[ class tree: MDB2 ] [ index: MDB2 ] [ all elements ]

Class: MDB2_Driver_oci8

Source Location: /MDB2_Driver_oci8-1.5.0b4/MDB2/Driver/oci8.php

Class Overview


MDB2 OCI8 driver




Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 55]
MDB2 OCI8 driver

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$identifier_quoting = array('start' => '"', 'end' => '"', 'escape' => '"')

[line 60]

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$string_quoting = array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => "'", 'escape_pattern' => '@')

[line 58]

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

$uncommitedqueries =  0

[line 62]

Type:   mixed

[ Top ]

Method Detail

__construct (Constructor)   [line 69]

MDB2_Driver_oci8 __construct( )


[ Top ]

beginTransaction   [line 176]

mixed beginTransaction( [string $savepoint = null])

Start a transaction or set a savepoint.
  • Return: MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Access: public


string   $savepoint   —  name of a savepoint to set

[ Top ]

commit   [line 213]

mixed commit( [string $savepoint = null])

Commit the database changes done during a transaction that is in progress or release a savepoint. This function may only be called when auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new transaction is implicitly started after committing the pending changes.
  • Return: MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Access: public


string   $savepoint   —  name of a savepoint to release

[ Top ]

connect   [line 435]

MDB2_OK connect( )

Connect to the database
  • Return: on success, MDB2 Error Object on failure
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

currId   [line 987]

mixed currId( string $seq_name)

Returns the current id of a sequence
  • Return: MDB2_Error or id
  • Access: public


string   $seq_name   —  name of the sequence

[ Top ]

databaseExists   [line 497]

mixed databaseExists( string $name)

check if given database name is exists?
  • Return: true/false on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  name of the database that should be checked

[ Top ]

disconnect   [line 529]

mixed disconnect( [boolean $force = true])

Log out and disconnect from the database.
  • Return: true on success, false if not connected and error object on error
  • Access: public


boolean   $force   —  if the disconnect should be forced even if the connection is opened persistently

[ Top ]

errorInfo   [line 118]

array errorInfo( [integer $error = null])

This method is used to collect information about an error
  • Access: public


integer   $error   — 

[ Top ]

getServerVersion   [line 728]

mixed getServerVersion( [bool $native = false])

return version information about the server
  • Return: array/string with version information or MDB2 error object
  • Access: public


bool   $native   —  determines if the raw version string should be returned

[ Top ]

lastInsertID   [line 964]

mixed lastInsertID( [string $table = null], [string $field = null])

Returns the autoincrement ID if supported or $id or fetches the current ID in a sequence called: $table.(empty($field) ? '' : '_'.$field)
  • Return: MDB2 Error Object or id
  • Access: public


string   $table   —  name of the table into which a new row was inserted
string   $field   —  name of the field into which a new row was inserted

[ Top ]

nextID   [line 930]

mixed nextID( string $seq_name, [boolean $ondemand = true])

Returns the next free id of a sequence
  • Return: MDB2 Error Object or id
  • Access: public


string   $seq_name   —  name of the sequence
boolean   $ondemand   —  when true the sequence is automatic created, if it not exists

[ Top ]

prepare   [line 785]

mixed prepare( string $query, [mixed $types = null], [mixed $result_types = null], [mixed $lobs = array()])

Prepares a query for multiple execution with execute().

With some database backends, this is emulated. prepare() requires a generic query as string like 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?)' or 'INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(:foo,:bar)'. The ? and :name and are placeholders which can be set using bindParam() and the query can be sent off using the execute() method. The allowed format for :name can be set with the 'bindname_format' option.

  • Return: resource handle for the prepared query on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • See: bindParam, execute
  • Access: public


string   $query   —  the query to prepare
mixed   $types   —  array that contains the types of the placeholders
mixed   $result_types   —  array that contains the types of the columns in the result set or MDB2_PREPARE_RESULT, if set to MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP the query is handled as a manipulation query
mixed   $lobs   —  key (field) value (parameter) pair for all lob placeholders

[ Top ]

rollback   [line 253]

mixed rollback( [string $savepoint = null])

Cancel any database changes done during a transaction or since a specific savepoint that is in progress. This function may only be called when auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new transaction is implicitly started after canceling the pending changes.
  • Return: MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Access: public


string   $savepoint   —  name of a savepoint to rollback to

[ Top ]

setTransactionIsolation   [line 300]

mixed setTransactionIsolation( string $isolation, [array $options = array()])

Set the transacton isolation level.
  • Return: MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Since: 2.1.1
  • Access: public


string   $isolation   —  standard isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED (allows dirty reads) READ COMMITTED (prevents dirty reads) REPEATABLE READ (prevents nonrepeatable reads) SERIALIZABLE (prevents phantom reads)
array   $options   —  some transaction options: 'wait' => 'WAIT' | 'NO WAIT' 'rw' => 'READ WRITE' | 'READ ONLY'

[ Top ]

standaloneQuery   [line 577]

mixed standaloneQuery( string $query, [mixed $types = null], [boolean $is_manip = false])

execute a query as DBA
  • Return: MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure
  • Access: public


string   $query   —  the SQL query
mixed   $types   —  array containing the types of the columns in the result set
boolean   $is_manip   —  if the query is a manipulation query

[ Top ]

_doConnect   [line 329]

connection _doConnect( $username, $password, [ $persistent = false])

do the grunt work of the connect
  • Return: on success or MDB2 Error Object on failure
  • Access: protected


   $username   — 
   $password   — 
   $persistent   — 

[ Top ]

_doQuery   [line 649]

result &_doQuery( string $query, [boolean $is_manip = false], [resource $connection = null], [string $database_name = null])

Execute a query
  • Return: or error object
  • Access: protected


string   $query   —  query
boolean   $is_manip   —  if the query is a manipulation query
resource   $connection   — 
string   $database_name   — 

[ Top ]

_modifyQuery   [line 617]

string _modifyQuery( string $query, boolean $is_manip, integer $limit, integer $offset)

Changes a query string for various DBMS specific reasons
  • Return: modified query
  • Access: protected


string   $query   —  query to modify
boolean   $is_manip   —  if it is a DML query
integer   $limit   —  limit the number of rows
integer   $offset   —  start reading from given offset

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