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Bug #1863 Cannot connect using "ldaps" protocol
Submitted: 2004-07-13 17:38 UTC
From: pmjones Assigned: dufuz
Status: Closed Package: DB_ldap
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: irrelevant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2004-07-13 17:38 UTC] pmjones
Description: ------------ Cannot connect to secure LDAP source using "ldaps" protocol. If you use a phptype of "ldaps" then DB cannot find the "DB/ldaps.php" file (becuase it's just "DB/ldap.php"). If you set the DSN hostspec to "ldaps://" then the connect() method attempts to split the hostspec at the colon into host and port. One fix is to change the host/port splitting algorithm in the connect() method to take full URLs into account. --- CURRENT CODE --- <?php // DB/ldap.php, line 403, the connect() method if (($colon_pos = strpos($dsninfo['hostspec'], ':')) !== false) { $host = substr($dsninfo['hostspec'], 0, $colon_pos); $port = substr($dsninfo['hostspec'], $colon_pos + 1); } else { $host = $dsninfo['hostspec']; $port = null; } ?> --- PROPOSED FIX --- <?php if (strpos($dsninfo['hostspec'], '://') === false) { if (($colon_pos = strpos($dsninfo['hostspec'], ':')) !== false) { $host = substr($dsninfo['hostspec'], 0, $colon_pos); $port = substr($dsninfo['hostspec'], $colon_pos + 1); } else { $host = $dsninfo['hostspec']; $port = null; } } else { // full URL was specified, e.g. 'ldaps://' $host = $dsninfo['hostspec']; $port = null; } ?> I have modified my own copy of DB/ldap.php and it appears to work properly.


 [2008-03-24 20:33 UTC] dufuz (Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson)
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest released version of the package, which you can download at Given this hostspec splitting business was removed from the latest release then I bet using ldaps will work perfectly.