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Bug #4554 _personal header info is not properly decoded
Submitted: 2005-06-08 16:59 UTC
From: joan at inte dot es Assigned: richy
Status: Closed Package: Mail_IMAPv2
PHP Version: 4.3.10 OS: Suse
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 29 + 36 = ?

 [2005-06-08 16:59 UTC] joan at inte dot es
Description: ------------ _personal header info is not decoded producing output like: "My_name with_accent_=?ISO-8859-1?B?6SA=?=" when printing $msg->header[$mid]['from_personal'][$i] Reproduce code: --------------- place an accent or extended char in your personal name info of your email account, send a message and view it with: IMAP.message_viewer.php


 [2005-06-09 15:42 UTC] richy
Thanks for the bug report. Can you send a test message to mail-imap (at) smilingsouls (dot) net that demonstrates the bug? Please send the test message in it's original form, exactly as you see it. Don't send it as raw mime or as an attachment to another message. This lets me run debugging tools already in place on my server. I can't promise that I'll be able to fix this anytime soon. In the meantime, you can probably use something like this to decode those headers: $value = utf8_decode(imap_utf8($value));
 [2005-07-12 13:51 UTC] richy
This has been fixed in the next release. Until I actually finish and upload that release, you can find the latest source here: