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Bug #17087 setOption() function is gone
Submitted: 2010-02-12 01:38 UTC
From: woo Assigned: schmidt
Status: Closed Package: Net_URL2 (version 0.3.1)
PHP Version: 5.2.5 OS: BSD
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2010-02-12 01:38 UTC] woo (Howard Ha)
Description: ------------ the Net_URL2 setOption function is gone from 3.1. Is this intentional or a regression? The function is demonstrated in the docs 6470.php file If you diff the 3.0 and 3.1 files you can see that the setOption function appears to be intentionally removed but that causes a backwards incompatibility with existing apps which may rely on it, and no warning was mentioned in the changelog. If this is intentional please add warnings and new recommended usage. Test script: --------------- require_once 'Net/URL2.php'; Net_URL2::setOption('encode_query_keys', true); $url = new Net_URL2;


 [2010-02-12 01:52 UTC] schmidt (Christian Schmidt)
setOption() was intentionally removed in bug 16674. You should specify all options in the constructor. It is a mistake that this wasn't mentioned in the changelog. I'm not sure whether it is possible to modify the changelog, after the package has been released. I'll take a look.
 [2010-02-12 08:34 UTC] doconnor (Daniel O'Connor)
You should be able to remove the release and re-add it without a problem
 [2010-02-23 03:47 UTC] schmidt (Christian Schmidt)
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: schmidt