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Bug #7504 Formulas problems
Submitted: 2006-04-27 14:49 UTC
From: admin at confort-it dot com Assigned:
Status: Verified Package: Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer (version 0.9.0)
PHP Version: 5.1.0 OS: FEDORA core 4
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 8 + 44 = ?

 [2006-04-27 14:49 UTC] admin at confort-it dot com (David Vincent)
Description: ------------ Before starting, many thanks to the team for this very useful package. I want to insert the following formula : =AVERAGE(IF(C35:F35<>0;C35:F35)) When I open the xls file I get an error : "VALUE!" But if I manually modify the formula (just erase the bracket and insert it again) and press SHIFT-CTRL-ENTER, everything is ok. So the syntax of the formula is ok but Excel does not recognize this array formula.


 [2006-05-29 16:21 UTC] florian dot schaeffer at mercoline dot de (Florian Schaeffer)
Same problem for me, using SUBTOTAL as function produces VALUE! error, but editing formula with F2 and pressing enter gives correct result. System: Windows 2003 Excel 2003 I remember having this problem some releases ago, but it somehow disappeared with the latest version, now it's up again. Maybe some whitespace character / line break or other things ? Thanks a lot for this very usefull package. Florian
 [2006-10-06 08:04 UTC] tuupola at php dot net (Mika Tuupola)
This is the issue with three different range classes. Support has to be ported from Perl version into PHP version.
 [2006-10-19 19:04 UTC] vpoitras at dialektelecom dot ca (Vincent Poitras)
I'm having the same problem as Florian. System: Windows 2003 Formula: SUBTOTAL Excel: 2003 / 2007 Beta 2 I can't find any work around so I have to do some calculations directly in PHP and print the result without the formula. Do you except to solve this in a near futur version? Thank you for this great package.
 [2006-10-19 19:53 UTC] vpoitras at dialektelecom dot ca (Vincent Poitras)
Found a solution to my problem here. Thx
 [2008-10-11 16:56 UTC] neelix (Klaus Rörig)
Same problem here with COUNTIF using MS Office 2003 SP3 ( seems to work). When I open the generated file I see an error "#Value!" in the field. If I doubleclick on it an just hit return Excel calculates right. I had a look a the Perl module, but the definition seem right to me, so doesn't help. BTW: Is there still some working on the module?
 [2010-04-06 16:47 UTC] progi1984 (Franck Lefevre)
Script test : require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php'; $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet('whatever'); $worksheet->write(34, 2, '18'); $worksheet->write(34, 5, '19'); $worksheet->write(8, 0, '=AVERAGE(IF(C35:F35<>0;C35:F35)) ',''); $workbook->close(); $workbook->send('test'.date('His').'.xls');