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Class: File_Archive

Source Location: /File_Archive-1.5.5/File/Archive.php

Class Overview

Factory to access the most common File_Archive features


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 62]
Factory to access the most common File_Archive features

It uses lazy include, so you dont have to include the files from File/Archive/* directories

[ Top ]

Method Detail

appender   [line 1361]

File_Archive_Writer appender( $URL, [ $unique = null], [ $type = null], [ $stat = array()], File_Archive_Reader $source)

Create a writer that allows appending new files to an existing archive This function actes as appendToSource with source being the system files $URL can't be null here
  • Return: a writer that you can use to append files to the reader


File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  A reader where some files will be appended
   $URL   — 
   $unique   — 
   $type   — 
   $stat   — 

[ Top ]

appenderFromSource   [line 1269]

File_Archive_Writer appenderFromSource( &$toConvert, [string $URL = null], [bool $unique = null], [string $type = null], [array $stat = array()], File_Archive_Reader $source)

Create a writer that can be used to append files to an archive inside a source

If the archive can't be found in the source, it will be created If source is set to null, File_Archive::toFiles will be assumed If type is set to null, the type of the archive will be determined looking at the extension in the URL stat is the array of stat (returned by stat() PHP function of Reader getStat()) to use if the archive must be created

This function allows to create or append data to nested archives. Only one archive will be created and if your creation requires creating several nested archives, a PEAR error will be returned

After this call, $source will be closed and should not be used until the returned writer is closed.

  • Return: a writer that you can use to append files to the reader


File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  A reader where some files will be appended
string   $URL   —  URL to reach the archive in the source. if $URL is null, a writer to append files to the $source reader will be returned
bool   $unique   —  If true, the duplicate files will be deleted on close Default is false (and setting it to true may have some performance consequences)
string   $type   —  Extension of the archive (or null to use the one in the URL)
array   $stat   —  Used only if archive is created, array of stat as returned by PHP stat function or Reader getStat function: stats of the archive) Time (index 9) will be overwritten to current time
   &$toConvert   — 

[ Top ]

cache   [line 549]

void cache( &$toConvert, mixed $toConvert)

Adds a cache layer above the specified reader The data of the reader is saved in a temporary file for future access.

The cached reader will be read only once, even if you read it several times. This can be usefull to read compressed files or downloaded files (from http or ftp)


mixed   $toConvert   —  The reader to cache It can be a File_Archive_Reader or a string, which will be converted using the read function
   &$toConvert   — 

[ Top ]

changeName   [line 783]

File_Archive_Reader changeName( Callable $function, &$toConvert, File_Archive_Reader $toConvert)

Changes the name of each file in a reader by applying a custom function The function must return false if the file is to be discarded, or the new name of the file else
  • Return: a new reader that contains the same files as $toConvert but with a different name


Callable   $function   —  Function called to modify the name of the file $function takes the name of the file as a parameter and returns the new name, or false if the file must be discarded
File_Archive_Reader   $toConvert   —  The files of this source will be modified
   &$toConvert   — 

[ Top ]

extract   [line 1230]

null extract( &$sourceToConvert, &$destToConvert, [bool $autoClose = true], [int $bufferSize = 0], File_Archive_Reader $source, File_Archive_Writer $dest)

File_Archive::extract($source, $dest) is equivalent to $source->extract($dest)

If $source is a PEAR error, the error will be returned It is thus easier to use this function than $source->extract, since it reduces the number of error checking and doesn't force you to define a variable $source

You may use strings as source and dest. In that case the source is automatically converted to a reader using File_Archive::read and the dest is converted to a writer using File_Archive::appender Since PHP doesn't allow to pass literal strings by ref, you will have to use temporary variables. File_Archive::extract($src = 'archive.zip/', $dest = 'dir') will extract the archive to 'dir' It is the same as File_Archive::extract( File_Archive::read('archive.zip/'), File_Archive::appender('dir') ); You may use any variable in the extract function ($from/$to, $a/$b...).

  • Return: or a PEAR error if an error occured


File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  The source that will be read
File_Archive_Writer   $dest   —  Where to copy $source files
bool   $autoClose   —  if true (default), $dest will be closed after the extraction
int   $bufferSize   —  Size of the buffer to use to move data from the reader to the buffer If $bufferSize <= 0 (default), the blockSize option is used You shouldn't need to change that
   &$sourceToConvert   — 
   &$destToConvert   — 

[ Top ]

filter   [line 802]

void filter( File_Archive_Predicate $predicate, &$toConvert, File_Archive_Reader $source)

Removes from a source the files that do not follow a given predicat
  • See: File_Archive_Reader_Filter


File_Archive_Predicate   $predicate   —  Only the files for which $predicate->isTrue() will be kept
File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  Source that will be filtered
   &$toConvert   — 

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getOption   [line 140]

void getOption( $name)

Retrieve the value of an option


   $name   — 

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isKnownExtension   [line 620]

bool isKnownExtension( string $extension)

Check if a file with a specific extension can be read as an archive with File_Archive::read* This function is case sensitive.
  • Return: whether this file can be understood reading its extension Currently, supported extensions are tar, zip, jar, gz, tgz, tbz, bz2, bzip2, ar, deb


string   $extension   —  the checked extension

[ Top ]

predAnd   [line 840]

void predAnd( File_Archive_Predicate 0)

Predicate that evaluates to the logical AND of the parameters You can add other predicates thanks to the File_Archive_Predicate_And::addPredicate() function
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_And


File_Archive_Predicate   0   —  (any number of them)

[ Top ]

predCustom   [line 1015]

void predCustom( string $expression)

Custom predicate built by supplying a string expression

Here are different ways to create a predicate that keeps only files with names shorter than 100 chars <sample> File_Archive::predCustom("return strlen($name)<100;") File_Archive::predCustom("strlen($name)<100;") File_Archive::predCustom("strlen($name)<100") File_Archive::predCustom("strlen($source->getFilename())<100") </sample>

  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Custom


string   $expression   —  String containing an expression that evaluates to a boolean. If the expression doesn't contain a return statement, it will be added at the begining of the expression A ';' will be added at the end of the expression so that you don't have to write it. You may use the $name variable to refer to the current filename (with path...), $time for the modification time (unix timestamp), $size for the size of the file in bytes, $mime for the MIME type of the file

[ Top ]

predEreg   [line 961]

void predEreg( string $ereg)

Evaluates to true iif the name of the file follow a given regular expression
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Ereg, ereg()
  • Deprecated: Make use of predPreg instead for PHP 5.3+ compatability


string   $ereg   —  regular expression that the filename must follow

[ Top ]

predEregi   [line 974]

void predEregi( string $ereg)

Evaluates to true iif the name of the file follow a given regular expression (case insensitive version)
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Eregi, eregi
  • Deprecated: Make use of predPreg instead for PHP 5.3+ compatability


string   $ereg   —  regular expression that the filename must follow

[ Top ]

predExtension   [line 921]

void predExtension( array $list)

Evaluates to true iif the extension of the file is in a given list
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Extension


array   $list   —  or string $list List or comma separated string of possible extension of the files

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predFalse   [line 827]

void predFalse( )

Predicate that always evaluate to false
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_False

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predIndex   [line 988]

void predIndex( array $indexes)

Evaluates to true only after a given number of evaluations This can be used to select files by index since the evaluation is done once per file


array   $indexes   —  The indexes for which the returned predicate will return true are the keys of the array The predicate will return true if isset($indexes[$pos])

[ Top ]

predMaxDepth   [line 909]

void predMaxDepth( int $depth)

Evaluates to true iif the file has less that a given number of directories in its path
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_MaxDepth


int   $depth   —  Maximal number of directories in path of the files

[ Top ]

predMIME   [line 934]

void predMIME( array $list)

Evaluates to true iif the MIME type of the file is in a given list
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_MIME, MIME_Type::isWildcard()


array   $list   —  or string $list List or comma separated string of possible MIME types of the files. You may enter wildcards like "image/*" to select all the MIME in class image

[ Top ]

predMinSize   [line 885]

void predMinSize( int $size)

Evaluates to true iif the file is larger than a given size
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_MinSize


int   $size   —  the minimal size of the files (in Bytes)

[ Top ]

predMinTime   [line 897]

void predMinTime( int $time)

Evaluates to true iif the file has been modified after a given time
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_MinTime


int   $time   —  Unix timestamp of the minimal modification time of the files

[ Top ]

predNot   [line 874]

void predNot( File_Archive_Predicate $pred)

Negate a predicate
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Not


File_Archive_Predicate   $pred   —  Predicate to negate

[ Top ]

predOr   [line 858]

void predOr( File_Archive_Predicate 0)

Predicate that evaluates to the logical OR of the parameters You can add other predicates thanks to the File_Archive_Predicate_Or::addPredicate() function
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Or


File_Archive_Predicate   0   —  (any number of them)

[ Top ]

predPreg   [line 947]

void predPreg( string $preg)

Evaluates to true iif the name of the file follow a given regular expression
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_Preg, preg_match()


string   $preg   —  regular expression that the filename must follow

[ Top ]

predTrue   [line 817]

void predTrue( )

Predicate that always evaluate to true
  • See: File_Archive_Predicate_True

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read   [line 474]

void read( $URL, [ $symbolic = null], [ $uncompression = 0], [ $directoryDepth = -1])


   $URL   — 
   $symbolic   — 
   $uncompression   — 
   $directoryDepth   — 

[ Top ]

readArchive   [line 651]

A readArchive( string $extension, &$toConvert, [bool $sourceOpened = false], File_Archive_Reader $source)

Create a reader that will read the single file source $source as a specific archive
  • Return: File_Archive_Reader that uncompresses the archive contained in $source interpreting it as a $extension archive If $extension is not handled return false


string   $extension   —  determines the kind of archive $source contains $extension is case sensitive
File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  stores the archive
bool   $sourceOpened   —  specifies if the archive is already opened if false, next will be called on source Closing the returned archive will close $source iif $sourceOpened is true
   &$toConvert   — 

[ Top ]

readConcat   [line 759]

void readConcat( &$toConvert, string $filename, [array $stat = array()], [string $mime = null], File_Archive_Reader $toConvert)

Make the files of a source appear as one large file whose content is the concatenation of the content of all the files
  • See: File_Archive_Reader_Concat


File_Archive_Reader   $toConvert   —  The source whose files must be concatened
string   $filename   —  name of the only file of the created reader
array   $stat   —  statistics of the file. Index 7 (size) will be overwritten to match the total size of the files
string   $mime   —  mime type of the file. Default will determine the mime type thanks to the extension of $filename
   &$toConvert   — 

[ Top ]

readMemory   [line 716]

void readMemory( string $memory, string $filename, [array $stat = array()], [string $mime = null])

Contains only one file with data read from a memory buffer
  • See: File_Archive_Reader_Memory


string   $memory   —  content of the file
string   $filename   —  public name of the file
array   $stat   —  statistics of the file. Index 7 (size) will be overwritten to match the size of $memory
string   $mime   —  mime type of the file. Default will determine the mime type thanks to the extension of $filename

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readMulti   [line 732]

void readMulti( [array $sources = array()])

Contains several other sources. Take care the sources don't have several files with the same filename. The sources are given as a parameter, or can be added thanks to the reader addSource method
  • See: File_Archive_Reader_Multi, File_Archive::read()


array   $sources   —  Array of strings or readers that will be added to the multi reader. If the parameter is a string, a reader will be built thanks to the read function

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readSource   [line 257]

void readSource( &$source, $URL, [ $symbolic = null], [ $uncompression = 0], [ $directoryDepth = -1])

Create a reader to read the URL $URL.

If the URL is a directory, it will recursively read that directory. If $uncompressionLevel is not null, the archives (files with extension tar, zip, gz or tgz) will be considered as directories (up to a depth of $uncompressionLevel if $uncompressionLevel > 0). The reader will only read files with a directory depth of $directoryDepth. It reader will replace the given URL ($URL) with $symbolic in the public filenames The default symbolic name is the last filename in the URL (or '' for directories)

Examples: Considere the following file system

 b.tar (archive that contains the following files)
     d.tgz (archive that contains the following files)
         h.tar (archive that contains the following files)

read('.') will return a reader that gives access to following files (recursively read current dir):


read('.', 'myBaseDir') will return the following reader:


read('.', '', -1) will return the following reader (uncompress everything)


read('.', '', 1) will uncompress only one level (so d.tgz will not be uncompressed):


read('.', '', 0, 0) will not recurse into subdirectories


read('.', '', 0, 1) will recurse only one level in subdirectories


read('.', '', -1, 2) will uncompress everything and recurse in only 2 levels in subdirectories or archives


The recursion level is determined by the real path, not the symbolic one. So read('.', 'myBaseDir', -1, 2) will result to the same files:

 myBaseDir/b.tar/d.tgz/e.txt (accepted because the real depth is 2)

Use readSource to do the same thing, reading from a specified reader instead of reading from the system files

To read a single file, you can do read('a.txt', 'public_name.txt') If no public name is provided, the default one is the name of the file read('dir2/g.txt') contains the single file named 'g.txt' read('b.tar/c.txt') contains the single file named 'c.txt'

Note: This function uncompress files reading their extension The compressed files must have a tar, zip, gz or tgz extension Since it is impossible for some URLs to use is_dir or is_file, this function may not work with URLs containing folders which name ends with such an extension


   &$source   — 
   $URL   — 
   $symbolic   — 
   $uncompression   — 
   $directoryDepth   — 

[ Top ]

readUploadedFile   [line 494]

File_Archive_Reader readUploadedFile( string $name)

Create a file reader on an uploaded file. The reader will read $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'] and will have $_FILES[$name]['name'] as a symbolic filename.

A PEAR error is returned if one of the following happen

  • $_FILES[$name] is not set
  • $_FILES[$name]['error'] is not 0
  • is_uploaded_file returns false

  • Return: File reader on the uploaded file


string   $name   —  Index of the file in the $_FILES array

[ Top ]

remove   [line 1404]

void remove( $URL $pred, $URL)

Remove the files that follow a given predicate from the archive specified in $URL


$URL   $pred   —  URL of the archive where some files must be removed
   $URL   — 

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removeDuplicates   [line 1443]

void removeDuplicates( $URL)

Remove duplicates from the archive specified in the URL


   $URL   — 

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removeDuplicatesFromSource   [line 1416]

void removeDuplicatesFromSource( File_Archive_Reader &$toConvert, [ $URL = null])

Remove duplicates from a source, keeping the most recent one (or the one that has highest pos in the archive if the files have same date or no date specified)


File_Archive_Reader   &$toConvert   —  a reader that may contain duplicates
   $URL   — 

[ Top ]

removeFromSource   [line 1376]

void removeFromSource( &$pred, &$toConvert, [ $URL = null], File_Archive_Predicate $pred, File_Archive_Reader $source)

Remove the files that follow a given predicate from the source If URL is null, the files will be removed from the source directly Else, URL must link to a source from which the files will be removed


File_Archive_Predicate   $pred   —  The files that follow the predicate (for which $pred->isTrue($source) is true) will be erased
File_Archive_Reader   $source   —  A reader that contains the files to remove
   &$pred   — 
   &$toConvert   — 
   $URL   — 

[ Top ]

setOption   [line 127]

void setOption( $name, $value)

Sets an option that will be used by default by all readers or writers Option names are case sensitive Currently, the following options are used:

"cache" Instance of a Cache_Lite object used to cache some compressed data to speed up future compressions of files Default: null (no cache used)

"zipCompressionLevel" Value between 0 and 9 specifying the default compression level used by Zip writers (0 no compression, 9 highest compression) Default: 9

"gzCompressionLevel" Value between 0 and 9 specifying the default compression level used by Gz writers (0 no compression, 9 highest compression) Default: 9

"tmpDirectory" Directory where the temporary files generated by File_Archive will be created Default: '.'

"appendRemoveDuplicates" If set to true, the appender created will by default remove the file present in the archive when adding a new one. This will slow the appending of files to archives Default: false

"blockSize" To transfer data from a reader to a writer, some chunks a read from the source and written to the writer. This parameter controls the size of the chunks Default: 64kB

"cacheCondition" This parameter specifies when a cache should be used. When the cache is used, the data of the reader is saved in a temporary file for future access. The cached reader will be read only once, even if you read it several times. This can be usefull to read compressed files or downloaded files (from http or ftp) The possible values for this option are

  • false: never use cache
  • a regexp: A cache will be used if the specified URL matches the regexp preg_match is used
Default: false Example: '/^(http|ftp):\/\//' will cache all files downloaded via http or ftp


   $name   — 
   $value   — 

[ Top ]

toArchive   [line 1125]

void toArchive( string $filename, &$toConvert, [string $type = null], [array $stat = array()], [bool $autoClose = true], File_Archive_Writer $innerWriter)

Compress the data to a tar, gz, tar/gz or zip format


string   $filename   —  name of the archive file
File_Archive_Writer   $innerWriter   —  writer where the archive will be written
string   $type   —  can be one of tgz, tbz, tar, zip, gz, gzip, bz2, bzip2 (default is the extension of $filename) or any composition of them (for example tar.gz or tar.bz2). The case of this parameter is not important.
array   $stat   —  Statistics of the archive (see stat function)
bool   $autoClose   —  If set to true, $innerWriter will be closed when the returned archive is close. Default value is true.
   &$toConvert   — 

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toFiles   [line 1045]

void toFiles( [string $baseDir = ""])

Write the files on the hard drive
  • See: File_Archive_Writer_Files


string   $baseDir   —  if specified, the files will be created in that directory. If they don't exist, the directories will automatically be created

[ Top ]

toMail   [line 1032]

void toMail( $to, array $headers, string $message, [Mail $mail = null])

Send the files as a mail attachment
  • See: File_Archive_Writer_Mail


Mail   $mail   —  Object used to send mail (see Mail::factory)
array   $headers   —  or String $to An array or a string with comma separated recipients
string   $message   —  Text body of the mail
   $to   — 

[ Top ]

toMemory   [line 1064]

void toMemory( out $data)

Send the content of the files to a memory buffer

toMemory returns a writer where the data will be written. In this case, the data is accessible using the getData member

toVariable returns a writer that will write into the given variable

  • See: File_Archive_Writer_Memory


out   $data   —  if specified, the data will be written to this buffer Else, you can retrieve the buffer with the File_Archive_Writer_Memory::getData() function

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toMulti   [line 1080]

void toMulti( &$aC, &$bC, File_Archive_Writer $a,)

Duplicate the writing operation on two writers
  • See: File_Archive_Writer_Multi


File_Archive_Writer   $a,   —  $b writers where data will be duplicated
   &$aC   — 
   &$bC   — 

[ Top ]

toOutput   [line 1106]

void toOutput( [bool $sendHeaders = true])

Send the content of the files to the standard output (so to the client for a website)
  • See: File_Archive_Writer_Output


bool   $sendHeaders   —  If true some headers will be sent to force the download of the file. Default value is true

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toVariable   [line 1069]

void toVariable( &$v)


   &$v   — 

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