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Request #1932 Remove dependancy on GET variable when performing a $page->handle('jump');
Submitted: 2004-07-21 01:15 UTC
From: studio at peptolab dot com Assigned:
Status: Wont fix Package: HTML_QuickForm_Controller
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: n/a
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 12 + 21 = ?

 [2004-07-21 01:15 UTC] studio at peptolab dot com
Description: ------------ Currently when performing the 'Jump' action, the 'display' action is set as a GET variable, which I feel looks inelegant from an end-user perspective. I have experimented with the 'Jump' and 'Controller' classes to temporarily use the container's SESSION variables to store these values instead, which keeps the URL much cleaner. Reproduce code: --------------- View the files 'Controller.php' and 'Jump.php' at:- - The function getActionName() has been modified to use the session action/name in the event that no valid REQUEST variables are present. If no valid session action is available, then use the 'default' action. - A reference to the SESSION is made, the page and action are set, the URL is constructed as normal and the redirection occurs. P.S. Is there any reason the HTTP::redirect method is not used? Expected result: ---------------- The controller will function as expected, but not display any url query throughout the process Actual result: -------------- As above (hopefully!)


 [2004-07-21 11:33 UTC] avb
The proposed solution looks even less elegant from "end-user perspective", as it will completely break the behaviour of "Back" and "Forward" browser buttons. There is a wonderful technology for those wishing the "clean URLs": it is called "frames".
 [2004-07-21 11:39 UTC] studio at peptolab dot com
What sort of arrogant, patronising response is that? It DOESN'T break the next/forward browser buttons (if you had bothered to test the code). The wonderful technology called "Frames" DOES break next/forward buttons, especially when it comes to multiple frame changes. I can't believe a member of this group would reply with such a terse response when submitting objective suggestions. Open source, closed mind.