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Doc Bug #11607 Requesting License change, emails to listed authors bounce
Submitted: 2007-07-15 19:23 UTC
From: ckdake Assigned: ckdake
Status: Closed Package: XML_HTMLSax3 (version 3.0.0RC1)
PHP Version: 5.2.3 OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 22 - 8 = ?

 [2007-07-15 19:23 UTC] ckdake (Chris Kelly)
Description: ------------ I've tried to email the listed authors of XML_HTMLSax3 but e-mails to both authors have bounced. Text of the email is below: I'm the project manager for the Gallery project ( which uses the HTMLSax3.php file from PEAR. Gallery is in the Debian package repository, and they've notified us about some licensing issues that we must resolve in order for Debian to continue including Gallery. URLs for the issues: It appears that HTMLSax3.php is licensed under version 4 of the PHP license which is not compatible with the GPL and Debian requires that all code in their repository being GPL compatible. You have a few choices that would be great because they would be very easy for you and keep us from having to re-implement the functionality of HTMLSax3.php ourselves: 1. Switch the license of HTMLSax3.php from PHP to the GPL or to one that is GPL compatible such as the BSD license. 2. Dual license HTMLSax3.php under the existing license as well as the GPL or a GPL compatible one. I can help you understand these options more if you have questions, but neither of them should be any detriment to your software and both would be helpful for the open source community!


 [2007-07-18 01:53 UTC] toots (Romain Beauxis)
The required PHP licence version for inclusion within debian is 3.01. In fact the licence headers state version 2 but the link given for terms and conditions is acutally the 3.01 one... A clarification of this issue would be nice Romain
 [2007-07-21 18:47 UTC] ckdake (Chris Kelly)
The required license is PHP 3.01, however their legal team stressed that the PHP license should only be used for packages that actually package PHP due to clauses 3, 4, and 6. The first Debian bug link in the original description explains this.
 [2007-08-13 19:01 UTC] ckdake (Chris Kelly)
Finally got in touch with Harry Fuecks. He is resolving this.