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Bug #19832 RDF_Parser::_report_warning() Fatal Error
Submitted: 2013-02-23 07:31 UTC
From: gubi Assigned:
Status: Open Package: XML_FOAF (version 0.4.0)
PHP Version: 5.4.11 OS: Linux Ubuntu 10.04.4 Server
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2013-02-23 07:31 UTC] gubi (Alessandro Gubitosi)
Description: ------------ I've tried the code as the "example2.php" here: but the server returns me the following error: "Fatal error: Call to undefined method RDF_Parser::_report_warning() in /usr/share/php/RDF/Parser.php on line 1743" Please, could you tell me where is defined the _report_warning() function? Thanks Alessandro Test script: --------------- require_once("XML/FOAF.php"); $foaf_file = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/foaf.rdf"; $parser = new XML_FOAF_Parser(); $parser->parseFromFile($foaf_file); print_r($parser->parseFromMem($foaf)); Expected result: ---------------- A foaf.rdf parsing Actual result: -------------- From the terminal: $ tail /var/log/apache2/error.log PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method RDF_Parser::_report_warning() in /usr/share/php/RDF/Parser.php on line 1743
