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Doc Bug #19158 Logging issues
Submitted: 2011-12-26 09:46 UTC
From: cu_annan Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Auth (version 1.6.4)
PHP Version: 5.3.2 OS: OS X
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2011-12-26 09:46 UTC] cu_annan (Eamonn Kearns)
Description: ------------ I'm in the process of porting over form mySQL to PostgreSQL. The table names have upper case characters in them and, therefore, need to be encapsualted in "". Auth keeps telling me I can't log in, which I suspect is something to do with the SQL end. The documentation for Logging says that PEAR_LOG_DEBUG will display the sql generated by Auth's internals. This is not being done in my case. Test script: --------------- function fakeLogin(){} $a = new Auth("MDB2", $options, "fakeLogin"); $infoObserver = new AuthLogObserver(PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $a->attachLogObserver($infoObserver); $a->start(); if($a->checkAuth()) { if($checkingFor == "coord") { $domainDC = true; } else if ($checkingFor == "st") { $domainST = true; } $orgUserLoggedIn = true; } class AuthLogObserver extends Log_observer { var $messages = array(); function notify($event) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; $string = ''; foreach($event as $key=>$item) { $string .= $key.': '.$item; } echo 'console.log("'.$string.'")'; echo '</script>'; $this->messages[] = $event; } } Expected result: ---------------- The SQL generated as a string that gets dumped to the javascript console. Actual result: -------------- priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth::start() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth::assignData() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: No login session. priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth::login() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: Loaded storage container (MDB2) priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth_Container_MDB2::fetchData() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth_Container_MDB2::_connect() called. priority: 6message: AUTH: Incorrect login. priority: 6message: AUTH: Rendering Login Form. priority: 7message: AUTH: Calling loginFunction (fakeLogin). priority: 7message: AUTH: Auth::checkAuth() called. priority: 7message: AUTH: No login session.
