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Bug #20041 Declaration "static" missing
Submitted: 2013-08-15 17:09 UTC
From: romanf Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Image_Canvas (version 0.3.5)
PHP Version: 5.4.3 OS: Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2013-08-15 17:09 UTC] romanf (Roman Fischer)
Description: ------------ According to functions that are used statically (as in $Canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory(...)) must be declared with the keyword "static": now: function &factory($canvas, $params) {...} should be: static function &factory($canvas, $params) {...} Yes, the warning can be supressed by setting the error-level to ini_set("error_reporting", "E_ALL & ~E_STRICT"); but that can only be a temporary workaround... Kind regards Roman
