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Bug #19948 Exported bibtex has double commas in authors
Submitted: 2013-05-16 14:58 UTC
From: spandecks Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Structures_BibTex (version 1.0.0RC6)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Irrelevant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2013-05-16 14:58 UTC] spandecks (spandecks latex)
Description: ------------ VON LAST, JR, FIRST formats badly for anyone without "jr" or "III" etc after their name. This can be fixed by inserting this around line 962... just before returning $ret $ret = str_replace(" ,", ',', $ret); // Get rid of spaces before commas $ret = str_replace(",,", ',', $ret); // Get rid of double commas Test script: --------------- $bibtex = new Structures_BibTex(); $addarray = array(); $bibauthor = array(); $bibauthor['first'] = "Matt"; $bibauthor['last'] = "Southall"; $addarray['author'][] = $bibauthor; $bibtex->addEntry($addarray); print $bibtex->bibTex(); Expected result: ---------------- @ { , author = {Southall, Matt} } Actual result: -------------- @ { , author = {Southall, , Matt} }
