[ class tree: XML_Util ] [ index: XML_Util ] [ all elements ]

Class: XML_Util

Source Location: /XML_Util-1.4.5/XML/Util.php

Class Overview

Utility class for working with XML documents



  • Release: 1.4.5


  • 2003-2008 Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 126]
Utility class for working with XML documents

[ Top ]

Method Detail

apiVersion   [line 133]

string apiVersion( )

Return API version
  • Return: API version
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

attributesToString   [line 392]

string attributesToString( array $attributes, [bool|array $sort = true], [bool $multiline = false], [string $indent = ' '], [string $linebreak = "\n"], [int $entities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML])

Create string representation of an attribute list

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // build an attribute string
  4.  $att = array(
  5.               'foo'   =>  'bar',
  6.               'argh'  =>  'tomato'
  7.             );
  9.  $attList XML_Util::attributesToString($att);


array   $attributes   —  attribute array
bool|array   $sort   —  sort attribute list alphabetically, may also be an assoc array containing the keys 'sort', 'multiline', 'indent', 'linebreak' and 'entities'
bool   $multiline   —  use linebreaks, if more than one attribute is given
string   $indent   —  string used for indentation of multiline attributes
string   $linebreak   —  string used for linebreaks of multiline attributes
int   $entities   —  setting for entities in attribute values (one of XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML)

[ Top ]

collapseEmptyTags   [line 460]

string collapseEmptyTags( string $xml, [int $mode = XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL])

Collapses empty tags.


string   $xml   —  XML
int   $mode   —  Whether to collapse all empty tags (XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL) or only XHTML (XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_XHTML_ONLY) ones.

[ Top ]

createCDataSection   [line 847]

string createCDataSection( string $data)

Create a CData section

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // create a CData section
  4.  $tag XML_Util::createCDataSection('I am content.');


string   $data   —  data of the CData section

[ Top ]

createComment   [line 827]

string createComment( string $content)

Create an XML comment

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // create an XML start element:
  4.  $tag XML_Util::createComment('I am a comment');

  • Return: XML comment
  • Access: public


string   $content   —  content of the comment

[ Top ]

createEndElement   [line 807]

string createEndElement( string $qname)

Create an end element

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // create an XML start element:
  4.  $tag XML_Util::createEndElement('myNs:myTag');


string   $qname   —  qualified tagname (including namespace)

[ Top ]

createStartElement   [line 752]

string createStartElement( string $qname, [array $attributes = array()], [string $namespaceUri = null], [bool $multiline = false], [string $indent = '_auto'], [string $linebreak = "\n"], [bool $sortAttributes = true])

Create a start element

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // create an XML start element:
  4.  $tag XML_Util::createStartElement('myNs:myTag',
  5.      array('foo' => 'bar','http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');


string   $qname   —  qualified tagname (including namespace)
array   $attributes   —  array containg attributes
string   $namespaceUri   —  URI of the namespace
bool   $multiline   —  whether to create a multiline tag where each attribute gets written to a single line
string   $indent   —  string used to indent attributes (_auto indents attributes so they start at the same column)
string   $linebreak   —  string used for linebreaks
bool   $sortAttributes   —  Whether to sort the attributes or not

[ Top ]

createTag   [line 541]

string createTag( string $qname, [array $attributes = array()], [mixed $content = null], [string $namespaceUri = null], [int $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES], [bool $multiline = false], [string $indent = '_auto'], [string $linebreak = "\n"], [bool $sortAttributes = true], [int $collapseTagMode = XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL])

Create a tag

This method will call XML_Util::createTagFromArray(), which is more flexible.

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // create an XML tag:
  4.  $tag XML_Util::createTag('myNs:myTag',
  5.      array('foo' => 'bar'),
  6.      'This is inside the tag',
  7.      'http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');


string   $qname   —  qualified tagname (including namespace)
array   $attributes   —  array containg attributes
mixed   $content   —  the content
string   $namespaceUri   —  URI of the namespace
int   $replaceEntities   —  whether to replace XML special chars in content, embedd it in a CData section or none of both
bool   $multiline   —  whether to create a multiline tag where each attribute gets written to a single line
string   $indent   —  string used to indent attributes (_auto indents attributes so they start at the same column)
string   $linebreak   —  string used for linebreaks
bool   $sortAttributes   —  Whether to sort the attributes or not
int   $collapseTagMode   —  How to handle a content-less, and thus collapseable, tag

[ Top ]

createTagFromArray   [line 629]

string createTagFromArray( array $tag, [int $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES], [bool $multiline = false], [string $indent = '_auto'], [string $linebreak = "\n"], [bool $sortAttributes = true], [int $collapseTagMode = XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL])

Create a tag from an array.

This method awaits an array in the following format

     // qualified name of the tag
     'qname' => $qname

     // namespace prefix (optional, if qname is specified or no namespace)
     'namespace' => $namespace

     // local part of the tagname (optional, if qname is specified)
     'localpart' => $localpart,

     // array containing all attributes (optional)
     'attributes' => array(),

     // tag content (optional)
     'content' => $content,

     // namespaceUri for the given namespace (optional)
     'namespaceUri' => $namespaceUri

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  $tag = array(
  4.      'qname'        => 'foo:bar',
  5.      'namespaceUri' => 'http://foo.com',
  6.      'attributes'   => array('key' => 'value''argh' => 'fruit&vegetable'),
  7.      'content'      => 'I\'m inside the tag',
  8.  );
  9.  // creating a tag with qualified name and namespaceUri
  10.  $string XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag);


array   $tag   —  tag definition
int   $replaceEntities   —  whether to replace XML special chars in content, embedd it in a CData section or none of both
bool   $multiline   —  whether to create a multiline tag where each attribute gets written to a single line
string   $indent   —  string used to indent attributes (_auto indents attributes so they start at the same column)
string   $linebreak   —  string used for linebreaks
bool   $sortAttributes   —  Whether to sort the attributes or not
int   $collapseTagMode   —  How to handle a content-less, and thus collapseable, tag

[ Top ]

getDocTypeDeclaration   [line 338]

string getDocTypeDeclaration( string $root, [string $uri = null], [string $internalDtd = null])

Build a document type declaration

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // get a doctype declaration:
  4.  $xmlDecl XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration('rootTag','myDocType.dtd');

  • Return: doctype declaration
  • Since: 0.2
  • Access: public


string   $root   —  name of the root tag
string   $uri   —  uri of the doctype definition (or array with uri and public id)
string   $internalDtd   —  internal dtd entries

[ Top ]

getXMLDeclaration   [line 299]

string getXMLDeclaration( [string $version = '1.0'], [string $encoding = null], [bool $standalone = null])

Build an xml declaration

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // get an XML declaration:
  4.  $xmlDecl XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration('1.0''UTF-8'true);


string   $version   —  xml version
string   $encoding   —  character encoding
bool   $standalone   —  document is standalone (or not)

[ Top ]

isValidName   [line 918]

mixed isValidName( string $string)

Check, whether string is valid XML name

XML names are used for tagname, attribute names and various other, lesser known entities.

An XML name may only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes, undescores and periods, and has to start with a letter or an underscore.

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // verify tag name
  4.  $result XML_Util::isValidName('invalidTag?');
  5.  if (is_a($result'PEAR_Error')) {
  6.     print 'Invalid XML name: ' $result->getMessage();
  7.  }

  • Return: true, if string is a valid XML name, PEAR error otherwise
  • Todo: PEAR CS - unable to avoid 85-char limit on second preg_match
  • Todo: support for other charsets
  • Access: public


string   $string   —  string that should be checked

[ Top ]

raiseError   [line 957]

PEAR_Error raiseError( string $msg, int $code)

Replacement for XML_Util::raiseError

Avoids the necessity to always require PEAR.php


string   $msg   —  error message
int   $code   —  error code

[ Top ]

replaceEntities   [line 176]

string replaceEntities( string $string, [int $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML], [string $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'])

Replace XML entities

With the optional second parameter, you may select, which entities should be replaced.

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // replace XML entites:
  4.  $string XML_Util::replaceEntities('This string contains < & >.');

With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // replace XML entites in UTF-8:
  4.  $string XML_Util::replaceEntities(
  5.      'This string contains < & > as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê',
  6.      'UTF-8'
  7.  );


string   $string   —  string where XML special chars should be replaced
int   $replaceEntities   —  setting for entities in attribute values (one of XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML)
string   $encoding   —  encoding value (if any)... must be a valid encoding as determined by the htmlentities() function

[ Top ]

reverseEntities   [line 248]

string reverseEntities( string $string, [int $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML], [string $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'])

Reverse XML entities

With the optional second parameter, you may select, which entities should be reversed.

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // reverse XML entites:
  4.  $string XML_Util::reverseEntities('This string contains &lt; &amp; &gt;.');

With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // reverse XML entites in UTF-8:
  4.  $string XML_Util::reverseEntities(
  5.      'This string contains &lt; &amp; &gt; as well as'
  6.      . ' &auml;, &ouml;, &szlig;, &agrave; and &ecirc;',
  7.      'UTF-8'
  8.  );


string   $string   —  string where XML special chars should be replaced
int   $replaceEntities   —  setting for entities in attribute values (one of XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML)
string   $encoding   —  encoding value (if any)... must be a valid encoding as determined by the html_entity_decode() function

[ Top ]

splitQualifiedName   [line 877]

array splitQualifiedName( string $qname, [string $defaultNs = null])

Split qualified name and return namespace and local part

  1.  require_once 'XML/Util.php';
  3.  // split qualified tag
  4.  $parts XML_Util::splitQualifiedName('xslt:stylesheet');
the returned array will contain two elements:
     'namespace' => 'xslt',
     'localPart' => 'stylesheet'

  • Return: array containing namespace and local part
  • Access: public
  • Usedby: XML_Util::createTagFromArray() - to get local part and namespace of a qualified name


string   $qname   —  qualified tag name
string   $defaultNs   —  default namespace (optional)

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