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Roadmap for Package Net_LDAP

Show Old Roadmaps

Version 1.0.0 (edit|delete)

Scheduled Release Date: 2007-11-01 (-6169 days!!)
Release Goals:
The goals of the 1.0 Release is, that perls Util functions are implemented.
No open todos should be open and there should be very infrequent bugfixes.
The API should be as stable as possible.


(100% done: 14 fixed of 14) Show Bug Detail

Feature Requests

No features

Version 1.1.0 (edit|delete)

Scheduled Release Date: 2008-03-05 (-6044 days!!)
Release Goals:
The goal of this release is, to add LDIF reading and writing support.
PHPUnit tests for the main features should be present.
Not frequently used PERL interface methods should be implemented.


(100% done: 5 fixed of 5) Show Bug Detail

Feature Requests

(100% done: 2 implemented of 2) Show Feature Detail