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Request #682 getListOf('pgsql:schema.table');
Submitted: 2004-02-05 08:13 UTC
From: alan_k Assigned: danielc
Status: Closed Package: DB
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: na
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2004-02-05 08:13 UTC] alan_k
Description: ------------ add support in the postgres driver for fetching a list of tables with their schema prefix. addition to pgsql.php / getSpecialQuery() case 'pgsql:schema.table': return "SELECT schemaname||'.'||tablename as \"Name\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'pg_toast') ORDER BY schemaname, tablename";


 [2004-06-10 17:19 UTC] s dot ballestrero at firenze dot linux dot it
Please see also the related Bug #1607 PostgreSQL schema (aka namespace) support
 [2004-06-25 19:07 UTC] danielc
Would it be acceptable to add another element to the returned array called something like "database" or "schema" that would hold this information? This approach may be more universal and eliminate the need for a special parameter/case.
 [2004-06-25 19:16 UTC] danielc
Gosh, I'm sorry. I was thinking of tableInfo()'s behavior. I'm hesitant about introducing DBMS specific calls like this. While it adds convenience, it would degrade portability. Maybe I can generalize this a bit. We'll see. Anyway, Alan, I trust this is indeed a feature request that would make things easier, rather than an issue causing real problems with DB_DataObject, right?
 [2004-06-29 09:36 UTC] alan_k
There is an outstanding feature request on dataobjects to use the schema name as part of the constructed class names. I've never used namespaces in postgres, so I've not idea how usefull it is :)
 [2005-02-02 22:31 UTC] danielc
Added to CVS.