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Bug #9158 Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0
Submitted: 2006-10-25 07:42 UTC
From: jonathan dot martens at gmx dot net Assigned: lsmith
Status: Closed Package: MDB2 (version 2.2.2)
PHP Version: 5.0.3 OS: Windows XP SP2
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2006-10-25 07:42 UTC] jonathan dot martens at gmx dot net (Jonathan)
Description: ------------ I have trouble execuing a prepared query with on parameter when I try to bind a value of 0 to the placeholder. MDB 2.2.2 MDB_Driver_mysql 1.2.2 PHP 5.0.3 PEAR 1.4.11 Test script: --------------- <?php /** * DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `checklist`; * CREATE TABLE `checklist` ( * `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, * `sortorder` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', * `category` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', * `group` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', * `monthly` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', * `weekly` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', * `id_modality` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', * `energy` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', * `direction` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', * `doserate` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', * `description` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', * `lastmodified` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, * PRIMARY KEY (`id`) * ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; * * INSERT INTO `checklist` VALUES (1,1,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,1,6,'GT','','Symmetrie X6 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(2,2,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,1,6,'AB','','Symmetrie X6 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(3,3,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,1,10,'GT','','Symmetrie X10 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(4,4,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,1,10,'AB','','Symmetrie X10 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(5,5,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,6,'GT','','Symmetrie E6 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(6,6,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,6,'AB','','Symmetrie E6 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(7,7,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,9,'GT','','Symmetrie E9 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(8,8,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,9,'AB','','Symmetrie E9 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(9,9,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,12,'GT','','Symmetrie E12 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(10,10,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,12,'AB','','Symmetrie E12 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(11,11,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,15,'GT','','Symmetrie E15 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(12,12,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,15,'AB','','Symmetrie E15 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(13,13,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,18,'GT','','Symmetrie E18 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(14,14,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,18,'AB','','Symmetrie E18 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(15,15,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,21,'GT','','Symmetrie E21 (GT)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(16,16,'schuster','symmetrie',1,0,2,21,'AB','','Symmetrie E21 (AB)','2006-10-23 10:58:42'),(17,17,'output','energie',1,0,1,6,'','','Energiebepaling X6','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(18,18,'output','energie',1,0,1,10,'','','Energiebepaling X10','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(19,19,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,6,'','','Energiebepaling E6','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(20,20,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,9,'','','Energiebepaling E9','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(21,21,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,12,'','','Energiebepaling E12','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(22,22,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,15,'','','Energiebepaling E15','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(23,23,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,18,'','','Energiebepaling E18','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(24,24,'schuster','energie',1,0,2,21,'','','Energiebepaling E21','2006-10-23 10:59:23'),(25,25,'output','output',1,1,1,6,'','300','Outputmeting X6 (HDR)','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(26,26,'output','output',1,1,1,6,'','50','Outputmeting X6 (LDR)','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(27,27,'output','output',1,1,1,10,'','300','Outputmeting X10 (HDR)','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(28,28,'output','output',1,1,1,10,'','50','Outputmeting X10 (LDR)','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(29,29,'output','output',1,1,2,6,'','','Outputmeting E6','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(30,30,'output','output',1,1,2,9,'','','Outputmeting E9','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(31,31,'output','output',1,1,2,12,'','','Outputmeting E12','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(32,32,'output','output',1,1,2,15,'','','Outputmeting E15','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(33,33,'output','output',1,1,2,18,'','','Outputmeting E18','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(34,34,'output','output',1,1,2,21,'','','Outputmeting E21','2006-10-23 10:59:10'),(35,35,'films','films',1,1,1,6,'','','Filmmetingen','2006-10-23 10:58:58'); */ require_once 'MDB2.php'; $mdb = new MDB2(); $dsn = array( 'phptype' => DB_TYPE, 'hostspec' => DB_HOST, 'database' => DB_DATABASE, 'username' => DB_USERNAME, 'password' => DB_PASSWORD ); $options = array( 'debug' => 2, 'portability' => MDB2_PORTABILITY_ALL, ); $conn =$mdb->connect($dsn, $options); $conn->loadModule('Extended'); $monthly = 0; $sql = "SELECT id, sortorder, id_modality, energy, direction, description, FROM checklist WHERE'symmetrie' AND monthly = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC"; $sth = $conn->prepare($sql, array('integer'), array('integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'text', 'text')); $result = $sth->execute($monthly); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { die("<pre><b>error: </b><br>". print_r($result, true)."</pre>"); } ?> Expected result: ---------------- Based on the data in the table I expect an empty record set, however it comes with the error described below. The same query ran in a mysql client using the same username results properly in an empty set. Actual result: -------------- error: MDB2_Error Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => -4 [message] => MDB2 Error: not found [userinfo] => _execute: [Error message: Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0] [Last query: PREPARE MDB2_Statement_mysql_6a396a1ea034b8e3182cae827f494f01 FROM 'SELECT id, sortorder, id_modality, energy, direction, description, FROM checklist WHERE\'symmetrie\' AND monthly = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC'] [Native code: 0] [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => C:\Program Files\php\php-5.0.3\PEAR\MDB2.php [line] => 961 [function] => PEAR_Error [class] => MDB2_Error [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => MDB2 Error: not found [1] => -4 [2] => 1 [3] => 1024 [4] => _execute: [Error message: Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0] [Last query: PREPARE MDB2_Statement_mysql_6a396a1ea034b8e3182cae827f494f01 FROM 'SELECT id, sortorder, id_modality, energy, direction, description, FROM checklist WHERE\'symmetrie\' AND monthly = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC'] [Native code: 0] ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => C:\Program Files\php\php-5.0.3\PEAR\PEAR.php [line] => 563 [function] => MDB2_Error [class] => MDB2_Error [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => -4 [1] => 1 [2] => 1024 [3] => _execute: [Error message: Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0] [Last query: PREPARE MDB2_Statement_mysql_6a396a1ea034b8e3182cae827f494f01 FROM 'SELECT id, sortorder, id_modality, energy, direction, description, FROM checklist WHERE\'symmetrie\' AND monthly = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC'] [Native code: 0] ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => C:\Program Files\php\php-5.0.3\PEAR\MDB2.php [line] => 1420 [function] => raiseError [class] => MDB2_Driver_mysql [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => -4 [2] => [3] => [4] => _execute: [Error message: Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0] [Last query: PREPARE MDB2_Statement_mysql_6a396a1ea034b8e3182cae827f494f01 FROM 'SELECT id, sortorder, id_modality, energy, direction, description, FROM checklist WHERE\'symmetrie\' AND monthly = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC'] [Native code: 0] [5] => MDB2_Error [6] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => C:\Program Files\php\php-5.0.3\PEAR\MDB2\Driver\mysql.php [line] => 1334 [function] => raiseError [class] => MDB2_Driver_mysql [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => -4 [1] => [2] => [3] => Unable to bind to missing placeholder: 0 [4] => _execute ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => C:\Program Files\php\php-5.0.3\PEAR\MDB2.php [line] => 4001 [function] => _execute [class] => MDB2_Statement_mysql [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => D:\SourceCode\qc2web\test_mdb2.php [line] => 39 [function] => execute [class] => MDB2_Statement_mysql [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) ) ) [callback] => )


 [2006-10-25 07:43 UTC] jonathan dot martens at gmx dot net
I forgot to mention that it works flawlessly with $monthly being other than 0, e.g. 1.
 [2006-10-25 07:59 UTC] lsmith (Lukas Smith)
This bug has been fixed in CVS. If this was a documentation problem, the fix will appear on by the end of next Sunday (CET). If this was a problem with the website, the change should be live shortly. Otherwise, the fix will appear in the package's next release. Thank you for the report and for helping us make PEAR better. Temporary fix is to pass in: array($monthly) or to alternatively use bindParam() or bindValue()