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Bug #16948 Check if multiline-text working fine across output-drivers
Submitted: 2009-12-27 01:20 UTC
From: neufeind Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Image_Canvas (version CVS)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2009-12-27 01:20 UTC] neufeind (Stefan Neufeind)
Description: ------------ GD and SVG should work (need to re-check). For others like e.g. PDF we need to check if multiline-text (breaking text with \n) currently works at all. If it does (newlines handled by pdf-library) at least the functions textHeight() (and if vertical text is allowed in that driver also textWidth) need adjustment, e.g. like function textWidth($text) { return $this->_font['size'] * count(explode("\n",$text)); } ( Thanks go to bug-report #16833: patch for newlines in SVG addText() )


 [2012-01-02 06:45 UTC] doconnor (Daniel O'Connor)