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Bug #14103 whitespace in path won't encoded
Submitted: 2008-06-08 09:48 UTC
From: phpmyforum Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Net_URL
PHP Version: 5.2.6 OS: Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2008-06-08 09:48 UTC] phpmyforum (Christoph Roeder)
Description: ------------ Requests with spaces in the filename (or path) won't work because the space isn't converted to %20 I think Net_URL2 Bug #6470 has a good solution.


 [2008-06-16 22:03 UTC] dhendric (Deirdra Hendricks)
Also percent (%) signs are not encoded.
 [2008-07-23 15:00 UTC] avb (Alexey Borzov)
HTTP_Request uses Net_URL package to work with URLs. Moving the bug there.