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Class: Services_Facebook_Notifications

Source Location: /Services_Facebook-0.2.14/Services/Facebook/Notifications.php

Class Overview


Facebook Notifications Interface



  • Release: 0.2.14


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 36]
Facebook Notifications Interface

[ Top ]

Method Detail

get   [line 62]

object Instance get( )

Get notifications for current user

Returns all of the outstanding notifications for the given user, which include messages, pokes, shares, friend requests, group invites, and event invites.

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send   [line 92]

mixed send( array $to, string $notification, [string $type = self::TYPE_USER_TO_USER])

Send a notification

When you send a notification you can send it to an array of Facebook uids. The notification should be valid FBML. Optionally, you can pass

Optionally, you can pass a type parameter. 'general' (default) notifications require an active user session, while 'announcement' does not.

The result value can either be true or a string. The string is a valid URI that you should redirect the user to for confirmation.


array   $to   —  Facebook uids to send note to
string   $notification   —  FBML of notification
string   $type   —  Type of notification

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sendEmail   [line 135]

array sendEmail( array $recipients, string $subject, [mixed $text = null])

Send an email out to application users


array   $recipients   —  An array of Facebook uids to send too
string   $subject   —  Subject of the email
mixed   $text   —  Text or FBML and text for the body of the email

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