[ class tree: Contact_Vcard_Build ] [ index: Contact_Vcard_Build ] [ all elements ]

Class: Contact_Vcard_Build

Source Location: /Contact_Vcard_Build-1.1.2/Contact/Vcard/Build.php

Class Overview


This class builds a single vCard (version 3.0 or 2.1).



  • Release: 1.1.2


  • 1997-2007 The PHP Group



Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 72]
This class builds a single vCard (version 3.0 or 2.1).

General note: we use the terms "set" "add" and "get" as function prefixes.

"Set" means there is only one iteration of a component, and it has only one value repetition, so you set the whole thing at once.

"Add" means eith multiple iterations of a component are allowed, or that there is only one iteration allowed but there can be multiple value repetitions, so you add iterations or repetitions to the current stack.

"Get" returns the full vCard line for a single iteration.

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$autoparam =  null

[line 97]

Tracks which component (N, ADR, TEL, etc) value was last set or added.

Used when adding parameters automatically to the proper component.

  • Access: public

Type:   string

[ Top ]

$param = array()

[line 88]

Parameters for vCard components.
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

$value = array()

[line 80]

Values for vCard components.
  • Access: public

Type:   array

[ Top ]

Method Detail

Contact_Vcard_Build (Constructor)   [line 110]

void Contact_Vcard_Build( [string $version = '3.0'])



string   $version   —  The vCard version to build; affects which parameters are allowed and which components are returned by fetch().

[ Top ]

addAddress   [line 1355]

void addAddress( mixed $pob, mixed $extend, mixed $street, mixed $locality, mixed $region, mixed $postcode, mixed $country)

Sets the value of one entire ADR iteration. There can be zero, one, or more ADR components in a vCard.
  • Access: public


mixed   $pob   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the p.o. box part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $extend   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the "extended address" part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $street   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the street address part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $locality   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the locailty (e.g., city) part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $region   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the region (e.g., state, province, or governorate) part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $postcode   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the postal code (e.g., ZIP code) part of the ADR component iteration.
mixed   $country   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple repetitions) of the country-name part of the ADR component iteration.

[ Top ]

addCategories   [line 1563]

void addCategories( mixed $text)

Sets the full value of the CATEGORIES component. There is only one component iteration allowed per vCard, but there may be multiple value repetitions in the iteration.
  • Access: public


mixed   $text   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple reptitions) of the component iteration value.

[ Top ]

addEmail   [line 1493]

void addEmail( string $text)

Sets the value of one EMAIL component iteration. There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

addLabel   [line 1403]

void addLabel( string $text)

Sets the value of one LABEL component iteration. There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

addNickname   [line 1533]

void addNickname( mixed $text)

Sets the full value of the NICKNAME component. There is only one component iteration allowed per vCard, but there may be multiple value repetitions in the iteration.
  • Access: public


mixed   $text   —  String (one repetition) or array (multiple reptitions) of the component iteration value.

[ Top ]

addOrganization   [line 1601]

void addOrganization( mixed $text)

Sets the full value of the ORG component. There can be only one ORG component in a vCard.

The ORG component can have one or more parts (as opposed to repetitions of values within those parts). The first part is the highest-level organization, the second part is the next-highest, the third part is the third-highest, and so on. There can by any number of parts in one ORG iteration. (This is different from other components, such as NICKNAME, where an iteration has only one part but may have many repetitions within that part.)

  • Access: public


mixed   $text   —  String (one ORG part) or array (of ORG parts) to use as the value for the component iteration.

[ Top ]

addParam   [line 211]

mixed addParam( string $param_name, string $param_value, [string $comp = null], [mixed $iter = null])

Adds a parameter value for a given component and parameter name.

Note that although vCard 2.1 allows you to specify a parameter value without a name (e.g., "HOME" instead of "TYPE=HOME") this class is not so lenient. ;-) You must specify a parameter name (TYPE, ENCODING, etc) when adding a parameter. Call multiple times if you want to add multiple values to the same parameter. E.g.:

$vcard = new Contact_Vcard_Build();

// set "TYPE=HOME,PREF" for the first TEL component $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'HOME', 'TEL', 0); $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'PREF', 'TEL', 0);

  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Access: public


string   $param_name   —  The parameter name, such as TYPE, VALUE, or ENCODING.
string   $param_value   —  The parameter value.
string   $comp   —  The vCard component for which this is a paramter (ADR, TEL, etc). If null, will be the component that was last set or added-to.
mixed   $iter   —  An integer vCard component iteration that this is a param for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR component, 0 refers to the first ADR,
  1. to the second ADR, and so on. If null, the
parameter will be added to the last component iteration available.

[ Top ]

addTelephone   [line 1443]

mixed addTelephone( string $text, [string $type = 'phone'])

Sets the value of one component iteration. There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard. This function also takes a type argument to be able to add mobiles, fax and voice as well.
  • Return: void on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::_getTelephoneType()


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.
string   $type   —  The type: phone, mobile, fax or voice

[ Top ]

addValue   [line 564]

void addValue( string $comp, int $iter, int $part, mixed $text)

Generic, all-purpose method to add a repetition of a string or array in $this->value, in a way suitable for later output as a vCard element. This appends the value to be the passed text or array value, leaving any prior values in place.
  • Access: public


string   $comp   —  The component to set the value for ('N', 'ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The component-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the component-iteration to set the value for.
mixed   $text   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this component-iteration part.

[ Top ]

countIter   [line 2036]

int countIter( string $type)

Count the number of iterations for an element type.
  • Return: The number of iterations for that type.
  • Access: public


string   $type   —  The element type to count iterations for (ADR, ORG, etc).

[ Top ]

countRept   [line 2055]

int countRept( string $type, int $rept)

Count the number of repetitions for an element type and iteration number.
  • Return: The number of repetitions for that type and iteration.
  • Access: public


string   $type   —  The element type to count iterations for (ADR, ORG, etc).
int   $rept   —  The iteration number to count repetitions for.

[ Top ]

escape   [line 133]

mixed escape( mixed &$text)

Prepares a string so it may be safely used as vCard values. DO NOT use this with binary encodings. Operates on text in-place; does not return a value. Recursively descends into arrays.

Escapes a string so that... : => \; ; => \; , => \, newline => literal \n

  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Access: public


mixed   &$text   —  The string or array or strings to escape.

[ Top ]

fetch   [line 1712]

string fetch( )

Fetches a full vCard text block based on $this->value and

$this->param. The order of the returned components is similar to their order in RFC 2426. Honors the value of $this->value['VERSION'] to determine which vCard components are returned (2.1- or 3.0-compliant).

  • Return: A properly formatted vCard text block.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getAddress   [line 1379]

mixed getAddress( int $iter)

Gets back the value of one ADR component iteration.
  • Return: The value of this component iteration, or a PEAR_Error if the iteration is not valid.
  • Access: public


int   $iter   —  The component iteration-number to get the value for.

[ Top ]

getAgent   [line 1288]

string getAgent( )

Gets back the value of the AGENT component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getBirthday   [line 963]

string getBirthday( )

Gets back the value of the BDAY component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getCategories   [line 1577]

string getCategories( )

Gets back the value of the CATEGORIES component. There is only one component allowed per vCard, but there may be multiple value repetitions in the iteration.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getClass   [line 1152]

string getClass( )

Gets back the value of the CLASS component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getEmail   [line 1513]

mixed getEmail( int $iter)

Gets back the value of one iteration of the EMAIL component. There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component, or a PEAR_Error if the iteration number is not valid.
  • Access: public


int   $iter   —  The component iteration-number to get the value for.

[ Top ]

getFormattedName   [line 723]

string getFormattedName( )

Gets back the full FN component value. Only ever returns iteration zero, because only one FN component is allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The FN value of the vCard.
  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::getMeta()
  • Uses: self::getMeta()

[ Top ]

getGeo   [line 1319]

string getGeo( )

Gets back the value of the GEO component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getKey   [line 936]

string getKey( )

Gets back the value of the KEY component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getLabel   [line 1421]

mixed getLabel( int $iter)

Gets back the value of one iteration of the LABEL component.

There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard.

  • Return: The value of this component, or a PEAR_Error if the iteration number is not valid.
  • Access: public


int   $iter   —  The component iteration-number to get the value for.

[ Top ]

getLogo   [line 882]

string getLogo( )

Gets back the value of the LOGO component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getMailer   [line 1017]

string getMailer( )

Gets back the value of the MAILER component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getMeta   [line 2012]

string getMeta( string $comp, [int $iter = 0])

Gets the left-side/prefix/before-the-colon (metadata) part of a vCard line, including the component identifier, the parameter list, and a colon.
  • Return: The line prefix metadata.
  • Access: public


string   $comp   —  The component to get metadata for (ADR, TEL, etc).
int   $iter   —  The vCard component iteration to get the metadata for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR component,
  1. refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR,
and so on.

[ Top ]

getName   [line 651]

string getName( )

Gets back the full N component (first iteration only, since there can only be one N component per vCard).
  • Return: The first N component-interation of the vCard.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getNickname   [line 1547]

string getNickname( )

Gets back the value of the NICKNAME component. There is only one component allowed per vCard, but there may be multiple value repetitions in the iteration.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getNote   [line 1044]

string getNote( )

Gets back the value of the NOTE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getOrganization   [line 1622]

string getOrganization( )

Gets back the value of the ORG component.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getParam   [line 454]

string getParam( string $comp, [int $iter = 0])

Gets back the parameter string for a given component.
  • Access: public


string   $comp   —  The component to get parameters for (ADR, TEL, etc).
int   $iter   —  The vCard component iteration to get the param list for. E.g., if you have more than one ADR component,
  1. refers to the first ADR, 1 to the second ADR, and so on.

[ Top ]

getPhoto   [line 848]

string getPhoto( )

Gets back the value of the PHOTO component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component or false if no photo is set.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getProductID   [line 1206]

string getProductID( )

Gets back the value of the PRODID component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getRevision   [line 1234]

string getRevision( )

Gets back the value of the REV component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getRole   [line 1098]

string getRole( )

Gets back the value of the ROLE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getSortString   [line 1179]

string getSortString( )

Gets back the value of the SORT-STRING component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getSound   [line 909]

string getSound( )

Gets back the value of the SOUND component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getSource   [line 777]

string getSource( )

Gets back the data-source of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Return: The data-source of the vCard.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getSourceName   [line 815]

string getSourceName( )

Gets back the displayed data-source name of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Return: The data-source name of the vCard.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getTelephone   [line 1469]

mixed getTelephone( int $iter, [string $type = 'phone'])

Gets back the value of one iteration of the TEL component. There can be zero, one, or more component iterations in a vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component, or a PEAR_Error if the iteration number is not valid.
  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::_getTelephoneType()


int   $iter   —  The component iteration-number to get the value for.
string   $type   —  The type: phone, mobile, fax, voice

[ Top ]

getTitle   [line 1071]

string getTitle( )

Gets back the value of the TITLE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getTZ   [line 990]

string getTZ( )

Gets back the value of the TZ component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getUniqueID   [line 1261]

string getUniqueID( )

Gets back the value of the UID component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getURL   [line 1125]

string getURL( )

Gets back the value of the URL component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Return: The value of this component.
  • Access: public

[ Top ]

getValue   [line 593]

string getValue( string $comp, [int $iter = 0], [int $part = 0], [mixed $rept = null])

Generic, all-purpose method to get back the data stored in $this->value.
  • Return: The value, escaped and delimited, of all repetitions in the component-iteration part (or specific repetition within the part).
  • Access: public


string   $comp   —  The component to set the value for ('N', 'ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The component-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the component-iteration to get the value for.
mixed   $rept   —  The repetition number within the part to get; if null, get all repetitions of the part within the iteration.

[ Top ]

getVersion   [line 752]

string getVersion( )

Gets back the version of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Return: The data-source of the vCard.
  • Access: public
  • Uses: self::getMeta()

[ Top ]

reset   [line 507]

void reset( [string $version = null])

Resets the vCard values and params to be blank.
  • Access: public


string   $version   —  The vCard version to reset to ('2.1' or '3.0' -- default is the same version as previously set).

[ Top ]

send   [line 1981]

void send( string $filename, [string $disposition = 'attachment'], [string $charset = 'us-ascii'])

Send the vCard as a downloadable file.
  • Return: or Pear_Error in case of an error.
  • Access: public


string   $filename   —  The file name to give the vCard.
string   $disposition   —  How the file should be sent, either 'inline' or 'attachment'.
string   $charset   —  The character set to use, defaults to 'us-ascii'.

[ Top ]

setAgent   [line 1275]

void setAgent( string $text)

Sets the value of the AGENT component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setBirthday   [line 950]

void setBirthday( string $text)

Sets the value of the BDAY component. There is only one allowed per vCard. Date format is "yyyy-mm-dd[Thh:ii[:ss[Z|-06:00]]]".
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setClass   [line 1139]

void setClass( string $text)

Sets the value of the CLASS component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setFormattedName   [line 672]

mixed setFormattedName( [string $text = null])

Sets the FN component of the card. If no text is passed as the FN value, constructs an FN automatically from N components. There is only one FN iteration per vCard.
  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  Override the automatic generation of FN from N elements with the specified text.

[ Top ]

setFromArray   [line 1662]

void setFromArray( array $src)

Builds a vCard from a Contact_Vcard_Parse result array. Only send one vCard from the parse-results.

Usage (to build from first vCard in parsed results):

$parse = new Contact_Vcard_Parse(); // new parser $info = $parse->fromFile('sample.vcf'); // parse file

$vcard = new Contact_Vcard_Build(); // new builder $vcard->setFromArray($info[0]); // [0] is the first card

  • See: Contact_Vcard_Parse::fromText()
  • See: Contact_Vcard_Parse::fromFile()
  • Access: public


array   $src   —  One vCard entry as parsed using Contact_Vcard_Parse.

[ Top ]

setGeo   [line 1305]

void setGeo( string $lat, string $lon)

Sets the value of both parts of the GEO component. There is only one GEO component allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $lat   —  The value to set for the longitude part (decimal, + or -).
string   $lon   —  The value to set for the latitude part (decimal, + or -).

[ Top ]

setKey   [line 923]

void setKey( string $text)

Sets the value of the KEY component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setLogo   [line 869]

void setLogo( string $text)

Sets the value of the LOGO component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setMailer   [line 1004]

void setMailer( string $text)

Sets the value of the MAILER component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setName   [line 633]

void setName( mixed $family, mixed $given, mixed $addl, mixed $prefix, mixed $suffix)

Sets the full N component of the vCard. Will replace all other values. There can only be one N component per vCard.
  • Access: public


mixed   $family   —  Single (string) or multiple (array) family/last name.
mixed   $given   —  Single (string) or multiple (array) given/first name.
mixed   $addl   —  Single (string) or multiple (array) additional/middle name.
mixed   $prefix   —  Single (string) or multiple (array) honorific prefix such as Mr., Miss, etc.
mixed   $suffix   —  Single (string) or multiple (array) honorific suffix such as III, Jr., Ph.D., etc.

[ Top ]

setNote   [line 1031]

void setNote( string $text)

Sets the value of the NOTE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setPhoto   [line 830]

void setPhoto( string $text, [boolean $url = false])

Sets the value of the PHOTO component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.
boolean   $url   —  True or false, depending if $text is one.

[ Top ]

setProductID   [line 1193]

void setProductID( string $text)

Sets the value of the PRODID component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setRevision   [line 1221]

void setRevision( string $text)

Sets the value of the REV component. There is only one allowed per vCard. This value is free and should reflect whatever you use for control - e.g. a DATETIME value.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setRole   [line 1085]

void setRole( string $text)

Sets the value of the ROLE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setSortString   [line 1166]

void setSortString( string $text)

Sets the value of the SORT-STRING component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setSound   [line 896]

void setSound( string $text)

Sets the value of the SOUND component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setSource   [line 765]

void setSource( string $text)

Sets the data-source of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The text value of the data-source text.

[ Top ]

setSourceName   [line 792]

mixed setSourceName( [string $text = null])

Sets the displayed name of the vCard data-source. Only one iteration.

If no name is specified, copies the value of SOURCE.

  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The text value of the displayed data-source name. If null, copies the value of SOURCE.

[ Top ]

setTitle   [line 1058]

void setTitle( string $text)

Sets the value of the TITLE component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setTZ   [line 977]

void setTZ( string $text)

Sets the value of the TZ component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setUniqueID   [line 1248]

void setUniqueID( string $text)

Sets the value of the UID component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setURL   [line 1112]

void setURL( string $text)

Sets the value of the URL component. There is only one allowed per vCard.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The value to set for this component.

[ Top ]

setValue   [line 539]

void setValue( string $comp, int $iter, int $part, mixed $text)

Generic, all-purpose method to store a string or array in $this->value, in a way suitable for later output as a vCard element. This forces the value to be the passed text or array value, overriding any prior values.
  • Access: public


string   $comp   —  The component to set the value for ('N', 'ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The component-iteration to set the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the component-iteration to set the value for.
mixed   $text   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this component-iteration part.

[ Top ]

setVersion   [line 736]

mixed setVersion( [string $text = '3.0'])

Sets the version of the the vCard. Only one iteration.
  • Return: Void on success, or a PEAR_Error object on failure.
  • Access: public


string   $text   —  The text value of the verson text ('3.0' or '2.1').

[ Top ]

validateParam   [line 265]

mixed validateParam( string $name, string $text, [string $comp = null], [string $iter = null])

Validates parameter names and values based on the vCard version (2.1 or 3.0).
  • Return: Boolean true if the parameter is valid, or a PEAR_Error object if not.
  • Access: public


string   $name   —  The parameter name (e.g., TYPE or ENCODING).
string   $text   —  The parameter value (e.g., HOME or BASE64).
string   $comp   —  Optional, the component name (e.g., ADR or PHOTO). Only used for error messaging.
string   $iter   —  Optional, the iteration of the component. Only used for error messaging.

[ Top ]

_setParam   [line 2112]

void _setParam( string $comp, int $iter, int $part, mixed $rept, mixed $text)

  • Access: protected


string   $comp   —  The component to set the param for.
int   $iter   —  The component-iteration to set the param for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the component-iteration to set the param for.
mixed   $rept   —  The repetition number within the part to get; if null, get all repetitions of the part within the iteration.
mixed   $text   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this component-iteration part.

[ Top ]

_setValue   [line 2091]

void _setValue( string $comp, int $iter, int $part, mixed $rept, mixed $text)

  • Access: protected


string   $comp   —  The component to set the value for ('N', 'ADR', etc).
int   $iter   —  The component-iteration to set the value for. the value for.
int   $part   —  The part number of the component-iteration to set
mixed   $rept   —  The repetition number within the part to get; if null, get all repetitions of the part within the iteration.
mixed   $text   —  A string or array; the set of repeated values for this component-iteration part.

[ Top ]

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