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Request #19207 Content-length isnt sent if a non obtrusive ob_handler is also loaded
Submitted: 2012-01-09 14:30 UTC
From: kingsquare Assigned:
Status: Open Package: HTTP_Download (version 1.1.4)
PHP Version: 5.3.2 OS: linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2012-01-09 14:30 UTC] kingsquare (Kingsquare Information Services)
Description: ------------ The code which adds the content-length header to the response only does so when there is no Gzip, the variable $end is not '*' and there is only one ob_handler loaded. That last condition is what bothers me: isn't there anyway to be more specific than that? Just by loading an extension which (i.e.) automatically fixes the html output (ob_tidyhandler), adds javascript headers (newrelic) etc etc Thus combining any form of ob_handling and Http_download currently disables the content_length header even though all the other conditions are met... Is there anyway to bypass this and skip the ob_list_handlers()-call ?
