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Bug #16944 Bug in regexp lookahead
Submitted: 2009-12-26 06:37 UTC
From: thue Assigned:
Status: Open Package: PHP_LexerGenerator (version 0.3.4)
PHP Version: 5.3.1 OS: All
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2009-12-26 06:37 UTC] thue (Thue Kristensen)
Description: ------------ (?=...) positive lookahead in lexer regexps doesn't work. The error is because of the following code in LexerGenerator/Regex/Parser.php : #line 1599 "Parser.php" #line 428 "Parser.y" function yy_r82(){ $this->_retvalue = new PHP_LexerGenerator_ParseryyToken('(?=' . $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -1]->minor->string . ')', array( 'pattern '=> '(?=' . $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -1]->minor['pattern'] . ')')); } Where 'pattern ' should be 'pattern' (without the space).
