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Bug #14023 Filtering required on text input
Submitted: 2008-05-30 06:20 UTC
From: shangxiao Assigned: thesee
Status: Assigned Package: HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch (version 0.4.0)
PHP Version: 5.2.6 OS: Irrelevant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2008-05-30 06:20 UTC] shangxiao (David Sanders)
Description: ------------ Currently the text input is only filtered on what looks to be escape, arrow keys, and whatever 13 is. If I have the text field highlighted and I start pressing other control keys like control, shift, caps lock, alt, apple command, page up, page down, etc ... then unnecessary requests are sent to the ajax server. To cut down on the amount of network traffic and server requests, only visual characters should trigger a request.


 [2008-05-30 07:38 UTC] shangxiao (David Sanders)
Additionally, the delete button should be filtered if the text field is already empty, again to prevent more unnecessary requests and db queries.
 [2008-07-12 08:57 UTC] thesee (Giuseppe Dessi)
Yes, ity's a good thing to filter all keys but the visual. I'll patch for next release If the text is empty the request is not made. Is made if is set the SearchZero attribute option.