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Bug #17232 Can't fetch the value of the other text if the element name contains []
Submitted: 2010-03-16 12:51 UTC
From: onokazu Assigned:
Status: Open Package: HTML_QuickForm_altselect (version 1.1.0)
PHP Version: 5.2.12 OS: OSX
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2010-03-16 12:51 UTC] onokazu (Kazumi Ono)
Description: ------------ When the element name contains [], then the HTML output of the other text element is generated like below: <input type="text" name="element_name[]_qf_other" /> If you submit this form, then $_REQUEST['element_name'] would be populated with the entered value but there would be no $_REQUEST['element_name[]_qf_other']. This will prevent from fetching the value of the other text element because of line 559: $this->_otherValue = @$_REQUEST[$myName.'_qf_other']; Perhaps the name attribute of the other text element could be generated using the md5() function?
