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Bug #10484 Bug edit form has gotten "ugly"
Submitted: 2007-03-25 08:26 UTC
From: wiesemann Assigned: cellog
Status: Closed Package: pearweb (version 1.11.1)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Irrelevant
Roadmaps: 1.11.3    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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 [2007-03-25 08:26 UTC] wiesemann (Mark Wiesemann)
Description: ------------ The bug edit form for developers has gotten kind of "ugly": see my screenshot (taken on "pearweb" package): A quick solution could be to give the roadmap checkbox section more space, e.g. by adding colspan="2" to this table cell. Another solution: Use multiselect.js, a select box that has checkboxes in it. Demo: Download and more information:


 [2007-03-26 04:53 UTC] cellog (Greg Beaver)
This bug has been fixed in CVS. If this was a documentation problem, the fix will appear on by the end of next Sunday (CET). If this was a problem with the website, the change should be live shortly. Otherwise, the fix will appear in the package's next release. Thank you for the report and for helping us make PEAR better. I prefer the more space, the multiselect is confusing and has too many controls to be immediately intuitive We can talk about this one David/Mark if you have particular ideas or a vision I don't share :) I've implemented the colspan="2"
 [2007-03-26 07:08 UTC] wiesemann (Mark Wiesemann)
- the change didn't make it into the live website, while the date fix for the manual notes did - in the multiselect, the three links on top can be turned off easily (in one of the first lines in the .js file), and IMO then it is intuitive - it could be placed in the right column between "Assign to" and "Package version/OS" (I could try to prepare a patch to demonstrate my idea, if you want.)
 [2007-03-26 07:14 UTC] wiesemann (Mark Wiesemann)
> - the change didn't make it into the live website, while > the date fix for the manual notes did Ignore this, please. I didn't look at the changelog, the release time and the assigned version.
 [2007-03-26 13:17 UTC] davidc (David Coallier)
As i'm not a design I personally find it nice that way I don't really care of how the boxes are displayed in this case. It's usuable enough for me. Using the multiselect.js on this might be a bit overhead and make the site unusuable to many other developers using 18th century browsers. Like this is very nice
 [2007-03-26 17:33 UTC] wiesemann (Mark Wiesemann)
multiselect.js has a simple fallback mechanism, because it uses a normal <select multiple="multiple">. I doubt that there are browsers that can't handle such a box. Anyway, this was just a suggestion. With more and more releases that e.g. pearweb will have, the current solution might get confusing because of big number of items (= checkbox + version number).