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Bug #74 terminate webinstaller (Undefined index: Crypt_RC4)
Submitted: 2003-10-07 09:09 UTC
From: ths Assigned:
Status: Duplicate Package: Crypt_Rc4
PHP Version: 4.3.3 OS: WinXP
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2003-10-07 09:09 UTC] ths
Description: ------------ When I use the webinstaller with "Preferred Package State: beta" the Package Management (command=list-all) produce an error: pear-database.php:536: Notice: Undefined index: Crypt_RC4 "Preferred Package State: stable" works as expect. Maybe this is an side-effect of the 1.0.1 stable release from 2003-10-03 and/or a problem with the package name: Crypt_RC4 vs. Crypt_Rc4


 [2003-10-07 14:36 UTC] cox
This has been fixed in CVS, please try with the next PEAR release or with the CVS files. Package names are case insensitive. Reopen the bug if it still persist, attaching to the bug the output of "pear -V" Thanks, Tomas V.V.Cox
 [2003-10-14 18:06 UTC] raptor at quox dot net
I have the same problem, sorry for that stupid question but what CVS files are that?
 [2003-10-15 07:07 UTC] zyprexia
Hi, I'm the author of Crypt_rc4. It seems that I've started the troubles some way. As far I know, I didn't change the packagename. But can I fix it to delete the current release and upload a new release (with a changed package name)?
 [2003-10-15 15:13 UTC] raptor at quox dot net
I have found a small workaround: First clear your pear cache: "pear clear-cache", than open the crypt_rc4.reg and replace "Crypt_Rc4" with "Crypt_RC4". worked fine for me with "state beta"
 [2003-10-16 19:23 UTC] mj
zyprexia: Please try changing the package name back to Crypt_RC4 via the "Edit"-Button on
 [2003-10-16 22:46 UTC] zyprexia
Changed package name into 'Crypt_RC4'. But doesn't give this problems with releases as the filenames are Crypt-Rc4-xx.tgz? BTW. Is it correct that by replying on the 'bugmail' the bug itself isn't updated? Maybe it wise to move the 'edit' link to the top of the email as the comments are ordered in a descending way (and in a ascending way on the website)