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Bug #6742 Error handling <![if tags
Submitted: 2006-02-10 10:05 UTC
From: jon at jonemerson dot net Assigned:
Status: Open Package: XML_HTMLSax (version 2.1.2)
PHP Version: 4.4.2 OS: Windows
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2006-02-10 10:05 UTC] jon at jonemerson dot net
Description: ------------ In Yahoo!'s search results, and on many other pages, there's a tag <![if !IE]>. If XML_HTMLSax runs across this tag, it assumes it's a CDATA tag and looks for it to be terminated by ]]>. This is incorrect. Instead it should not make this assumption and should look for a termination of ]>. To fix this bug, change lines 224 through 232 (or so) of XML_HTMLSax_States.php to: } else if ( $char == '[') { $text = $context->scanUntilString(']>'); $context->IgnoreCharacter(); } else ... This will take away the CDATA assumption and look for ]> instead.
