connect
Establish a connection to a msession server?
- $container
- in file Cache.php, variable Cache::$container
Storage container if sucess in load it and a Cache_Error if not
- Cache
- in file Cache.php, class Cache
Cache is a base class for cache implementations.
- Cache
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::Cache()
this Constructor set the Container Property as a Cache_Container|Cache_Error Object.
- Container.php
- procedural page Container.php
- Cache.php
- procedural page Cache.php
- cacheImage
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::cacheImage()
Create an image from the given image handler, cache it and return the file content.
- cacheImageLink
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::cacheImageLink()
Create an image from the given image handler, cache it and return a url and the file path of the image.
- Cache_Application
- in file Application.php, method Cache_Application::Cache_Application()
- Cache_Application
- in file Application.php, class Cache_Application
Cache is a base class for cache implementations.
- Cache_Container
- in file Container.php, class Cache_Container
Common base class of all cache storage container.
- Cache_Container_db
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::Cache_Container_db()
- Cache_Container_db
- in file db.php, class Cache_Container_db
PEAR/DB Cache Container.
- Cache_Container_dbx
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::Cache_Container_dbx()
- Cache_Container_dbx
- in file dbx.php, class Cache_Container_dbx
ext/dbx Cache Container.
- Cache_Container_file
- in file file.php, class Cache_Container_file
Stores cache contents in a file.
- Cache_Container_file
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::Cache_Container_file()
Creates the cache directory if neccessary
- Cache_Container_mdb
- in file mdb.php, class Cache_Container_mdb
PEAR/MDB Cache Container.
- Cache_Container_mdb
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::Cache_Container_mdb()
- Cache_Container_msession
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::Cache_Container_msession()
- Cache_Container_msession
- in file msession.php, class Cache_Container_msession
Stores cache contents in msessions.
- Cache_Container_phplib
- in file phplib.php, class Cache_Container_phplib
Stores cache data into a database table using PHPLibs DB abstraction.
- Cache_Container_phplib
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::Cache_Container_phplib()
Creates an instance of a phplib db class to use it for storage.
- Cache_Container_shm
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::Cache_Container_shm()
Creates a shared memory container
- Cache_Container_shm
- in file shm.php, class Cache_Container_shm
Stores cache data into shared memory.
- Cache_Container_trifile
- in file trifile.php, class Cache_Container_trifile
Tri-file cache.
- Cache_Error
- in file Error.php, class Cache_Error
Cache Error class
- Cache_Error
- in file Error.php, method Cache_Error::Cache_Error()
Creates an cache error object.
- Cache_Function
- in file Function.php, method Cache_Function::Cache_Function()
- Cache_Function
- in file Function.php, class Cache_Function
- Cache_Graphics
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::Cache_Graphics()
Instantiates a cache file container.
- Cache_Graphics
- in file Graphics.php, class Cache_Graphics
Graphics disk cache.
- Cache_HTTP_Request
- in file Request.php, class Cache_HTTP_Request
HTTP_Request Cache
- Cache_HTTP_Request
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::Cache_HTTP_Request()
- in file Request.php, constant CACHE_HTTP_REQUEST_GROUP_NAME
- in file Request.php, constant CACHE_HTTP_REQUEST_KEEP_LOCAL_COPY
- in file Request.php, constant CACHE_HTTP_REQUEST_RETURN_FALSE
- in file Request.php, constant CACHE_HTTP_REQUEST_RETURN_PEAR_ERROR
- in file Request.php, constant CACHE_HTTP_REQUEST_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODE
- Cache_Output
- in file Output.php, class Cache_Output
Class to cache the output of a script using the output buffering functions
- Cache_OutputCompression
- in file OutputCompression.php, class Cache_OutputCompression
Cache using Output Buffering and contnet (gz) compression.
- Cache_OutputCompression
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::Cache_OutputCompression()
Sets the storage details and the content encoding used (if not autodetection)
- call
- in file Function.php, method Cache_Function::call()
Calls a cacheable function or method.
- clear
- in file Application.php, method Cache_Application::clear()
- $data
- in file Application.php, variable Cache_Application::$data
- $db
- in file mdb.php, variable Cache_Container_mdb::$db
PEAR MDB object
- $db
- in file phplib.php, variable Cache_Container_phplib::$db
PHPLib object
- $db
- in file dbx.php, variable Cache_Container_dbx::$db
DB database to use
- $db
- in file db.php, variable Cache_Container_db::$db
PEAR DB object
- $db_class
- in file phplib.php, variable Cache_Container_phplib::$db_class
Name of the PHPLib DB class to use
- $dsn
- in file db.php, variable Cache_Container_db::$dsn
PEAR DB dsn to use.
- db.php
- procedural page db.php
- dbx.php
- procedural page dbx.php
- decode
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::decode()
Decodes the data from the storage container.
- deleteDir
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::deleteDir()
Deletes a directory and all files in it.
- doGarbageCollection
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::doGarbageCollection()
- doGarbageCollection
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::doGarbageCollection()
Does the recursive gc procedure, protected.
- $encoding
- in file OutputCompression.php, variable Cache_OutputCompression::$encoding
Encoding, what the user (its browser) of your website accepts
- $encoding_mode
- in file Container.php, variable Cache_Container::$encoding_mode
Encoding mode for cache data: base64 or addslashes() (slash).
- $entries
- in file file.php, variable Cache_Container_file::$entries
List of cache entries, used within a gc run
- $entries
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$entries
Hash of cache entries
- $error_message_prefix
- in file Error.php, variable Cache_Error::$error_message_prefix
Prefix of all error messages.
- $expires
- in file Function.php, variable Cache_Function::$expires
- $expires
- in file Container.php, variable Cache_Container::$expires
Expiration timestamp of a preloaded dataset.
- Error.php
- procedural page Error.php
- encode
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::encode()
Encodes the data for the storage container.
- end
- in file Output.php, method Cache_Output::end()
- end
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::end()
Stops the output buffering, saves it to the cache and returns the _compressed_ content.
- endGet
- in file Output.php, method Cache_Output::endGet()
Returns the content of the output buffer but does not store it into the cache.
- endPrint
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::endPrint()
- endPrint
- in file Output.php, method Cache_Output::endPrint()
Stores the content of the output buffer into the cache and prints the content.
- extSave
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::extSave()
Stores a dataset with additional userdefined data.
- extSave
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::extSave()
Saves the given data to the cache.
- $fileLocking
- in file file.php, variable Cache_Container_file::$fileLocking
File locking
- $filename_prefix
- in file file.php, variable Cache_Container_file::$filename_prefix
Filename prefix for cache files.
- file.php
- procedural page file.php
- Function.php
- procedural page Function.php
- fetch
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::fetch()
Fetch in the db the data that matches input parameters
- fetch
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::fetch()
- fetch
- in file trifile.php, method Cache_Container_trifile::fetch()
Fetch cached file.
- fetch
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::fetch()
- fetch
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::fetch()
- fetch
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::fetch()
- fetch
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::fetch()
Fetches a dataset from the storage medium.
- fetch
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::fetch()
- fetch
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::fetch()
- flush
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::flush()
Flushes the cache - removes all caches datasets from the cache.
- flush
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::flush()
- flush
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::flush()
Flushes the cache - removes all data from it
- flush
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::flush()
- flush
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::flush()
- flush
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::flush()
- flush
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::flush()
Remove all cached data for a certain group, or empty the cache table if no group is specified.
- flush
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::flush()
- flush
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::flush()
- flushPreload
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::flushPreload()
Flushes the internal preload buffer.
- $gc_maxlifetime
- in file Cache.php, variable Cache::$gc_maxlifetime
Garbage collection: delete all entries not use for n seconds.
- $gc_probability
- in file Cache.php, variable Cache::$gc_probability
Garbage collection: probability in percent
- $gc_time
- in file Cache.php, variable Cache::$gc_time
Garbage collection: probability in seconds
- $group
- in file Container.php, variable Cache_Container::$group
Cache group of a preloaded dataset
- $group
- in file Application.php, variable Cache_Application::$group
- Graphics.php
- procedural page Graphics.php
- garbageCollection
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::garbageCollection()
Deletes all expired files.
- garbageCollection
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::garbageCollection()
- garbageCollection
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::garbageCollection()
- garbageCollection
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::garbageCollection()
- garbageCollection
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::garbageCollection()
Deletes all expired files.
- garbageCollection
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::garbageCollection()
Garbage collector.
- garbageCollection
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::garbageCollection()
- garbageCollection
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::garbageCollection()
Calls the garbage collector of the storage object with a certain probability
- garbageCollection
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::garbageCollection()
Starts the garbage collection.
- generateID
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::generateID()
Generates a "unique" ID for the given value
- generateID
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::generateID()
- generateID
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::generateID()
- get
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::get()
- get
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::get()
Returns the requested dataset it if exists and is not expired
- getAllowedOptions
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::getAllowedOptions()
Getter to allowed Configurations Options
- getCaching
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::getCaching()
Returns the current caching state.
- getData
- in file Application.php, method Cache_Application::getData()
- getEncoding
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::getEncoding()
Returns the encoding to be used for the data transmission to the client.
- getExpiresAbsolute
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::getExpiresAbsolute()
Translates human readable/relative times in unixtime
- getFilename
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::getFilename()
Returns the filename for the specified id.
- getImage
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::getImage()
Returns the content of a cached image file.
- getImageLink
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::getImageLink()
Returns an array with a link to the cached image and the image file path.
- getResponseBody
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::getResponseBody()
Get and return the response body (null if no data available)
- getResponseCode
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::getResponseCode()
Get and return the response code (null if no data available)
- getResponseHeader
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::getResponseHeader()
Get and return the response header (null if no data available)
- getUserdata
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::getUserdata()
Returns the userdata field of a cached data set.
- getUserdata
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::getUserdata()
Returns the userdata field of a cached data set.
- $id
- in file Container.php, variable Cache_Container::$id
ID of a preloaded dataset
- $id
- in file Application.php, variable Cache_Application::$id
- $id_length
- in file msession.php, variable Cache_Container_msession::$id_length
Length of the Cache-Identifier
- $imagetypes
- in file Graphics.php, variable Cache_Graphics::$imagetypes
Mapping from supported image type to a ImageType() constant.
- idExists
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::idExists()
Check if a dataset ID/group exists.
- idExists
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::idExists()
- idExists
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::idExists()
- idExists
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::idExists()
- idExists
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::idExists()
- idExists
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::idExists()
- idExists
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::idExists()
- idExists
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::idExists()
Checks if a dataset exists.
- isCached
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::isCached()
Checks if a dataset exists.
- isCached
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::isCached()
Checks if a dataset is cached.
- isCompressed
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::isCompressed()
Returns the encoding method of the current dataset.
- isExpired
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::isExpired()
Checks if a dataset is expired.
- isExpired
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::isExpired()
Checks if a dataset is expired
- $registered_vars
- in file Application.php, variable Cache_Application::$registered_vars
- Request.php
- procedural page Request.php
- register
- in file Application.php, method Cache_Application::register()
- remove
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::remove()
- remove
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::remove()
- remove
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::remove()
Removes a dataset from the database
- remove
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::remove()
- remove
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::remove()
Removes a dataset.
- remove
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::remove()
- remove
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::remove()
- remove
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::remove()
Removes the specified dataset from the cache.
- remove
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::remove()
- $sem_id
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$sem_id
Semaphore handler
- $sem_key
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$sem_key
Key of the semaphore used to sync the SHM access
- $sem_perm
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$sem_perm
Permissions of the semaphore used to sync the SHM access
- $shm_id
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$shm_id
Shared memory handler
- $shm_key
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$shm_key
Key of the shared memory block used to store cache data
- $shm_perm
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$shm_perm
Permissions of the shared memory block
- $shm_size
- in file shm.php, variable Cache_Container_shm::$shm_size
Size of the shared memory block used
- shm.php
- procedural page shm.php
- save
- in file shm.php, method Cache_Container_shm::save()
- save
- in file phplib.php, method Cache_Container_phplib::save()
Stores a dataset.
- save
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::save()
Stores the given data in the cache.
- save
- in file msession.php, method Cache_Container_msession::save()
Stores a dataset.
- save
- in file db.php, method Cache_Container_db::save()
Stores a dataset.
- save
- in file trifile.php, method Cache_Container_trifile::save()
Cache file
- save
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::save()
Stores a dataset.
- save
- in file mdb.php, method Cache_Container_mdb::save()
Stores a dataset in the database
- save
- in file dbx.php, method Cache_Container_dbx::save()
Stores a dataset.
- save
- in file file.php, method Cache_Container_file::save()
Stores a dataset.
- sendRequest
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::sendRequest()
Send the HTTP request or use the cache system
- setAllowedOptions
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::setAllowedOptions()
Set the Allowed Parameters to Container Type
- setCacheDir
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::setCacheDir()
Sets the directory where to cache generated Images
- setCacheURL
- in file Graphics.php, method Cache_Graphics::setCacheURL()
Sets the URL prefix used when rendering HTML Tags.
- setCaching
- in file Cache.php, method Cache::setCaching()
Enables or disables caching.
- setEncoding
- in file OutputCompression.php, method Cache_OutputCompression::setEncoding()
Sets the encoding to be used.
- setMode
- in file Request.php, method Cache_HTTP_Request::setMode()
Set a new mode when the server is down
- setOptions
- in file Container.php, method Cache_Container::setOptions()
Imports the requested datafields as object variables if allowed
- start
- in file Output.php, method Cache_Output::start()
starts the output buffering and returns an empty string or returns the cached output from the cache.
Documentation generated on Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:44:49 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4. PEAR Logo Copyright © PHP Group 2004.