Source Location: /HTML_AJAX-0.5.7/AJAX.php
OO AJAX Implementation for PHP
- 2005-2008 Joshua Eichorn, Arpad Ray, David Coallier, Elizabeth Smith
Inherited Variables
Inherited Methods
Class Details
Class Variables
$contentTypeMap = array(
'JSON' => 'application/json',
'XML' => 'application/xml',
'Null' => 'text/plain',
'Error' => 'application/error',
'PHP' => 'application/php-serialized',
'Urlencoded' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
[line 93]
Content-type map Used in to automatically choose serializers as needed
$debug =
[line 108]
This is the debug variable that we will be passing the HTML_AJAX_Debug instance to.
$debugEnabled = false
[line 114]
This is to tell if debug is enabled or not. If so, then debug is called, instantiated then saves the file and such.
$debugSession = false
[line 122]
This puts the error into a session variable is set to true. set to false by default.
$jsonLooseType = true
[line 86]
Option to use loose typing for JSON encoding
$packJavaScript = false
[line 154]
Automatically pack all generated JavaScript making it smaller If your using output compression this might not make sense
$php4CompatCase = false
[line 147]
Make Generated code compatible with php4 by lowercasing all class/method names before exporting to JavaScript. If you have code that works on php4 but not on php5 then setting this flag can fix the problem. The recommended solution is too specify the class and method names when registering the class letting you have function case in php4 as well
$sendContentLength = true
[line 133]
Boolean telling if the Content-Length header should be sent. If your using a gzip handler on an output buffer, or run into any compatability problems, try disabling this.
$serializer = 'JSON'
[line 73]
What encoding your going to use for serializing data from php being sent to javascript.
$serverUrl = false
[line 65]
Set the server url in the generated stubs to this value If set to false, serverUrl will not be set
$unserializer = 'JSON'
[line 79]
What encoding your going to use for unserializing data sent from javascript
Method Detail
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